Chen Jun bent down to pick up An Ran and walked to the bedside.

An Ran said casually: "Wait, surrender can't be done, the first kill is very tragic, the ammunition is exhausted, and you still need to recuperate, when tonight, the two armies will face each other, and then divide the victory and defeat, how about it?"

Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "It is worthy of being a god with 30,000 words a day, Zhang Tao praises her for her specialty writing, Chen Xiao has to apprentice to several teachers, and the export is a chapter, and it is so reasonable, the meaning is profound, if you don't think about it carefully, you can't understand the meaning." "

The daughter-in-law has become an old driver in the hands of the joke!"

Chen Jun squeezed away Da Bai Mang and said: "This time I participated in the sports meeting, experience tells me that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, the two armies must be ruthless in battle, life and death fight, you have one more breath than the other party, you are the winner."

An Ran's eyes lit up and said, "Chen Jun, your pattern has opened." After

speaking, she was like a white snake wrapping around Chen Jun's waist...


At this moment, at the door of the hospital's treatment room, Shi Sen, who was sweating profusely, was pushed out and lay on the hospital bed, gasping for breath.

His injuries were not particularly serious, and his internal organs were not injured, but his hands were fractured and needed to be placed in a plaster cast, but after some examination, he was too tired to toss.

This is the horror of Western medicine, before the formal treatment has begun, you have been given a variety of examinations, and normal people can toss half their lives.

Shi Sen, an iron man, was scared.

Chen Xiao waited outside the room, and when he saw that Shi Sen was finally pushed out, seeing that his complexion was not bad, he immediately stepped forward and said, "How do you feel?" Is the injury getting better?

Shi Sen nodded and said: "It's not a big problem, there is no big problem with internal organs, muscles and bones, but the wound is really painful, if you move, will you break out in a cold sweat all over your body, the dog is a big white ghost, and the attack is really heavy." "

Looking back now, it was really thrilling at that time, if the big white ghost at that time insisted on a little longer, Shi Sen would definitely be seriously injured if he didn't die, and it would definitely not be as easy as it is now.

Chen Xiao smiled slightly and said, "It's good if there are no major injuries, it seems that Chen Jun's kid's method of harmonizing qi and blood is really good."

Shi Sen said: "It's

really good, the doctors wonder why my injuries recovered so quickly."

He remembered that Chen Jun had massaged himself once, and he felt that his whole body breath quickly recovered.

Chen smiled: "Chen Jun does have the ability, by the way, do you want to divert your attention?"

Shi Sen wondered: "What for?"

Chen smiled: "Because of the difficulties, Chen Jun promised Director Zhang to write a 200,000-word ideological report, so you only had to write 60,000 words, but now it has become 200,000 words." The corners of Shi

Sen's mouth twitched, and he said, "Why do you want to write an ideological report?" What was wrong with me?

Chen Xiao smiled bitterly: "Director Zhang is too old, he has been secretly recording all the way, and he has exploded a foul word, which is a 10,000-word ideological report, and you have said it a total of 6 times, so 60,000 words." "

Damn, the minotaur must die!" Shi Sen couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth, accidentally twitched the wound, and immediately bared his teeth in pain.

"Paralyzed, Director Zhang is hiding a knife in his smile! I heard it in a daze, I thought it was a dream, but I didn't think it was true, shit, are you diverting attention? "

How to write a report of 200,000 words? I cut off his hands, and I can't even write them!

Shi Sen is a rough man, let him fight hard, let him take the pen, it is better to cut off his head.

The most depressing thing is, who set the rule that if you say foul language, you have to write a report?

Chen Xiao shook his head and said: "Ideological and political consciousness is greater than the sky, Director Zhang is holding a sharp sword, wait for you to heal from your injury, go and reason with him?" See if he agrees?

The corners of Shi Sen's mouth twitched, and his face was very bad.

Go to reason with Director Zhang? Can you talk to each other?

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "However, brother, you don't have to worry too much, there is good news, we can go to Chen Jun's daughter-in-law, Director Zhang has said it, she is very capable, 30,000 words a day is no problem, there must be a routine here."

"Director Zhang also asked us to go to her to study, and Chen Jun agreed."

"Makes sense." Shi Sen nodded, "Don't talk about this, tell me, how is the next game?"

Chen smiled: "It's a pity that you didn't witness it with your own eyes, let me tell you, at that time..."

Time flickered, I don't know how many hours had passed, and when Chen Jun found Enron, it was exactly 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and it was already sunset.

The afterglow of the setting sun dyed half of the sky golden red, like the paint that God had poured out at will.

In the bedroom, the afterglow of the sunset is staggered, and the spring breeze penetrates the begonias.

An Ran propped up the dresser with both hands, looked at Chen Jun with a confused look, and said with a slight gasp: "Sure enough, he is a good hand at doing bad things."

Chen Jun leaned over and vented all the negative emotions in this military games, and couldn't help but let out a low roar, like the roar of a fierce beast.

After a few seconds, Chen Jun said, "Daughter-in-law, it's good to have you."

An Ran hummed softly, which was a response.

Chen Jun said: "This is really the best way to relax.

An Ran hummed again, feeling that he had no strength anymore, and his whole body was weak.

Chen Jun said: "It's more comfortable than abusing those Ah San, I'm addicted."

An Ran slapped him lightly with his backhand, and tried to push him away, without saying anything.

Today, I once again learned that my man is powerful, more fierce and stronger than last time.

Chen Jun's ideological problems are not easy to do, his physical fitness is too strong, and his endurance is still very strong, he has done enough homework, thinking that he can withstand it, but when the two armies are really facing each other, he is still unable to defeat the army, only the power to parry, and there is no ability to fight back.

I don't know how Chen Jun practiced, he has only been seen for three days, and his combat effectiveness has improved a lot, if he sees him once a month in the future, won't he have to rest for three days?

The battle is finally over, and Anran goes to the bath room to wash.

Chen Jun lay lazily on the bed, relaxing wholeheartedly.

This way of relaxation is more thorough than any kind of venting, no matter how irritable you are and how much you squeeze the flames, you can burst out at once.

Before Chen Jun crossed, he had only seen various descriptions in the book, of course, the small short films of the island country also had 500G, and all kinds of dead and alive felt exaggerated.

Now it seems that it is not unreasonable.

When a man is strong to a certain extent, he can really do whatever he wants, gallop the territory, feel all kinds of scenery, as if he is in a fairyland.

Chen Jun casually picked up the mobile phone on the counter and saw Chen Xiao send a message.

"Brother Chen, where is your capable daughter-in-law? We want to ask her about writing, 200,000 words, it's too difficult, please.

Chen Jun looked at the time, it was sent three hours ago.

It feels okay....

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