At this moment, in the car, He Chenguang approached Chen Jun and said in a low voice: "Chen Lian, I don't feel right, are you sure this is going to travel?" How do I feel like I'm rushing to the court? "

He is very clear about Lao Fan's approach, and it is impossible to make them so comfortable.

There must be a demon when things go wrong, Lao Fan is too good to them today, he is eating dessert and traveling, how can there be such a good thing?

And from the point of view of the direction of progress, it is not into the city, but into the suburbs.

Chen Jun nodded.

I have to admit that He Chenguang's sixth sense is very strong, and he can detect this subtle change.

Wang Yanbing said heartlessly: "I feel that this is a private room to watch a movie, we have been abused for so long, and if we don't relax, we will probably become neurotic."

He Chenguang said: "Just your brain..."

Wang Yanbing grinned, and his eyes fell on Chen Jun: "Chen Lian, according to your strength, there shouldn't be any need to come to the wolf's tooth, you are here to accept the challenge of the nameless rats, and make yourself more instructors than those instructors."

Chen Jun ignored it, but looked at He Chenguang and said, "What do you think?"

He Chenguang said solemnly: "Chen Lian, you have won the respect of so many people, and you will set up a commando team in the future, just one sentence."

Chen Jun nodded.

He Chenguang is worthy of being a character with the aura of the protagonist, and his brain is very useful.

Chen Jun didn't tell them too much, naturally it was training, and they should accept it, after all, this level always has to be passed.

The atmosphere in the carriage was very lively, like Li Erniu's face was full of flowers.

Fan Tianlei also encouraged everyone to sing all the way and relax, feeling like taking them out for an outing.

If Chen Jun didn't know Lao Fan's tricks, he would have been deceived by his superb acting skills.

However, it didn't take long before the car came to a stop after entering a jungle.

After getting out of the car, everyone entered an open place, and then was told that this was not a small movie, an action movie, but a scene of watching the execution of the prisoner and feeling the scene of an adult movie.

Now they immediately understood why Lao Fan let them eat so many tofu brains and red peppers... I just want to trap them.

When I saw the white flowers spraying directly on the wall at close range, many newcomers climaxed on the spot and vomited directly!

"Damn, it's too bad, I knew I wouldn't come!"

"Paralysis, I knew I wouldn't be so full, those tofu brains, lying grooves, red peppers

..."Wang Yanbing, who was vomiting, said loudly: "Brothers, make up for it, this is just a small adult movie, you see Bai Huahua, in fact, it's almost the same..."

A character like He Chenguang, who has the aura of the protagonist, can't bear it.

After all, they were all rookies, and it was the first time they had witnessed such a scene up close.

This kind of living visual stimulation is far more shocking than what they see on TV.


Their first impression was that killing someone was so easy.

The rookies couldn't vomit, Deng Zhenhua and the others didn't see anything in the past, it should be said that they were watching the excitement.

Enemies, they have all killed with their own hands, and they have all witnessed and even experienced more bloody pictures.

So these are pediatric for them.

They looked at Chen Jun from time to time, and when they saw that the other party had not changed their color, and there was no change before they came, they all admired it in their hearts.

This guy definitely has a story!

After Fan Tianlei finished pit these rookies, he ran to talk to Mr. Wen about something, and the senior team of the armed police squadron also stood aside.

Several of them stood together and chatted, and their expressions were very relaxed.

Chen Jun was not interested in them at all, and immediately turned on the [Hacker Tracking Technique] to continuously scan the surroundings to find traces of the scorpion.

That's what he's really here for.

If the scorpion doesn't appear, I'm afraid it will take a lot of energy to find his traces.

A real hacker can trace the source according to the clues, conduct accurate tracking, and generate information about the tracking.

This is the definition of "hacker tracking".

The next moment, Chen Jun felt that he had become the most experienced hunter in the world, the most experienced scout, he was more experienced than the tracking of hounds.

He felt that the pupils of his eyes seemed to split, his vision became clearer, and his feelings became more acute, similar to having eagle-like eyes, but he could easily catch prey on the ground in the air.

It's a very subtle feeling.

And Chen Jun's nose sense of smell has also begun to increase a thousandfold, and he can distinguish different odor differences from the air, even a little bit.

The hearing that followed the ears also became clear, and the subtle sounds in the forest came into his ears with a squirrel.

In just this moment, Chen Jun's vision, smell, and hearing all underwent earth-shaking changes, and his whole body began to heat up, as if he was infected with a virus.

Chen Jun's heart trembled slightly: ", all the senses in the whole body are mobilized, and it really feels like being infected with a virus, and the result is that the whole body is a little soft." "

It's... It seems to be a feeling of fighting with my daughter-in-law for hundreds of rounds.

Chen Jun stood still, but every pore began to undergo subtle changes all over his body.

This is Chen Jun who has entered the state of hacker tracking.

Through his eyesight, hearing, sense of smell and other aspects, Chen Jun is like a space scanner, scanning the surrounding environment, from near to far, looking for all kinds of clues.

But under this all-round scanning, no clue can escape his perception.

Now Chen's body is much more sensitive than a patient infected with the virus.

As time passed, more and more information was fed back into Chen Jun's mind, and when he noticed a bush 900 meters away, it felt like it was pulled in front of his eyes and magnified.

It's like enlarging a part of a picture on a computer screen to make it clearer.

All the subtle images are magnified as if they were placed in a magnifying glass.

Suddenly, Chen Jun caught the faint light of lenses in the grass.

"It's... Sniper Scope! "

It was the light reflected by the sniper scope hidden in the dark, very faint, it should be blocked by some special material used by the other party, so that it is not like it is exposed to the sun.

Because it is so faint, if you don't look at it closely, you won't be able to detect its existence at all.


After Chen Jun locked the other party's location, he withdrew from the state of hacker tracking, and the next moment, his whole body seemed to be steaming, similar to the state after ramming Kun.

Combined with the relevant information obtained through the crossing, Chen Jun can be sure that it is a scorpion!

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