At this moment, in the grass, the scorpion lying on his stomach inexplicably had a feeling of palpitations, as if he was being targeted by a fierce beast.

He was able to survive in life-and-death battles again and again, relying on his strong sensitivity to crises.

Such a palpitating feeling is the first time that a scorpion has happened.

After he entangled with Chen Jun last time, he was chased and beaten by Lei Zhan Lao and others, and the border guard You Junda did his best to block the border, so he didn't escape.

In addition, the scorpion is given the task of rescuing a condemned prisoner.

So he's been lurking in the area.

The prisoner to be executed has not yet appeared.

Under the sniper scope, the scorpion sees a man staring fiercely in his direction like a mad dog.

"Coincidentally? Or does the other party find themselves? That's

right, Chen Jun was staring at the scorpion, anger rolling in his mind.

At the beginning, it was the scorpion who led people into the No. 1 outpost, his comrades died tragically, the squad leader was crippled, and then he went to assassinate the squad leader, and Chen Jun almost died tragically in the hands of the other party, and the most arrogant one was in the last exercise, the scorpion carefully arranged and almost killed Chen Jun.

Chen Jun's hatred of him reached an unprecedented state.

"It's really coming!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Chen Jun roared like a beast in his heart.

He wanted to rush forward now and fight the scorpion, but he didn't have a weapon on him.

Now Chen Jun has experienced the transformation of the pattern after the International Military Games, as well as Enron's day and night psychological counseling, and has controlled his emotions very well.

At this moment, he has not yet swelled to the point where he can rely on his military quality and be able to kill a scorpion at the level of a soldier king with his bare hands.

The last time he fought with a scorpion, he had a general understanding of the strength of the scorpion, and if he didn't have a gun, it would be difficult to leave the other party.

Chen Jun walked quickly towards Fan Tianlei.

"Counselor Fan, I found traces of scorpions nearby!" Chen Jun got straight to the point.

"What?" Lao Fan didn't react, and Mr. Wen next to him, that is, Wen Guoqiang of the Law Enforcement Bureau, shouted excitedly as if he had touched a woman's body for the first time, "Really? I've been following him for a long time, but unfortunately the clue was broken in the end, do you know where he is?

Chen Jun glanced at the other party.

Last time, it was Chen Jun who beat Wang Yadong away and changed Lin Xiaoxiao's fate, otherwise this Wen Tiankeng would still want to take advantage of the fate of other college students to gamble on an international killer.

Find clues to the scorpion through international killers.

Chen Jun really didn't have a good impression of Mr. Wen at all, if it wasn't allowed at this time, he wanted to punch the other party's nose.

I really don't know what this guy is excited about, Fan Tiankeng is just pit his comrades-in-arms, this old pit is everything!

Comrades-in-arms, agents, undercover agents, masses ... What's special is that those who come do not refuse, and all the pits.

In the face of this kind of person, Chen Jun is 10,000 people who don't want to deal with him.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Wen is always a bad person, his heart is still good, he wants to maintain the peace of the party, eradicate all kinds of evil forces, and return a bright future.

Pity...... His ability to pit people is too strong, and Chen Jun wants to live longer.

The senior team of the armed forces department had seen Chen Jun before, and because he was too impressed, he recognized it at a glance and said in surprise: "Why are you?" "

Chen Jun has been in the team just now, and there is no difference between him and others, and the Gao team didn't pay attention.

Last time, because of Wang Yadong's matter, Team Gao had contact with Chen Jun, and in his impression, Chen Jun was not simple.

This time, it will appear in the special training team selected by Lao Fan.

"You say the scorpion is around here? It can't be, we've all cleared the scene, there can't be anyone else, besides, it's all our people here, and the scorpion isn't that stupid. "

The Dharma Field is an important place, and before each mission, they will conduct a careful investigation and arrange personnel nearby to prevent all kinds of accidents.

Because this mission is relatively special, the Gao team will especially strengthen the strength of defense, and Wen Ju will personally command on the spot to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Now, Chen Jun went to say that there were traces of scorpions around?

Who is a scorpion? An internationally notorious killer!

A big reason why he has been able to survive until now is that the other party is cunning enough.

In this case, if the other party really appears here, excluding the assassination mission, it is to save people.

Save? Is it possible!

As soon as the gunshots are fired, the entire area will be blocked, and the other party will not be able to escape.

How to save people?

Fan Tianlei's expression became solemn.

has a deep blood grudge against the scorpion, and the person who wants to kill him the most is him, and the scorpion often does things unexpectedly, which is difficult for people to figure out, otherwise he would not have been allowed to live until now.

Fan Tianlei was not careless, although he was a pit, he was also an excellent soldier.

The most important point is that he believes in Chen Jun very much.

The ghost of Chen Jun is one of the few people who can survive the scorpion's gun, and if you want to say that you are familiar with it, I am afraid that no one is more familiar with it than him.

He said that the scorpion was nearby, and nine times out of ten it could not be wrong.

"Are you sure?" Fan Tianlei said.

Chen Jun nodded and said: "Sure, in the grass about 900 meters to the southeast, you'd better not look in that direction, he must be staring at our direction, with the strength of the scorpion, once we make a move, he will retreat first!"

Fan Tianlei was shocked, in the grass 900 meters away, this distance was already beyond the scope of naked eye observation, he was able to observe?

Don't be so exaggerated!

If you look with the help of a telescope, many observers can find the trace, but with the naked eye, under normal circumstances, it is impossible.

Fan Tianlei is codenamed Golden Eagle, what he is best at is observation, and his eyesight is naturally very good, but compared with Chen Jun, it is a small thing.

Seeing that Chen Jun was so determined, Fan Tianlei didn't hesitate for a moment: "The other party appeared here, did he want to rob the law field?" Mr. Wen, are there any special people among the condemned prisoners?

Mr. Wen said: "There is a big drug lord, ready to be escorted over."

"It's possible that the scorpion is coming at him!" Fan Tianlei said, "The scorpion is here, I can't let him run anymore!" A

killing intent emanated from Fan Tianlei's body.

He has pursued the scorpion for so many years, fought several times, and finally let the other party escape, which is his biggest regret.

Mr. Wen became excited and said, "Really? That's great! I've been trying to find him out, and he's throwing himself into the net!

He turned his head to look at Team Gao, "Where are your snipers arranged, and can they snipe?"

Team Gao shook his head and said: "The grass in the southeast direction has exceeded 900 meters, and our sniper level is limited, so it is difficult to deal with it."

Mr. Wen looked at Fan Tianlei again and said, "Are you sure you're a soldier, no problem?"

Fan Tianlei nodded and said: "I don't dare to guarantee anything else, but he is a ghost, there is nothing he can't do for the time being, Lao Tzu went to raise pigs because of him!" "

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