When Mr. Wen heard this, his eyes lit up, and he stared at Chen Jun excitedly: "Really? I've heard of ghosts, very powerful, they are combat heroes, they killed dozens of militants in a gray area alone, and they are a model among the soldiers, I didn't expect it to be a young man like you, so good, I believe you!

He immediately beckoned to Team Gao: "Boss Gao, my special police officer will go with your right-hand men, this time I want to see how many heads the scorpion has, even dare to come here!" "

Of course Mr. Wen knows about the ghost's deeds, and he once had the idea of whether he could dig the other party into his team.

But I have been delayed by other things, and I didn't go to He Zhijun, but I didn't expect the other party to be here.

Such a young man has unlimited potential!

Mr. Wen immediately came up with the idea of digging people.

Team Gao also looked at Chen Jun in surprise, he really didn't expect that this sunny and handsome young man would be a ghost who had recently risen in the army.

No wonder the last time he fought Wang Yadong, the other party had no room to fight back.

Sure enough, it's a hero out of a teenager.

"No way!" Chen Jun hurriedly said, "I have dealt with the scorpion several times, and the special forces can't keep him, even if your people are in front of him, they can't find him if they are killed, and going will only increase unnecessary casualties." "

Give me a sniper rifle and I'll settle him, it's a grudge between me and the scorpion!"

Mr. Wen was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, and he said, "I said little brother, who do you look down on?" Arresting people, we are professionals, people like scorpions, as long as the conditions are possible, we have also caught many people. "

Chen Jun said in front of him that his own people can't do it, isn't this a direct slap in the face? I can't hang my face!

Team Gao's face is also a little ugly, this kid is too piercing!

None of his subordinates are experienced in a hundred battles, he believes that there will be a contest with the special forces, who wins and who loses, and maybe, now Chen Jun said that he can only be sent to death, and he doesn't know how to die.

It's too bullying.

Fan Tianlei said without hesitation: "Mr. Wen, team Gao, give it to him, I believe him!" In

this regard, Lao Fan himself doesn't believe in himself, but he just believes that Chen Jun has this ability.

From Chen Jun's digging of the wall of thunder warfare, Lao Fan just believed, and in the International Military Games, Chen Jun won four gold medals, which is unprecedented, as for whether there is the latter or not, I am afraid it will not appear in the next few decades.

In short, there is definitely nothing wrong with letting Chen Jun go first.

The last time Chen Jun fought against the scorpion, the scorpion didn't take advantage of it at all, and almost confessed.

With Chen Jun's hatred for the scorpion, if he encounters it this time, he will definitely burst out with all his strength.

"This... All right. When Mr. Wen saw Lao Fan say this, he could only beckon an armed policeman to come over and ask him to get 88 snipers and ammunition.

Lao Fan is old, and his strength is there, so naturally he said that he could, and Mr. Wen and Team Gao naturally had nothing to say.

If he can really kill the scorpion, such a talent, they will definitely strive to dig into the law enforcement system.

After bringing the gun and ammunition, Mr. Wen said to Chen Jun: "Little brother, these are for you, so that you can go on the road."

Chen Jun glared at him and said, "Mr. Wen, can you speak, what is good to go on the road?"

Mr. Wen said a little embarrassed: "What I mean is that it is easy to use, nothing else, kill the scorpion, eliminate the harm for the people, I believe you can!"

Chen Jun didn't talk nonsense with this cheat, and warned again: "I'll go first, you come later, don't worry, otherwise I will startle the snake, it's not that I look down on you, but you really can't do it." "

This sinkhole, it's the guy who was returned to the pit by Fan Tiankeng, don't make it clear, when he walks on his front foot, he may order others to do it, if he lets the scorpion escape, he will definitely say, I also care about you, I'm afraid that something will happen to you... From the perspective of being for your sake.

cheated others, and felt that it was for the good of the other party, this is what Wen Tiankeng likes to do the most.

The corners of Mr. Wen's mouth twitched, and he wanted to scold his mother, but in the end he held back.

He just had this idea, he couldn't put all his hopes on the other party, this was a rare opportunity, once he missed it, he didn't know when it would be waiting.

But...... This ghost is too arrogant!

How do you feel that this kid is like a roundworm in his stomach, he knows what he thinks.

Mr. Wen looked at Lao Fan, and when he saw that Lao Fan was silent, he acquiesced.

In this way, Lao Fan, the old fox, has absolute confidence in ghosts.

Naturally, let's wait and see.

Chen Jun didn't care what Mr. Wen and the others thought, and immediately entered the state of hacker tracking.

The next moment, the whole body was hot, the eyes, nose, ears and other facial features were mobilized, and the body temperature suddenly reached 38 degrees, as if infected with the virus.

Chen Jun once again entered a very sensitive state, as if he had become a bioradar, monitoring everything around him...

In the grass, the surrounding environment concealed the scorpion's figure, and if it wasn't for stepping on his body, no one would have noticed that a person was lurking here.

As a top killer, the scorpion is his unique skill to hide and lurk, otherwise it is impossible to break through in desperate situations again and again.

He dared to come here to carry out a mission, and he was fully prepared.

Suddenly, the scorpion felt a palpitation again, and the next moment it was a stuffy nose and a chill all over the body.


Without any hesitation, the scorpion immediately emerged from the grass and moved to another position.

The voice of his subordinate immediately came from the headset: "Boss, how did you crawl out?" "

The scorpion has a little chill all over his body and a blocked nose, is this a sudden cold? No, if you are strong, how can you catch a cold? Not to mention that this is lurking in the mountains and forests, even if it is lurking in the water, he will not catch a cold.

He pondered for a moment, looked around carefully, and then scolded in a low voice: "Could it be that guy who is my friend with your mother Bao Guan is here, only he gives me such a feeling." "

The last time the scorpion fought with Chen Jun, in order to destroy the opponent's willpower, he directly injected three "obedient agents", but not only did he not kill the other party, but let the other party succeed in counterkilling, killing all the subordinates he brought, and almost losing his life.

Although the scorpion escaped, it also had a serious illness after that, with a runny nose and cough, and chills all over the body.

This made him develop a strange habit, once the scorpion suddenly became nervous, he couldn't help but have a runny nose and cough, and if it was more serious, he would have a fever.

Very strange reaction, the scorpion itself felt inexplicable.

But there are not many people in this world who can give him nervousness, and the guy who wanted to be in the same way as his father last time is one.

Could it be that this kid is here?

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