After Wang Qiang's voice, the scene was quiet, and there was no sound of resistance.

There is no way, most of the militants are still in a state of insanity, and the sober ones have been killed because of resistance, and under such deterrence, even if the militants on the scene have the strength, they dare not resist for a while.

"Quick, go take control of the scene.

Wang Qiang saw that the time was ripe, and waved his hand to the team members behind him, and soon, many law enforcers rushed in.

Those militants who were so frightened that they broke down directly when they saw that people were constantly attacking, and then began to scatter and flee, and no one thought of resisting at all.

There is no way, there is no way back.

A strong militant suddenly pulled up Bukit, who had fallen in the ruins, and whispered, "Boss, retreat from the back mountain."

Wu Ji nodded, "Quick, take me out of here, take me out of here."

"As long as I can leave, I will reuse you in the future, and whatever conditions you want, I will definitely meet you." At

this moment, Bukit was really anxious and just wanted to get out of here immediately.

There is no way, his situation on the scene is very bad, it can be said that his life is at stake.

In fact, his identity itself is already hidden, and this place is also hidden, and few people in history will investigate it.

After all, in history, those who wanted to investigate him, both men and women, were killed by him, and a few days ago, he tortured and killed one, and it is said that the one was sent to the hospital for a few days before he died.

Because of its seclusion, it has become a secret stronghold.

But all this is Bukit's purpose, he did it to prove to a man that he is strong, but he never imagined that he would be exposed.

It was still exposed because of the killing of that soldier, and now a team of terrifying guys is almost going to take off his stronghold.

If he knew that because of this, no matter how aggrieved he was, he wouldn't dare to touch that guy easily.

"Hurry up, take the boss out first. More

than a dozen militants in a better mental state immediately surrounded Bukit, who had complicated thoughts, and began to retreat little by little.

"Boss, follow us, there's a trail over there. "

Quick, protect the boss. "

Under the temptation of Bukit's conditions, those militants have a bright light in their eyes, and they have gained a lot of fat.

On the other side, Chen Jun had just killed the two militants, and the voice of the system suddenly sounded in his ears, "The host's hacker space has reached the Dacheng realm."

Chen Jun was slightly stunned, Dacheng?"

At such a critical moment, there are still fragrant buns to pick up.

Chen Jun was overjoyed, and immediately began to hack space sensing, and the reaction range suddenly expanded to a range of 3,000 meters.

In an instant, the enemies that exist within the range of 3,000 meters, or the impending danger, are relatively static in time, and the enemies around them can be clearly sensed one by one.

"The hacker space is really awesome, in terms of finding enemies, it's just a cheat, and you can find these enemies one by one just by induction.

"As long as you can find these enemies, are you afraid that you won't have a chance to make a move?" Chen

Jun was excited in his heart, and the hand holding the gun was even more itchy.

No way, the hacker space is too useful for combat, in addition to sensing enemies, it can also predict danger in advance.

Predicting in advance is like a hunch, and that effect is even more terrifying.

Can it not be terrifying? Before the enemy has even fired, he can foresee the danger in advance, and then he will have plenty of time to avoid the threat.

When fighting, as long as this skill is activated, it is difficult to win.

"Yes, this time I have to find that Bukit.

Thinking of this, Chen Jun immediately began to feel the surroundings and began to look for the location of Bukit.

The next moment, the highest threat level sign appeared in Chen Jun's mind, and he immediately saw Bukit surrounded by more than a dozen militants.

"Why, this Bukit is actually the biggest danger in the hacker space.

"Culprit, damn it!" Chen

Jun's face sank, and he didn't hesitate to get up and chase after him.

"Quick, Bukit is in front, block him for me.

Chen Jun roared and ran out wildly, even if he came to the table, his speed did not decrease at all, and then he stepped on the table, and the whole person took off.

Chen soldiers were in mid-air, and the muzzle of the gun had locked on a militant.


A crisp and piercing gunshot rang out, and suddenly a cloud of flesh and blood splattered, and the militant's head, like a ripe watermelon, exploded immediately, and red and white things flew everywhere.

Seeing this scene, the other members of the armed group who were shot in the head turned pale and raised their guns with vigilant expressions, but they did not know where the bullets were coming from.

The bullet that had just been fired seemed to have fallen from the sky, and there was no trace of it at all.

No way, it all went so fast that they simply didn't have time to react.

"Quick, cover the boss and leave, we've been exposed. An

armed man in charge of the back of the temple yelled at the rest of the team.

The faces of the other militants changed drastically, and they hugged Bukit directly to leave.

At this moment, Chen Jun suddenly roared, "Bukit, you can't escape.

Wu Ji in the crowd subconsciously raised his head, and immediately shouted at Chen Jun in mid-air, "Kill him, quickly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the four militants looked back at Chen Jun, and then began to shoot cross-fire with their rich experience.

"Fire suppression, as long as you kill that guy, the danger is greatly reduced. The

four militants were directly facing Chen's position, pushing forward.

If it weren't for the detonation of the bomb just now, with their strength, they wouldn't have too much to worry about, but with experience, they could still react.

At this moment, Chen Jun, who had completely locked on Bukit, positioned himself in the hacker space, and immediately felt a deadly coercion.

Chen Jun immediately sped up, and as soon as he landed, he fell directly to the ground.

As soon as Chen Jun landed, bullets flew over his head in a "whoosh" manner.

The next moment, Chen Jun kicked the ground with both feet, and shot again while the whole person was sliding.

The four militants didn't react, and were directly hit by bullets in the center of the eyebrows, piercing the head.

The moment the bullet pierced, a mass of flesh and blood splattered everywhere, and the four guys fell directly on their faces.

These guys died without figuring out whose hands they were hanging on.

There is no way, this is the battlefield, relying on speed and strength.

Chen Jun happened to have these skills, and when he took action, even the hacker team members he was familiar with couldn't resist it, let alone these militants.

After firing four shots, Chen Jun directly supported the ground with one hand, then ejected again, and then chased in the direction of Bukit at lightning speed.

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