Bang bang!

There were constant gunshots in the factory, and Chen Jun was running, and bullets kept flying around him.

The militants around Bukit also began to counterattack when they saw the Tan army approaching.

"Kill that guy, he's the biggest threat. Wu Ji watched Chen Jun approach him like a cheetah, trembling with fright, and he yelled as he retreated.

The voice of the speaker is trembling, and the whole person is afraid.

Wu Ji was really scared, because he could see that the guy who was staring at him was not only fast, but also accurate in marksmanship, and the team members he killed were almost accurate headshots.

If the other party locks on him, it's a matter of a bullet.

Bukit has also seen many opponents, but this is the first time he has met a guy who makes him feel pressured, in front of this guy, he just wants to escape, the farther away the better.

Of course, it was not only Bukit who felt the pressure, but the other militants were also under pressure, all holding guns and aiming at Chen Jun, all wanting to kill each other as soon as possible.

But the result made them very aggrieved, because that guy was frighteningly fast and reacted, they had just taken aim, and the other party had long since disappeared, and so many bullets were missed.

"Hell, the guns can't help that guy, he's getting closer. "

Retreat, retreat.

Seeing that the situation was not right, one of the militants immediately turned around and took his team to protect Bukit and began to escape.

"It's not that easy to run. "Chen Jun, who is shuttling through bullets, has only one man in his eyes, and that is Bukit.

Relying on the premonition of the hacker space, Chen Jun dodged the bullets while chasing after Bukit.

That agent's revenge is on this Bukit's body, this guy will die!

Chen Jun looked at Bukit, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and in order to kill Bukit, he even listed this as his first target in the near future.

If the other party escapes, he will have a shadow in his heart when he dates An Ran.

Bukit will die

! Bang bang!

Chen Jun saw the opportunity and fired again continuously, and the gunshots rang out, and two more militants around Bukit fell to the ground.

Seeing the close teammate falling, the captain of the militants trembled suddenly, and subconsciously turned his head to see the person behind him who couldn't be killed, still chasing after him, if he still escaped like this, the other party would definitely chase after him soon, and at the same time he would eat his own people one by one.

"What kind of guy is this, his strength is so terrifying?" The

captain was completely frightened, there was no way, this guy was terrifying in his eyes.

The other party was chasing and killing alone, but his body seemed to have its own bullet sensor, and the bullets couldn't get close to him at all, so many people couldn't kill him when they counterattacked, and he was still fighting back.

Pervert, this person is super perverted! The

captain of the militants has never felt such a great pressure, horror, and the feeling that the other party gives him is horror.

The immortal shadow man behind him was even more powerful than he had imagined, not to mention the bullets, and the speed was terrifyingly fast, faster than anyone else in them.

That guy is just fast, but he can still run in an S-shaped curve, and his position is always fluctuating.

Several times he had locked onto his opponent, but he couldn't hit it because it was a standard dodge step.

That guy's hedging ability is too strong, as if he can predict the trajectory, and he can always stagger completely.

This guy has such great strength, if he doesn't kill him, everyone may be eaten by him.

"No, that guy is going to die. The

captain of the militants raised his gun again and shot wildly at Chen Jun, while shouting at the other team members: "Don't run yet, the fire will kill him, otherwise with his speed, we will not be able to escape at all."

Wu Ji, who was in the front position, also saw that Chen Jun was still chasing, and immediately shouted in horror, "Yes, yes, kill him first, kill him quickly, don't let him get close."

Under the order, several militants stopped their steps and began a counteroffensive.

When the captain saw that the bullet still couldn't help that guy, he put away the gun, took out the grenade directly from his waist, quickly pulled out the lead, and was about to throw it in the direction of Chen Jun.

At that moment, the black space in Chen Jun's mind had already predicted the danger in advance, and as soon as he raised the gun, he aimed it directly at the captain, and in less than a second, a bullet whistled out.

The bullets that flew out passed between the two militants and pierced his wrist at the moment when the captain threw out the grenade.


Bullets flew out and blood spurted wildly, and the captain shivered in pain, and the grenade fell directly to the ground.

"Not good!" the captain widened his eyes in horror, and wanted to raise his foot to kick the grenade, but before his foot could exert his strength, "boom", the grenade exploded directly.

After the violent explosion, five or six militants, including the captain and the shouting Bukit, were blown out in a large cloud of fire and smoke.

It was as if a firecracker had been thrown into cow dung during the Chinese New Year and exploded perfectly, accompanied by the sound of an explosion, and various parts flew around.

For a moment, the smoke continued to disperse, and the air was dusty.

Chen Jun stared at the location of the explosion and walked over slowly, while spreading out the hacker space, and the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened a little, and his brows furrowed directly, because in his induction, Bukit was not dead at all.

Soon, a shouting voice followed, "Don't come, don't come here, I have a hostage." "

The person who shouted was Bukit, it turned out that when the explosion just happened, two subordinates directly pressed him under his body and saved his life.

His life was saved, but he was covered with wounds all over his body, and with the fact that he was covered in dust, he looked hideous and looked very terrifying.

"I'm not dead yet, specially, such a good life!" Chen Jun stared at Wu Ji and clenched his fists directly.

At this time, the battle in the factory had ended, and the militants who had not been directly killed had been controlled, and the members of the hacker commando, Wang Qiang, and other law enforcers, heard the sound and surrounded this side.

Wu Ji, who was trembling all over, hid his body tightly behind the hostage, put the muzzle of the gun against the hostage's head, and roared, "Don't come, don't come here, believe it or not, Lao Tzu exploded his head." "

This hostage is the last capital for Bukit to escape, after all, he knows that the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom value love and will not shoot their comrades.

Bukit clung to the hostage as if he had caught the last straw in the ocean.

The captured hostage was already trembling with fright, and he also shouted, "Don't come here, I don't want to die, don't provoke him."

"Don't provoke him, his methods are very cruel, if you provoke him, he will really do it.

"I, I don't want to die yet, I can't die, I still have a wife and children to take care of at home.

Wu Ji pointed a gun at the hostage's head, looked at Chen Jun and the others, and yelled, "Stand back, if you don't want him to die, just retreat." "


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