Bukit kept retreating with the hostages.

Seeing such a situation, Wang Qiang's two brows were directly locked.

Using hostages to escape is indeed very passive and the most common way for the enemy to do so.

After a moment, Wang Qiang motioned to two enforcers not far from Bukit to rush over tentatively.

The two enforcers had just lifted their feet and had not taken a few steps before Bukit spotted them.

Bukit hid behind the hostages and fired without hesitation, and the gunshots rang out, and the two enforcers were shot and fell to the ground.


"Damn, that guy doesn't have humanity.

Wang Qiang's face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted, "Everyone stop advancing, stop advancing." Hearing

this, all the law enforcers stopped, and suddenly, the situation at the scene became even more passive.

"Stand back, give Lao Tzu back away.

Bukit pushed the hostages, threatening the crowd as he retreated into the house next to him, then hid behind the walls, and pushed the hostages into a position where everyone could see them.

Everyone at the scene gritted their teeth with hatred when they saw such a situation, but they didn't dare to act rashly.

There is no way, they don't have the strength to kill Bukit directly, so they can only watch.

And just like that, the scene went straight to the stalemate.

Xiao Zhuang looked at Chen Jun and asked, "Captain, what's the matter, this guy must be killed."

Seeing this scene, Xiao Zhuang's mind was full of the picture of catching Ma Yunfei in the past.

Such a picture is very familiar to him, no, not just familiar, but unforgettable.

In such a situation, he did not deal with it well, and there was a tragedy later.

Faced with such a situation again, Xiao Zhuang was still very excited, and he had already clenched his fists.

Chen Jun glanced at Xiao Zhuang and did not answer, but asked in the headset, "Sniper, can you kill Bukit who is hiding?"

The ostrich said in the headset: "My position is not good, I am not sure."

He Chenguang was silent for a while and then said, "This guy is very cunning and can't see it at all." "

Is it really impossible to help that guy?" Chen Jun was silent, his eyes were cold.

In the original book, the hostage captured by Wu Ji was actually disguised by his own people, if it was determined that it was a fake hostage, this would be easier to deal with, but the problem is that after he crossed over, many plots have changed, such as An Ran is now his daughter-in-law of Tam Kun, instead of becoming Lei Zhan's fiancée like in the original plot.

As for the identity of the hostage in front of him, Chen Jun was not sure if it had changed, otherwise, with Dacheng's hacker space, he could easily kill the other party in many ways.

I didn't do it right away because I was afraid that if it was really a hostage, I couldn't do it.

The soldiers of the Yan Kingdom cannot kill their compatriots casually.

This is the principle of the military, but because of this principle, they have to be in a passive situation.

At this moment, Bukit suddenly yelled, "Quick, prepare a helicopter for me and send me away, otherwise, I will kill him immediately." The

panicked hostage cried directly, "Please don't kill me, I still have a lot to do."

"Comrade policeman, help me, I don't want to die yet, I still have a lot to do.

"Please, give him the helicopter quickly, let him leave, I don't want to see him again for a moment, I'm really scared..."

Seeing this scene, Wang Qiang's face was very ugly, and his two brows were directly locked.

Such a situation is very psychologically tested, and if the heart is not strong enough, a wrong order may be doomed.

Wang Qiang has experienced this situation many times, and knows that he can't attack, he can only outwit, but how to outwit, he can't be sure for a while, so he can only stabilize the other party first.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Qiang held back the anger in his heart, and shouted at Wu Ji: "Calm down, don't be impulsive, if you hurt the hostages, you will have no way out."

Wu Ji, who had a hideous face, glanced at Wang Qiang coldly, and suddenly shouted, "Shut up, prepare a helicopter for me immediately, otherwise I will kill someone."

"Hurry up!"

Hearing Wu Ji's words, Chen Jun's eyes suddenly changed, and the murderous intent in his eyes suddenly skyrocketed, and he was full of murderous energy.

"Bukit, a man who is about to fall, is so arrogant.

"Is there no one in sight?" Chen

Jun stared at Wu Ji and clenched his fists directly, especially when he saw the two injured law enforcers still lying in a pool of blood, he immediately thought of his comrades.

At that time, his comrades-in-arms died while waiting for rescue, and he became a crazy ghost because of those comrades.

That day, because he was late, the squad leader Shi Weiguo was killed, and finally his leg was unfortunately amputated.

The squad leader has a long second half of his life, and he has to spend it in a wheelchair, what a painful thing.

Today, two more servicemen were knocked down there by the enemy, and if they were not rescued as soon as possible, two more lives.

"No, those two enforcers must be rescued as soon as possible, they are both unfortunate, they should not leave their lives here.

Chen Jun had a certain mind, and secretly began to look for an opportunity to do it.

When he first came here, he had already chosen the same path that Leng Feng chose back then, silently spreading out the hacker space, and preparing to start working.

The positioning of the hacker is to trace back to the source, and soon, he locked the direction of Bukit.

Bukit just hid behind a thick wall, I have to say, this position is quite hidden, relying on the naked eye, it can never be locked, but this is only for the naked eye, and for hacker positioning, there is no such thing as not locking.

In Chen Jun's eyes, that wall seemed to be transparent.

"Good fellow, I'll let you hide, and soon you will have nowhere to hide. After

a swipe, Chen Jun directly raised the gun in his hand, and then decisively pulled the trigger.

The bullets from the 95 rifle kept flying out, and then hit the same spot on the wall one after another.

Chen Jun's marksmanship has reached Dacheng, and it is not a big problem to hit the same position.

The bullets hit the wall impartially, and in an instant, the wall began to shake violently, and the stone chips on it continued to splash.

Seeing the walls trembling at the bullets, Bukit was half dead in fright, and shouted outside, "Who fired the shot?" "

Stop, don't force me to kill." "

Bullets hit the walls, and if they don't get pierced over time, they can collapse.

Bukit began to get scared and kept threatening people outside.

Seeing this moment, the hostages were also frightened, and shouted in fear, "Whoever shoots, I don't want to die, don't kill me."

The silent Wang Qiang reacted, immediately looked at Chen Jun, and said, "Stop, Team Chen, don't be reckless."

"It's easy to provoke the enemy, and if he dies, the hostages will be in danger." Hearing

this, Chen Jun was expressionless, continued to approach step by step, and then kept shooting.

At this moment, he has returned to that crazy ghost in the jungle, desperate for nothing but to kill the enemy.

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