Chen Jun's face was gloomy, and he kept shaking the rifle in his hand and continued to shoot wildly.

At this moment, there is only one thought in his heart, there must be no more unfortunate sacrifices.

The last thing he could see was that his comrades would fall to the front again.


violent gunshots rang out as if to vent the grief and indignation in Chen Jun's heart, followed by bullets flying out at great speed, and then hitting the same position on the wall impartially.

This kind of play is definitely difficult for others, but Chen Jun is different, the hacker shooting has reached the fullest, and there is almost no difficulty.

Gunshots rang out at the scene, and from behind the walls there were constant sounds of Bukit threats and hostage pleas.

Despite this, Chen Jun did not stop and continued to shoot, and in the end, a total of more than 20 bullets were fired, and finally, after a "bang", a small hole was directly pierced through the wall.

Immediately afterwards, a bullet pierced directly through the hole in the wall, and with a "pop", it pierced directly into Bukit's head.

The last second when Bukit was shot, he was still shouting, he always thought that the other party just wanted to shoot and scare him, and he didn't expect that the other party would kill him in such a way.

As the bullets flew out, Bukit suddenly lost his center of gravity, and the whole person fell directly to the side.

The moment he fell, his two eyes were swollen, and his eyes were unwilling.

Bukit was very unwilling to be killed like this, no matter how willing, he was already hiding behind a wall.

It was a wall that a bullet couldn't penetrate at all, and it was also the protective armor that he thought was the safest, and then he couldn't have imagined that someone would break the mold, break through the protective wall he thought was the safest, and then kill him.


Death is sorrowful!

These were the last thoughts on Bukit's mind.


Seeing this scene, all the law enforcers were full of astonishment and opened their mouths wide.

"Is that okay

?" "Can you actually use a rifle to pierce walls and kill enemies

?" "You're not mistaken, but I don't understand, how can he hit a spot with a gun and then kill Bukit without locking on?" "

Yes, it's not a big difficulty, and what if you hit a hostage and it's not an enemy?"

Specially, I can't care so much, as long as I can kill that guy, it's perfect..."

All the law enforcers were shocked, and the shock in Wang Qiang's heart was even stronger.

Originally, he didn't expect Chen Jun to kill that Bukit, no, let alone expecting it, he just didn't dare to think about it, just now he was worried that Chen Jun would anger Bukit by shooting indiscriminately, and then bring danger to the hostages.

Who would have thought that Chen Jun would actually penetrate the wall and then kill Bukit by surprise, this thing was done beautifully.

This guy's marksmanship is good, brave and resourceful, and he is really different.

Wang Qiang looked at Chen Jun with respect in his eyes.

On the side, the people of the hacker commando team saw this scene and were so shocked that their pupils widened directly

, "Awesome, the instructor can actually kill the enemy through the wall."

I've always thought the instructor had good marksmanship, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to see it, but today I really saw the real performance, but I was shocked. "


Not far away, He Chenguang raised his head from the sniper scope, and then raised his hand and patted his head, "I'll go, this marksmanship is terrifying, this is the result of what a rifle can do, it's weird."

"I also thought of this kind of play just now, but I didn't dare to play like this, it was too hanging.

"Convincing. He

Chenguang was shocked by the instructor's craftsmanship to the one who didn't want it.

The paratrooper exclaimed directly, "Sure enough, it's an animal that dates every day, and it hits again and again." Soon

, Chen Jun had already put down his gun, walked directly to the hostage who was already paralyzed with fright, and said, "It's okay, you're safe." The

hostage knelt down directly with a "poof", and all of a sudden, the urine was directly incontinent, and the whole person was paralyzed.

"Thank you for saving me, thank you..."

Chen Jun didn't pay much attention to it, turned around directly, and suddenly saw a mobile phone on the ground, and picked it up directly.

Looking at the phone and still hanging on the screen, but there is only a calligraphy and painting on the wall opposite, and there is no human figure.

Chen Jun's face sank, and he said indifferently at the phone: "Don't pretend, I know who you are, big entrepreneur Minden, don't worry, I will send you to reunite with your brother." "

Also, we will not negotiate with any militants, and we will definitely not let go of any bastards, shit things, stained with the blood of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom.

Inside the villa, Min Deng, who had fled abroad, was sitting next to his mobile phone, looking at the final freeze frame of Bukit on the screen, stunned.


that's it? Bukit was killed by that guy!

Minden's mind was full of anger at the tragic picture of Bukit being killed.

The old cat next to him suddenly spoke, and said: "I know him, after my investigation, the scorpion died in his hands, and my team participated in the operation of Post 1 with the black cat, and he was the only ghost who survived."

"I really didn't expect that a worm would also crack into a butterfly, and the soldiers of the Yanguo Kingdom would be really magical. As he

spoke, an unusual look flashed in the old cat's eyes.

He was no stranger to this ghost, but he never thought that the other party was so young and had such a strong strength, not only becoming the rumored ghost, but also killing Bukit.


old cat is getting more and more curious about ghosts.

"Amazing fart. Minden was suddenly furious, and slapped directly on the table, and the water cup on the table was directly shocked into large droplets.

The enraged Minden spoke in a slow tone and said, "He killed my brother. The

old cat's face was a little embarrassed, "I'm sorry, boss, my people, didn't protect him back."

Minden slowly stood up, "I don't blame you for this. "。

Saying that, he walked to the window, looked at the scenery outside, and said indifferently: "Wu Ji has followed me since he was a child, he is very obedient, the only thing that makes me look down on him is that he likes to watch small Japanese movies, and he has been degraded for a while, and then he wants to prove that he can help me, but he didn't expect to die in the Yan Country in the end."

"He is addicted to the world of fantasy and is to blame, but after all, he is my brother, and whoever kills him must die.

Speaking of the last sentence, Minden's tone was obviously aggravated, the tone was so cold, and the temperature around him seemed to have dropped by one or two degrees.

The ghost actually moved his younger brother, whether it was a ghost or a demon god, he had to die.

Must die!

Minden's eyes were cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

The old cat smiled coldly when he heard this, "Boss, I know he's crazy looking for a black cat, as long as you pay for it, I can fish, and then take the best team and kill him." "

Minden's brother has just been killed, and he will naturally take revenge, so now is the time for him to need help.

As a veteran, of course, the old cat must take advantage of this opportunity to make good money.

Minden waved his hand directly, "You go and prepare, the problems that money can solve are not problems." "

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