Chen Jun looked at He Zhijun with an unshakable confidence in his eyes.

That's how confident he is.

He firmly believes that he can use his strength to shut up those people in Wolf Fang.

"It's a ghost.

Gao Shiwei secretly gave Chen Jun a thumbs up, this guy is hard enough, confident enough!

Historically, in the wolf's teeth, he dared to scold his daughter-in-law as if he was scolding his daughter-in-law, and there was really no one who shouted at He Zhijun like this, and today, Chen Jun is the first.

He Zhijun is the head of the wolf's teeth, including Lao Gao and Lei Zhan, and he is afraid when he sees the wolf's head, let alone shouting like this.

Chen Jun, the ghost, is really fearless, and he actually directly declared war on the wolf's head, no matter what the result is, this momentum alone is very powerful.

Gao Shiwei watched silently and did not speak, but at that moment, he looked at Chen Jun with a trace of appreciation in his eyes.

And in the face of He Zhijun, who was shouting by Chen Jun, after hearing this, his face immediately sank a lot.

"This guy is not small, he is iron-hearted, what do you want to do with

the wolf teeth?" "Doesn't he have the slightest nostalgia for the wolf teeth?"

Until now, He Zhijun still has a glimmer of hope that he can persuade Chen Jun to stay, but when he heard this, he became even more uncomfortable.

What made him uncomfortable was not because he was afraid of Chen Jun's challenge, but because he felt distressed about losing Chen Jun, a good soldier.

"Is this just the way to break with this guy?" When

He Zhijun hesitated, Chen Jun raised his voice, looked at the wolf's head, and asked directly: "Are you okay

?" "!" He Zhijun twitched the corner of his eyes when he heard this, "What do you mean if it's okay?" He Zhijun's

face suddenly became even more difficult to look at, how can a man be asked in person?

However, this guy actually dared to ask this directly, it was indeed hard enough and strong enough, no wonder An Ran liked him.

He Zhijun also likes Chen Jun's style, but unfortunately Chen Jun is determined to leave the wolf's teeth, which makes him regretful.

If Chen Jun really leaves the wolf's teeth, Lao Fan is estimated to be difficult to stand up to the hacker commando with the habit of being a pit man.

Thinking of this, He Zhijun suddenly understood Commander Gao's thoughts, why did he let Chen Jun go with the hacker commando, but as a man, he couldn't think that he couldn't do it.

In this case, women will look down on you.

He Zhijun took a deep breath and asked, "How do you prove yourself?"

Chen Jun looked confident, "Whatever you want to compare, I'm free."

"It's better than anything, crazy enough!"

He Zhijun glared at Chen Jun and didn't say anything more, then he turned around directly and yelled at Fan Tianlei, "Notify the whole brigade immediately, just say that someone is kicking the field, and pick out the best soldier king."

"It's like him, the ghost, if you win, the hacker commando is who's.

"This..."Fan Tianlei hesitated, "Do you really want to play like this?"

Fan Tianlei suddenly felt that the wolf head was a little arrogant, after all, Chen Jun was alone, and the wolf tooth was going to send all the best soldier kings, this thing really didn't look so good.

After all, whether you win or lose, it doesn't look very glorious, win, that's to bully less, lose, that situation will be even more embarrassing.

What's more, this is related to the stay of the hacker commando, and he doesn't want to lose this commando team that has just been warmed up.

Compared with He Zhijun, Fan Tianlei was still relatively calm, he thought about it for a while, and immediately said: "Wolf head, will it be too sudden." "

Not suddenly. He Zhijun yelled directly, "People are asking us if we can do it, what are you hesitating, do you make women look down on you?"

Fan Tianlei nodded helplessly, he understood He Zhijun, once the wolf head decides something, let alone a woman, the nine cows can't be pulled back.

It is...... It's not a good situation.

The wolf head obviously fell for Chen Jun's agitation method, but unfortunately the wolf head did not listen to persuasion.


Fan Tianlei wanted to cry without tears, and the hacker commando team was about to miss him.

Win or lose, he doesn't have the strength to fight for it, because it's already a big trouble, where can he get his turn.

If it weren't for grabbing it on the table like this, he would still be able to pit it secretly, and if he fought for it, maybe he would have a chance to get a hacker commando and then get out of the pigsty.

Who would have thought that the wolf's head was actually hit in the soft underbelly by Chen Jun's words "No, no".

The man really can't be asked, okay!

Fan Tianlei forcibly suppressed the grievances in his heart, turned around and went down to inform.

Soon, Fan Tianlei spread He Zhijun's order throughout the entire Wolf Tooth Special Brigade.

As soon as he heard that Chen Jun was going to take away the commandos selected by Wolf Tooth, he also said cruel words, saying that no one from Wolf Tooth could do it, and suddenly, everyone in Wolf Tooth was angry, and all kinds of scolding continued to come out.

"It's simply an insult, the biggest insult in the history of the wolf's fang.

"Chen Jun deliberately humiliated the wolf's teeth, for so many years, except for the thunderbolt being smashed once, I have never seen such an arrogant door-to-door smashing field, or the person who smashed the entire wolf's teeth. "

Get down to Chen Jun, take back the commando, and get back face. "

What's the matter, if you don't lie down Chen Jun, Lao Tzu won't have the face to stay in the wolf's teeth."

"When Chen Jun became a ghost, I admired him a lot, and I thought he was quite affectionate, but I didn't expect that he was going to leave the wolf tooth now, but he made a ruthless move to take away a team of elites, a white-eyed wolf. "

You can't let Chen Jun take people, not a single one, specially, he dares to say that the wolf tooth can't do it alone, he dares to come, just let him climb out of the wolf tooth, what's the matter, it's too arrogant."

After hearing the news, everyone in the Wolf Tooth was furious, and suddenly, the Wolf Tooth Special Brigade was like a calm lake that was thrown into a bomb, and immediately boiled.

The Wolf Tooth Special Operations Brigade, although it has been compared to Lei Keming recently, they still have the pride of special forces.

As special forces, who is not bloody, how can they tolerate the shame that Chen Jun brought to them.

Chen Jun, a newcomer, actually shouted, no one did it, this thing is a slap in the face, no, it's not just a slap in the face, it's just a tear in the face.

Everyone in the wolf teeth seemed to be cuckolded by Chen Jun, and their eyes were glowing green, and they all hated Chen Jun.

Soon, one after another, the excellent soldier kings came to the Wolf Tooth Concentration, and there were shouts everywhere.

"Chen Jun, come out, compare what, I'll come.

"Come, come out, don't grind, it's faster or longer, there's someone with you."

"Chen Jun get out of here, what the hell, you actually want to take away the wolf's tooth commando, are you qualified?"

"If you want to take away people, do you have the strength, come out and admit your mistake, we forgive you." "

Come out, it's a bird thing

to hide, are you afraid?" "A rookie egg, relying on a relationship to become a captain, just forget it, I don't know how to hide it, I have to stand up and insult myself, today Lao Tzu will let you know your true face and teach you how to be a person." "

Specially, when you are a rooster, you can make an eagle, give Lao Tzu out!" "

Chen Jun, come out..."

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