This was a general gathering of wolf fangs, but the scene was chaotic, and there was scolding all around, so it can be said that no one at the scene could be quiet.

There's no way, Lao Fan's shouting is particularly inciting, what Chen Jun said, no one believed it, and Chen Jun must take away the hacker commando.

Also, just because you can't do it, whatever you want to compare, he can accept anything...

Which sentence is not a scolding wolf, how can you accept it?

Wolftooth is not acceptable to anyone.

Fan Tianlei's words were like a thunderbolt, and he successfully blew up the powder cartridge in the hearts of those people, even if they were all assembled, no one could be quiet, most of them were scolding Chen Jun, and their eyes were full of war intent.

Lei Zhan also appeared in the team, although he didn't scold as vigorously as the others, but his face was not good-looking.

That guy Chen Jun actually came arrogantly to challenge the wolf's teeth?

Lei Zhan silently clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of fighting intent.

And at this moment, everyone is looking at Lei Zhan, the Wolf Tooth Three Realms Soldier King, the Wolf Tooth Ace Soldier King.

In Wolf Tooth, Lei Zhan is still the number one soldier king, except for the high school team, no one really dares to do anything with him.

Another reason why everyone pays so much attention to Lei Zhan is because Lei Zhan has a grudge with Chen Jun, and Chen Jun's daughter-in-law is Lei Zhan's former girlfriend.

Chen Jun, who cuckolded Lei Zhan, actually dared to shout like this, how could Lei Zhan let Chen Jun go?

Needless to say, Lei Zhan was definitely the first person to stand up and fight.

Everyone looked at Lei Zhan and thought so, after all, the biggest hatred of men is being cuckolded, which is related to a man's face, and Lei Zhan has always wanted to fight with Chen Jun.

At this moment, Lei Zhan had just changed his clothes to feed the pigs, stood in front of the team, and when he saw Chen Jun not far away, he immediately said: "Chen Jun, if you want to compare, come at me."

In the words, Lei Zhan was murderous, and when the words came to everyone's eardrums, they were all shocked.

Lei Zhan is emotional, this is an emotion that has been suppressed in his heart for a long time, and it is also an emotion that has always made him particularly painful.

An Ran, the goddess he identified, was robbed by Chen Jun.


Zhan will never forget that incident, and now that Chen Jun is in front of him, how could he not stand up.

This is an opportunity, not only a chance to take revenge, but also a chance not to feed the pigs in the future.

Not far away, He Zhijun stood at the window, looking at the crowd below, with a serious face.

That's right, these are the soldiers he personally cultivated wolf teeth, and they have always been his pride.

And Chen Jun, he actually wants to challenge his pride, okay?

He Zhijun glanced at it, didn't say a word, turned directly to Chen Jun, and said coldly: "It's all here, you see, you have to say that people with wolf teeth can't do it, people are too high-profile, do you still want to compare?"

Chen Jun said decisively: "Compare." He was just one word, and his face was calm.

"I'm very confident. Gao Shiwei glanced at Chen Jun and muttered in his heart.

I have to say that in Chen Jun's body, he seems to have found the shadow of his youth.

This is the fighting spirit of a hawkish warrior.

A soldier's strength can be defeated, but he cannot lose his fighting spirit.

Chen Jun's fighting spirit is rare in this generation of young people, even if it is a wolf's tooth soldier, few can compare.

The pig raising Lei Zhan Xing may be compared, but it is still inferior, as far as An Ran is concerned, if it is Chen Jun who changes Lei Zhan, he will definitely not be as confident as Chen Jun, and directly pull An Ran to explain it to the other party.

For this confrontation, Gao Shiwei didn't care about the result of winning or losing, but he took a fancy to Chen Jun's fighting spirit and how Chen Jun would deal with the next thing.

Chen Jun wants to become an instructor in the future, and to build a hacker empire with iron-blooded fighting spirit, it is impossible to affect only one commando team, he will influence more people in the future, and today's situation is a beginning for Chen Jun.

Gao Shiwei didn't speak, he just wanted to see how Chen Jun performed.

He Zhijun didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Okay, let's go, win, you can take away the hacker commando, lose, get out of here, you can't say that the wolf's teeth can't work in the future, I don't like it."

Chen Jun didn't talk nonsense, he turned around and went downstairs directly, and at this moment, the voice of the system sounded, "Hacker system random task: the truth is within the range of the fist, go and tell those who look down on you, how the little tadpole found his mother, the task is completed, and 200 experience points will be rewarded." "

System random task?" Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that at this time, he would still receive a task.

The little tadpole is looking for his mother? What kind of task is this

? Is it to treat those guys as little tadpoles?

Chen Jun was stunned, and in the next second, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sinister smile, interesting.

If the little tadpole looks for his mother, then he won't even know his mother.

Chen Jun continued to turn around and go downstairs, behind him, He Zhijun looked at Gao Shiwei, "Commander, you have no opinion on this decision, the stakes are very high, and I can't let him and pee on the top of the wolf's tooth."

Gao Shiwei nodded, "I have no opinion, let's go, this is the competitiveness that the army should have." "

Chen Jun challenged all the wolf fangs alone, which seems a bit arrogant, but on the other hand, it is not an opportunity for wolf teeth to temper.

If the wolf-toothed people are good enough, they are not afraid of Chen Jun's challenge at all, but if their entire army is compared to Chen Jun, it can only mean that they are not good.

It's a slap in the face, but it's also a metamorphosis for them.

There are two sides to everything, and so are challenges.

Wolf Fang's strength has declined recently, because he is too comfortable, and his blood has decreased a lot, and Chen Jun, a bloody ghost, his appearance is a good stimulus for Wolf Fang.

Why should such a challenge be stopped?

Gao Shiwei didn't intend to stop this matter from the beginning, he just wanted to watch silently.

As soon as Chen Jun walked down, the wolf-toothed man was a burst of blood, and scolding came out in waves.

"Chen Jun, the guy who eats inside and out, you are a traitor, you can leave if you want to, and you still have to take away the person with wolf teeth, tell you, you can't be too desperate, otherwise you won't dare to walk at night. "

White-toothed wolf, you eat wolf's tooth food, and you still scold wolf-toothed people, it's really shameless, get out of the wolf's tooth quickly, so as not to dirty our hands."

"A backdoor soldier dares to amplify his words, dares to look down on wolf teeth, is too arrogant, if he doesn't teach you a lesson today, he doesn't know how to behave." "

Give you a chance, get out of here, so you don't have to go out without a face."

"Now get out, we'll let you go, otherwise wait, let you have no way to climb out..."

Hearing all kinds of scolding, Chen Jun's face was calm, his eyes swept over everyone, and after a moment, he said loudly: "A group of little tadpoles, I'll let you all find your mother later." "

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