Chen Jun glanced at them and said with a light smile: "I didn't expect you to be able to persevere, but any of my soldiers has done a better job than you, and now it's the last test."

Chen Jun pointed to a mountain peak in the southwest, "30 kilometers of cross-country, give you 5 hours, run back within 5 hours, even if you pass, you can't come back, or cheat in battle, give Lao Tzu a fuck, and finally remind you." "

Your body is seriously short of water and calories, if you run, you may die on the road, are you still willing?"

They are seriously overdrawn, in this case, it is almost impossible to complete this task, don't be a group of female soldiers, I'm afraid that the thunder war will come, and it will not be completed.

This was the last test that Chen Jun put forward to them.

Suddenly, Tang Xinyi moved, she turned her body with difficulty, her stiff limbs, and when she moved, she seemed very sluggish, and she actually felt like a puppet.

The next moment, her stiff body staggered and almost fell to the ground.

There was no sound, no complaints, gritted his teeth, turned around and began to run slowly, although his body was awkward, but it was a real run.

Ye Cunxin and the others didn't speak, they all clenched their mouths, tried to turn their bodies, and ran forward with difficulty.

They have been standing for three days and three nights, the physical exertion is very serious, the lack of water is very serious, and the next 30 kilometers of cross-country travel rely on the last willpower.

The sentry who had been guarding the door was a little moved when he saw this scene.

In the past three days, the sentry has witnessed the entire standing process of the female soldiers, and to be honest, he was very surprised that these unreasonable female soldiers have so much willpower.

For three days and three nights, the sentry station was very tired all night, and the worst thing was this ghost weather.

This scene is indeed refreshing, the sentinel's opinion of the female soldiers.

Now the captain has asked them to run another 30 kilometers...

The sentry couldn't help but ask

, "Captain, will they die?"

Chen Jun looked at their figures indifferently and said, "If they are really fire phoenixes, they will be reborn from the fire." "


Each female soldier moved very hard, their physical strength was basically exhausted, and the cold made their bodies stiff, and it was not until they ran slowly for more than half an hour that their bodies gradually eased up a little.

This is like what Chen Jun said, their bodies lack heat and water, and it is almost impossible to complete 40 kilometers in 5 hours.

Not to mention that they are a group of female soldiers, even if they are male soldiers, it is difficult to challenge this task.

Tang Xiaoxiao is the one who loves to be clean the most, and he is also the one who loves to laugh the most, but at this moment, he can't cry if he wants to cry, and he choked up and said: "Why do you want to suffer this sin, let's give up, I really can't hold on."

Ye Cunxin grabbed her beside her and said, "It's all like this, do you want to give up like this?" We have persisted for three days and three nights, we will care about these five hours, don't let him look down on it!".

Shen Lanni said: "Yes, we can't let anyone underestimate us, we have persevered for three days and three nights, afraid of this last step? Hold on, let all those who look down on us know that we are not bad seeds

!" Tian Guo's faint voice: "I really want to eat, eat a lot of things, but if I give up like this, I can't eat, hold on!"

Tang Xinyi took a big step and said: "In the past, we had a chaotic life, we didn't understand anything, we didn't deserve the military uniforms we were wearing, and now we really feel what a real soldier is, we have a reason to give up at this time, sisters, rush, overcome difficulties, we can!"

Tan Xiaolin gritted her teeth and shouted: "Hold on, don't lose the face of the soldiers, we are the fire phoenix, we are female soldiers who want to become special forces, the opportunity is right in front of us, are you willing to give up at this time?" Anyway, I'm not reconciled! Don't give up, don't give up, everyone perseveres, don't give up on anyone.


female soldiers were very tired and physically uncomfortable, but at this moment, the belief in their hearts was extremely firm.

Half an hour, an hour ... They insisted on running, even if they supported each other, they ran together, and none of them were left behind.

"There's a small pool in front," Tian Guo shouted.

The female soldiers all rushed over, lying on the ground and trying to drink water, and at this moment they didn't care if it was dirty or not, they picked it up and drank it.

In their opinion, completing the task is the first thing, and as for the process, it is not important.

After drinking the water, the whole person was a little sober, and after the water in the body was replenished, they continued to run wild with a low roar....

They're all crazy.

Time passed little by little, and at this moment, Chen Jun stood at the door, looking at the road ahead.

And behind him, Lei Zhan, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang and others all came out to wait, and the 5-hour agreement was almost away.

He Chenguang looked at the time and said, "Captain, the time is ready, they can't come back, maybe they've already left halfway."

Chen Jun was a little disappointed and said, "It seems that I still overestimate these female soldiers, how can they be special forces? Suddenly

, Wang Yanbing said: "Wait, they're back..."

Everyone immediately looked in the direction of the bend, and sure enough, they saw a group of female soldiers, stumbling and supporting each other, walking forward step by step, side by side, in a row.

They all looked very embarrassed, the clothes on their bodies were already dirty, as if they had rolled out of the mud, their faces were extremely haggard, and the corners of their mouths were so dry that they were bleeding.

Everyone was exhausted, as if they were going to fall down in the next moment.

They are now using willpower to persevere, and persist until the end.

All of them were full of determination in their eyes.

Wang Yanbing said: "I really let them do it, these female soldiers are hard enough this time, they don't want their lives!" He

Chenguang nodded and said: "They are indeed working hard, this is an extreme challenge for the human body, they can persist to this step, it is really amazing, I really underestimated them before." "

They used to look down on these female soldiers, except for messing around, they didn't have any skills, the key is that they still feel superior to others.

When such a female soldier goes to the battlefield, she is a group of cannon fodder.

But now it's different, they still have some ability, and their mentality has also changed, and they are not as arrogant as before.

In a word, these female soldiers have changed.

Lei Zhan said with a little regret: "It's a pity, the time has passed, and they couldn't finish it within the specified time."

Chen Jun turned his head and glanced at Lei Zhan, "Your watch seems to be 5 minutes faster."

Lei Zhan was stunned, and immediately suddenly said: "How did I forget this, it is indeed 5 minutes faster." "

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