Two minutes later, all the female soldiers walked in front of Chen Jun with each other's arms.

"Lizheng!" Tan Xiaolin ordered with difficulty.

Suddenly, all the female soldiers dragged their tired bodies and stood in line again.

Tan Xiaolin said: "Report to Captain Chen, everyone in the Fire Phoenix has come back from completing the task, please instruct." Because

her lips were chapped, and when she spoke, blood seeped out.

Chen Jun looked at her, his gaze swept over the other female soldiers, and said, "Count your luck as well, the time is just right, and you passed."

When the female soldiers heard this, their eyes showed a look of relief, and the next moment, they fell down one after another, and they all passed out.

They are so tired, they have been able to persevere until now, completely supported by willpower, holding their breath on their bodies, and now that they have completed the task, as soon as their bodies relax, they immediately can't bear it.

"Hygienist, wake them up, don't have an accident!" "

Yes!" Everyone

immediately carried the female soldiers to the medical room for treatment.

An hour later, all the female soldiers were injected with normal saline, hung up the hanging bottles, and after the body energy was replenished, they woke up one by one.

When they woke up, the first thing they did was hug each other and cry.

"Sisters, we did it, we passed it, didn't we die, we did it..."


This test is too difficult for them, far more than the intensity of any of their previous trainings.

They thought they wouldn't be able to hold on and die halfway through.

He Lu worked as a war doctor and said: "We are just dehydrated and overtired, just take a little more rest and be fine, there won't be much of a problem, you don't have to worry too much."

Tian Guo said: "I feel like I'm falling apart now, hehe, I feel that my bones are gone, I really want to eat mutton skewers, lollipops..."

"Now I feel like I can eat a whole roasted lamb!" said Qubiazhuo.

Shen Lanni said: "Another day, I'll have a treat."

Tang Xinyi said: "Sisters, this experience finally made me understand what a soldier is and what willpower is, and I used to be too willful.

Tan Xiaolin nodded and said: "Hey, I always felt that everything was right before, it was someone else who humbled me, not how strong we are, we really shouldn't."

Ye Cunxin said: "If it's wrong, it's wrong, let's start again now, to become a real soldier."

Tian Guo said: "Now I'm not afraid of death!" Although

the female soldiers are tired now, they all seem to have been reborn, which is completely different from before.

At this time, Chen Jun's voice sounded at the door: "I hope you will remember this feeling, and I will explain it to the military region when I go back."

After speaking, Chen Jun turned around and left.

Tan Xiaolin shouted loudly: "Captain Chen, can you take our Fire Phoenix?"

Chen Jun didn't stop, and shouted without looking back: "We don't need female soldiers, and you are too weak to keep up with the training rhythm of our hackers."

Tang Xinyi hurriedly said: "We female special combat personnel, it must be useful, the army will use us sooner or later, I implore you to take us to train and make us stronger, others will not be so strict with us, because they all treat us as women, only you will not, if you don't train us, it will be difficult for us to have a breakthrough in strength, we don't want to be a vase!".

She grew up pampered since she was a child, and she did not suffer any setbacks, which made her gradually lost, and she felt that everyone in this world should accommodate herself and should do it according to her own wishes.

This is also the reason why when she knew that Xia Lan was locked up and eliminated from the military, she did not consider her problems, but directly threw all the faults to Chen Jun.

She figured it out now that it was all her own fault.

Ye Cunxin was worried about it, and stood up staggeringly, "Team Chen, as long as you are willing to take us, we will definitely be obedient, we will do whatever you say, let us do what we do, there will be absolutely no complaints and doubts!" Tian

Guo shouted: "Yes, Captain Chen, as long as you train us, we are willing to listen to you!"

Shen Lanni also shouted:" Report, I resolutely obey your orders!" all

the female soldiers shouted, their eyes full of perseverance and conviction.

At the door, Wang Yanbing smiled softly and said, "Are these female soldiers caught in the door?

He Chenguang shook his head and said: "Maybe I was used to being abused, I like it, didn't you do the same at the beginning?"

Wang Yanbing said: "Go, how can they compare with me, I am much better than them."

He Chenguang said: "Don't you think they are any different from before?"

Wang Yanbing thought for a while and said: "It's really different, but they are still female soldiers, and they are not suitable for them to really fight on the battlefield."

He Chenguang nodded, "This may be the reason why the captain is reluctant to accept them."

Wang Yanbing thought for a moment and said, "Maybe the captain will have other considerations, otherwise he wouldn't have let them go through such a cruel test." Sure

enough, Chen Jun stopped at this time and turned his head to look at these soldiers.

These female soldiers are really useless to hackers, even if they strengthen their training and improve their strength, compared with male soldiers, the difference is still very large.

On the frontal battlefield, they are still at a disadvantage, which is innate, and cannot be changed at all.

However, if they infiltrate behind enemy lines and carry out sabotage, the female soldiers have an innate advantage, because they are women, and out of a kind of protection of women by men, or a special feeling for women, they will relax their requirements for them.

For example, if a male soldier infiltrates a city at the same time as a female soldier, the danger of the male soldier being captured is far greater, because the female soldiers are much stronger than the men in makeup, and with the special care given to the men over the women, it is easy to be confused.

This is an innate advantage for women.

And spying intelligence, assassination, etc., the destructive power formed in the rear of the enemy is very terrifying, and they are much stronger than male soldiers, such as Enron is a very good wolf tooth agent, who can get a lot of information from the enemy, and can even penetrate the enemy, so that an enemy can start to disintegrate from the inside.

It is much more convenient for female soldiers to engage in various espionage activities in the rear than men, and this is a very important link in this special period.

This is also one of the reasons why countries around the world have formed female agents, and it must also be one of the reasons why Deputy Chief Tan proposed the formation of the Fire Phoenix.

Considering these problems, Chen Jun already had a rough plan in mind.

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