Chen Jun is not a hypocritical person, so naturally he will not shirk it, everything is to complete the task!

"Contact the Bison Commandos immediately and bring the weapons I need by helicopter right away."


"Everyone rest, get ready to fight at night!"


After hearing Chen Jun's arrangement, everyone quickly dispersed, and no one had any doubts.

Everyone knows very well that the big war is about to begin.

The police questioned Chen Jun before, but after a battle, they clearly realized that Chen Jun's toughness was not something they could understand.

The strength of this commando team is simply not comparable to them.

The strong will be recognized wherever they go.

Chen Jun conquered everyone with his strength.

The police were resting, while Lei Zhan and others took turns to be on guard and arranged around to prevent accidents.

And with the physical strength of Lei Zhan and others, they can fight continuously for 24 hours without any problems, and it is all-weather.

Naturally, Chen Jun would not rest, but began to think about the battle strategy.

Time flickered, and it was 9 p.m.

A helicopter gunship landed on the lawn of the makeshift stronghold.

This is the helicopter responsible for transporting weapons to Chen Jun.

The leader of the Bison Commando, Raging Bull, jumped out of the helicopter and, after seeing Chen Jun, immediately rushed over and saluted Chen Jun.

"Captain Chen!"

Chen Jun returned the salute.

Of course, Raging Bull knew Chen Jun's prestige and admired him, and being able to assist Chen Jun on a mission this time was the thing he was most excited about.

"Captain Chen, the weapons you want are all in the helicopter, and we will provide you with fire support in the air, if you have any instructions, you can give orders at any time!" Crazy Bull Road.

Chen Jun nodded and said, "Thank you!"

He waved his hand back, and Lei Zhan and the others, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed to the helicopter and rushed in.

After waiting for the helicopter, the helicopter quickly took off and flew towards Nuoka's lair with the help of night.

At this moment, in the cabin, everyone began to adjust the headset channel after they were armed.

After everyone made sure that there was no problem with the communication, Chen Jun reminded again: "I will emphasize one last time, Gao Yan, your team must follow us, we are responsible for rushing to the front, you are only responsible for arresting people, division of labor and cooperation!"

"Don't act on your own, let alone take risks, otherwise someone will be injured, and we will reduce our manpower to protect you, understand!"

"Understood!" Gao Yan and the others replied in unison.

This sounds a bit hurtful, but in fact, strength is the most important thing on the battlefield.

The combat power of Chen Jun and his party is too strong, and it is not comparable to Gao Yan and others at all, and they can't accept it.

And everyone's goal is to complete the task, and no one wants to be held back.

Therefore, protecting yourself and not causing trouble to your teammates is the best way to act.

Seeing this, Chen Jun nodded and said, "Nuoka and his backbone subordinates must be allowed to go back alive to be tried."


Only by arresting all the people in Yanguo and publicly trying them can the whole world see Yanguo's attitude and deter Xiaoxiao.

And not just kill them.

"Everybody check the gear!"


In about 20 minutes, the helicopter entered a dense jungle, and as it approached the location, the helicopter pulled down, and lowered the soft rope over a mountain forest.

Lei Zhan and the others quickly slid to the ground with the help of a soft rope, and immediately guarded the surroundings, and then Gao Yan and the others came down.

Chen Jun was the last to slip down.

The team quickly moved forward, Lei Zhan and others opened the way in front, and Gao Yan and others followed closely behind.

Chen Jun is in the middle position, always counting time.

At this moment, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening, and the moonlight was dim, and it could not shine into the dense forest at all.

The surroundings were pitch black, and from time to time there were movements of various small animals in the mountains and forests.

The group walked through the dense forest, led by Chen Jun.

Because it was a night operation, everyone except Chen Jun wore night vision goggles.

Everyone followed Chen Jun, cautiously, trying not to make a big noise.

Walking around the rainforest at night is a very dangerous thing, in addition to beware of poisons, you also have to be careful about your feet and whether you step into the air.

This is a challenge for Gao Yan and others, but for Lei Zhan and others, it is not a thing at all.

When they were training in the field, they had a harsher environment than this, when they were running and marching in a hurry, rather than shuttling cautiously as they do now.

If it weren't for taking care of Gao Yan and the others, Chen Jun would have ordered a rapid march a long time ago.

An hour later, Chen Jun and the others arrived at their intended destination.

Chen Jun's big fingers suddenly stood up, and the person behind him immediately stopped, and then squatted down.

At the foot of the mountain, about a kilometer from them, a camp appeared.

There were lights in the camp, and although it was the middle of the night, you could still faintly hear the noise coming from the camp.

Militants are also on guard around the camp.

According to the information we have learned, it can be determined that this is the old nest of Nuoka.

Lei Zhan and the others gathered around Chen Jun, and they also discovered the situation ahead.

"Gao Yan, let Xiaotian come here!" Chen Jun lowered his voice into the headset.

In the mountains and forests not far behind, Gao Yan patted the head of the military dog Xiaotian.

"Go, you must fight for me." Gao Yan said softly.

Xiaotian is their comrade-in-arms, and he has completed many missions, and with his assistance, many hidden tasks can be completed very well.

For example, placing cameras, monitoring equipment, and even not living mines, etc., Howling Sky can be done independently.

This time I brought it to the mission, just because it can be useful considering the complex environment here.

Last time, it was frightened by Chen Jun's momentum, and its temper became a lot more docile.


Soon, Xiao Tian ran behind Chen Jun and wagged his tail, very well-behaved.

Chen Jun squatted down and stroked its head, pointed to the barracks in the mountains and forests, and said, "Give you a task, put the explosives under the camp, can it be completed?"

Xiaotian seemed to understand Chen Jun's words, and even nodded again and again.

Afterwards, Chen Jun asked Lei Zhan to take a remote-controlled bomb and put it at the feet of Xiaotian.

Xiaotian is a strictly trained military dog, although he can't understand human speech, but after seeing a remote-controlled bomb, he understands what to do and immediately hangs it.

Chen Jun pointed to the tallest wooden building in the camp, "Put it there!"

Xiao Tian immediately ran wildly with a remote-controlled bomb in his mouth, and ran in the direction of the main building pointed by Chen Jun.

Chen Jun used a telescope to observe, and saw Xiao Tianli burrow into the camp, come to the bottom of the main building, and place the remote-controlled bomb in a relatively hidden corner below.

"Yes, this is a comrade-in-arms!"

It is very rare for Xiaotian to have such spirituality.

Soon, Xiaotian ran back again, hoisting one more and running towards the camp.

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