There were sentinels patrolling back and forth above the bamboo building, and there were patrols on the periphery of the camp, and their defense was very tight, but it was too dark all around, and even if there was light, it was only close to the building.

As a result, these people simply won't notice a dog shuttling back and forth in the dark.

In addition, this is a wooded area, and there are animals that come out and walk around at night, which is very common.

Sometimes, it is possible for a wild boar to break in.

After special training, Xiaotian was very agile, and he shuttled back and forth between the camp and the periphery several times, but he didn't notice it.

If it were a human being, it would have been discovered a long time ago.

Therefore, the advantages of military dogs are completely reflected here, and they are really in a no-man's land.

Wang Yanbing watched Xiaotian return, and couldn't help but sigh softly: "This dog is too smart, let's raise one when we go back."

Chen Jun nodded and said, "That's right, you are in charge of the training and training."

Wang Yanbing was immediately embarrassed, "Captain, you know, I can't raise it myself, how to raise a dog, just kidding." He

knows very well that it is not easy to train a military dog that can fight independently, it takes too much time and energy, and it is not something that can be cultivated in a short period of time.

Wang Yanbing has no experience in this area, and secondly, he does not have such time, so it is better to let him raise and train military dogs, so it is better to let him go directly to raise pigs.

"Then say!"

He Chenguang and the others all laughed softly.

Training military dogs is not realistic for them, of course, if they want to train, it is not impossible, just let Lao Fan do it, he is responsible for logistics, and there is time and energy.

It didn't take long for Xiaotian to send out 10 explosives packets, all of which were placed under different bamboo buildings.

When Xiaotian came back again, gunshots suddenly rang out from the other direction of the bamboo building.

Gao Yanxin's head trembled, and he lowered his voice and said, "What's the matter?" "

Because the gunfire didn't come from them, could it be that the other party noticed it?

It's not just him, Senior Brother, Nezha and the others all have varying degrees of nervousness, and this situation is a bit sudden.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, it must have aroused Nuoka's idea, and the previous plan was about to be reformulated.

Lei Zhan and the others also frowned when they heard the gunshots.

It was an accident, and the point is that I don't know who fired the gun.

If it's a misfire, it's not a big problem, and if someone comes to sneak attack, it just happens to be discovered... That would be tantamount to exposing it in advance, and it would inevitably affect their operations.

But then, the gunfire became louder, and the camp was full of shouts, and the armed men inside were alarmed.

"Quick, quick!"

"Someone sneak attacked, someone sneak attacked!"

"This way!"

The militants in the bamboo building rushed out of it with weapons in hand and rushed in the direction of the gunfire.

Lei Zhan and the others reacted immediately, and Nuoka was attacked!

Gao Yan became nervous: "What's the matter, there is another group of people attacking here, who are they, they are actually here to provoke Nuoka." "

He knows the strength of Nuoka very well, no organization of the local armed forces dares to provoke him, even the local armed government has to look at his face, and now he is actually coming to attack, this force is definitely not simple.

Chen Jun said: "It seems that someone is going to kill the mouth of the glutinous card, but fortunately we came, otherwise it would have been too late." "

There must be someone behind Nuo Ka to support him, I don't dare that his brain will not get into the water to take the Yan people for no reason, and this group of people is afraid that Nuo Ka will leak the news, so they will kill him, just in case.

Gao Yan was surprised: "You mean that there are people behind the glutinous card?"

Chen Jun said: "Not bad! "

It's... So what do we do now? "High rock road.

Chen Jun said: "Attack immediately, if they want to destroy the mouth, we will save people!" "


Chen Jun immediately issued an operational order to Lei Zhan.

"Yes!" Lei Zhan was instructed by Chen Jun to immediately pick up the detonator and press the switch directly.


The violent explosion exploded in the camp in an instant, like fireworks.

The explosion was accompanied by flames, and 10 bamboo buildings were blown into fireballs.

The drug dealers who had just picked up their weapons in the bamboo building were immediately engulfed in the flames and smoke formed by the explosion.



The screams continued.

The shock wave formed by the explosion swept many militants to pieces, and shrapnel pierced the arms, thighs, bodies...

Many people were killed by the bombing!

The entire camp was instantly engulfed in flames.

The camp, which had been chaotic enough, was now even more chaotic.

They never thought about how the good bamboo building could suddenly explode, and how the enemy would let it in.

It was a whole ten bamboo buildings, which were destroyed by a huge explosion in an instant.

Huge flames burned the dark night sky red.

The militants who survived were terrified, fearing that the explosions would start again, and they all began to rush out.

But as soon as he ran out, he was pressed down by the attack from the outside.

At this moment, in the bamboo building where Nuoka was, he had just rushed out, and he was immediately stunned by the explosion scene in front of him.

This is his hard work, and it was directly destroyed!

He didn't think that there would be an explosion here, this was a time bomb that the enemy had mixed in and planted before?

Only such a situation can be explained.

"Bastard!" Nuoka let out a low roar.

"Who the hell did it?"

Nuoka roared angrily.

However, he quickly realized that there were two groups of people who wanted to kill him.

"Bastard, if you want to kill Lao Tzu, it's not that easy!" Nuoka roared angrily, "This is Lao Tzu's territory, Lao Tzu is the emperor here, and any of you will be the same!" He

turned and rushed into the house, picked up the loaded light machine gun, and rushed out again.

As a big drug lord, he hasn't experienced any other battle scenes, he is still alive and well, and it is not so easy to kill him!

But before he could attack, a volley of bullets rained down, like a raging storm.

The bamboo building in front of it was swept by the steel torrent, crumbling, making a creaking sound, and it was about to collapse.

Nuoka was so frightened that he kept retreating, not daring to rush over.

The dense bullets rained down on the lives of his men, and every militant who tried to rush through was swept into a basket by the bullets.

Blood and limbs are flying everywhere!

There were screams everywhere, and at this moment, it was as if this place had become a living purgatory.

Flames burning everywhere, dense rain of bullets, constant harvesting of people... The smell of blood and gunpowder filled the camp.

Nuoka's body was trembling slightly, this scene was completely beyond his imagination.

The attacker's firepower was too fierce, far beyond his imagination.

Is this an attempt to purge his base?


Angry flames lit up in Nuoka's eyes.

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