Gatling heavy machine gun!

Nuoka's mind immediately flashed through the terrible weapon.

It is also known as the Vulcan Cannon.

One can control the whole situation, as long as the opponent has enough bullets.

The most important thing now is that there is more than one opponent!

Nuoka saw that on both sides of the Gatling, red flames were constantly spewing out.

It's crazy.

Who can resist such terrifying firepower?

This is the meat grinder of the battlefield.

And what made him even more frightened was that the speed of these people's advance was not too fast, but their marksmanship was too strong.

His subordinates couldn't stop it at all, and in just a few breaths, more than a dozen had already fallen.

A murderous person like Nuoka couldn't control the look of horror in his eyes.

Who is this and why is this attacking my territory!

Flame Troops?

Nuoka immediately took such an idea, it should be the special forces of Yanguo.

I killed their countrymen, and the other party publicly said that they must seek justice for the deceased, and they will send someone over now?

Damn it!

Nuoka knows that the people of the Yan country are pursuing it, and those who offend my Yan country will be punished from afar, but how dare they come without any evidence to attack themselves?

Aren't they afraid of international public opinion!

Nuo Ka was sending Weng Xu out to run errands, but he suddenly lost contact, he had a very bad feeling, but he didn't expect to launch a sneak attack at night, and it was still such a strong force.

"You have to find a way, you can't sit still!" Nuoka's eyes showed a fierce cold light, he was able to become a hero, relying on ruthlessness and shrewd mind.

He killed those Yan Nation crew members, and then blamed them, it was carefully considered, not impulsive.

Now that this situation is happening, it is a bit beyond his previous judgment.

Suddenly, one of his subordinates rushed over frantically and shouted, "Boss, boss, our people have died a lot, and everyone is almost overwhelmed, what should we do?" At

this time, Natu, the son of Nuoka, also rushed from the other direction, and his face was covered with blood, and it was someone else's blood that splattered on his body.

"Father, it's not good, we're being caught in the middle and can't get out at all, what should we do? If this continues, we can't stand it! Natu wiped the blood from his face.

Nuoka suddenly came to his senses, he just saw that it was the strength of the special forces of the Yan Kingdom, and he forgot that on the other side, there were also people attacking.

In fact, I didn't think about it, and the reason is simple, that is, the attack on this side is too fierce, too strong, and it completely attracts his attention, and the other side can't be compared at all.

Nuoka went crazy, two different people,, both wanted him to die!

The other group of people, Nuo Ka doesn't need to think about it to know who it is.

"These bastards!"

Nuoka turned around and rushed up to the bamboo building, came upstairs, and looked around.

All around are already in chaos, the most fierce firepower is in the direction of Yanguo, the speed of their advance is not fast, but it is unstoppable, according to this situation, how many of their own people they kill, not at the same level at all.

Now it can be dragged until now, and it is completely piled up with corpses.

The other side is also fierce, but in comparison, it is scum at all!

"Damn the Yanguo!"

If it weren't for them to attack, he could completely control the situation tonight, but not now, he had to transfer immediately, otherwise he would all die here.

Nuoka doesn't want to die now.

He suddenly pointed in the southwest direction, "Son, break out from here, you take our best gunners, break through!"

"They want to kill me, dreaming!"

"As long as the drugs and money are still in my hands, I will be the boss everywhere."

Nuoka knows very well that now in the face of the onslaught of the two forces, he can't stay here, but as long as he has enough money, he can soon pull out a team out, and he can still do it when the time comes!

How many life-and-death battles has he experienced from a small person to his current position? It's not spelled out in a desperate situation every time!

This is certainly the case this time.

With his current connections and money, as long as he is given a little time, he will regather a new armed force, and then kill him again.

"Yes!" Natu grabbed the money and immediately rushed out with someone.

"Everybody come with me, quick!"

When Natu came downstairs, he immediately beckoned to his most powerful men and broke through in the direction his father had just pointed out.

When Nuoka saw that his son was leading people to break through, he immediately said to another of his men: "Take your men and block the attack from the west, and when we rush forward, you will follow immediately." "


This subordinate was Nuoka's loyal subordinate, and without any hesitation, he immediately took his remaining men and horses and continued to resist.

He doesn't think about it that much, the boss's order is an order.

After Nuoka saw that the other party was rushing to the meeting, he immediately took a gun and turned around and fled from the other direction.

At this time, it is important to run for your life, as long as you live, you can avenge them, if you even die, then everything is really over.

So all Nuoka did was to let them die, and buy themselves a little more time to escape.


On the other side, Lei Zhan swept towards the base with Gatling in his arms, attacking completely indiscriminately, strafing wherever he saw a figure, including the moving bamboo building.

He was now like a humanoid fortress, constantly spewing tongues of fire.

That is, his strong physique can hold on, after all, this is Gatling, under the crazy shooting, the impact formed is very terrifying.

If it weren't for Lei Zhan's soaring physical fitness during this time, he wouldn't have lasted that long.


Bamboo buildings continue to collapse in strafing.

After all, the bullet swept underneath, and the supporting part was blown off in an instant, and once the balance was broken, the bamboo building could not support it.

Click, click.

Gatling's bullets were gone, but the six-hole barrel was still turning.

While others quickly covered for the mine war, they kept killing the armed men in front who tried to shoot in his direction.

"Change the bullet!" Lei Zhan roared, and immediately squatted down, holding the Gatling in his hand, and his breath was a little disordered.

After all, this dense impact on the arm, shaking the whole body, the taste is not so pleasant.

Wang Yanbing on the side immediately rushed over, opened the ammunition box on his back, and quickly changed the bullets for Gatlin.

"Give me a minute!"

The two cooperated like this all the way, Wang Yanbing replenished Lei Zhan's ammunition and maintained the strongest output.

Others took cover around and cleared the counter-attackers.

It is precisely by virtue of this tacit cooperation that the commandos are unstoppable wherever they pass.

The other party has several times more personnel, but they still can't parry.

When Lei Zhan and Wang Yanbing changed the bullets for Gatlin, Nuoka's breakthrough arrived!

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