In the Jinshan area, the word Yanguo is like a magic spell, which makes all forces jealous.

There is no way to do anything, an armed group as strong as Nuoka was wiped out overnight, can they not be afraid?

And it must be made clear that Yanguo did not send a large force over, but a small force, that is, a special force, which may just be a commando.

A commando team of only a dozen people at most, actually washed the base of the armed forces of several hundred people in blood.

What is this concept?

It's crazy!

And not only that, but also the Zapu armed group.

The armed forces of nearly 200 people in Zapu were also bloodied yesterday by a mysterious armed force.

There is no need to guess, it must have been done by the special forces of the Yan Kingdom.

In this way, in just one day, more than 500 people were killed by the special forces of the Yan Kingdom!


How can a commando team take out so many people, how can they resist it?

So these forces are silent.

On the other hand, after Mr. Sha learned the news, he didn't think about it and immediately reported the situation to the boss behind the scenes.

After hearing this, the boss behind the scenes looked solemn and said, "You mean to say that Nuoka and Ah Song were both captured by the people of Yanguo?"

Mr. Sha nodded and said, "Our people have searched the scene, and Ah Song is gone, only the bodies of his men, as well as Nuoka and his core members, and only the bodies of ordinary armed personnel are missing at the scene." "

In other words, Ah Song had a fight with Nuoka last night, but something else must have happened later to cause them all to be killed."

"In this case, there is only one possibility, and that is that they have been arrested."

Yan Guo wants to make a voice and severely punish the murderers of the crew members, they mean to arrest and go to their country for trial.

Therefore, as long as they have enough evidence to identify the murderer, they will definitely take action.

Secretly sending out combat troops is the toughest way.

Mr. Sha was too clear about Yanguo's methods, so he was basically certain that it was the people of Yanguo who did it.

The boss behind the scenes looked even more solemn, and said: "If Nuoka is really arrested and sent to Yanguo, then the problem will be very serious, immediately pass on my order, everyone should not have any activities, and everything related to Yanguo will be cut off immediately!" "

Don't anger the Yan Kingdom and involve us, damn it! Nuo Ka, this bastard, will definitely tell everything he knows, it doesn't matter if he dies, but the people involved will be unlucky, the people of Yanguo are crazy and do everything. The

boss behind the scenes had a deep look of jealousy on his face.

After all, he is clear about the methods of the people of the Yan country, and the sentence they pursue is that those who offend my Yan country will be punished even if they are far away!

This is no joke.

It is very stupid to kill the crew and then blame it, trying to increase his influence in this way.

Now suffering from the crazy revenge of the Yan Kingdom, this is what happened to him.

From this, it can be seen that the government of the Yan Kingdom regards their citizens as their most precious treasure.

Otherwise, such a thing would not have been done categorically.

Other countries will not make such a big disturbance because of the death of some people.

Now, as long as you do something, you can't be implicated!

Mr. Sha nodded solemnly and said, "Understand, we will do it now, and we will definitely satisfy the Yanguo side." "

Okay, let's go now, the sooner the better."



At the same time, on the periphery of Donghai International Airport, a large number of police officers with guns and lined up towards the runway of the plane, while police cars whizzed by, isolating the runway roads.


A large number of reporters, led by the police, waited on the side of the runway, all kinds of long guns and short guns were set up, and everyone was nervously waiting to adjust the shooting equipment.

It's too important for them to make any mistakes.

The whole process, they had an excited look on their faces.

When these preparations were completed, a welcoming procession of elementary school students and citizens entered the venue.

These people were holding buntings and flowers in their hands, and their faces were full of smiles.

Just an hour ago, the police announced an important piece of information to the public.

After careful preparation by the Yanguo police, it was determined that the mastermind of the crew killing incident was Nuoka, and the special forces sent by Yanguo have successfully arrested Nuoka and their main backbone, and seized a large amount of drug money, and are now being escorted back!

As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Yan Country


During this time, they have been paying attention to the killing of the crew members, and they must severely punish the murderer and give justice to the deceased.

But everyone knows that this is happening abroad, and it is very difficult to detect it, and even if it is detected, it is also very difficult to know the murderer and want to arrest and return to China for trial.

But who would have thought that only one day after the incident, Yan Guo would actually destroy the largest drug trafficking group in Jinshan and seize Nuoka.

What a concept!

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