"It's incredible!"

"Really, I can't believe it's true, you know?"

"That's the big drug lord Nuoka, Niu Ziguo once tried to arrest him, but it took ten years to catch him, and our country, it only took one year, compared to it, Niu Ziguo is nothing."

"It's true, it's crazy to think about, I really didn't expect that the happiness of this day would come back so quickly, I originally thought it would take a longer time, but as long as I can see this scene, I am willing to wait as long as I want."

"That is, I am proud that I have such a motherland."

"Yes, what is security? That's it! Now everyone in the world has seen it, this is our country's determination, and attitude, didn't it laugh at us before and dare not do anything? Now I've been slapped in the face.

"Big drug lord, we say to catch is to catch, what other country can do this? He also said that our country will only talk about it, and dare not do what to do, and the big drug lords have been arrested, and it will be seen if they dare in the future. "

No, like Kangaroo Country, where they are rampant with drugs, and the drug lords cover the sky with one hand, what can the local rulers do? They are all scared to death, and they can only let them run rampant, unlike us, drug dealers have nowhere to hide in our country!

"It's still better than our country, there is no comparison, those immigrant guys must have their brains in water to do such a thing."

"Indeed, give me money now, ask me to go, I won't go."

"It's so chaotic abroad, shooting people everywhere or something, where it's like us, it's peaceful everywhere."

"There's no comparison."

Reporter: When they were talking, their faces were full of excitement, and they were proud of the strength of their country.

Soon, the reporters who were ready to work began to broadcast live.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am now at Yanguo Donghai International Airport, waiting for the plane to land, and everyone will soon be able to see what the Jinshan drug lord looks like!"

"It can be said that this is a miracle, no country can achieve such efficiency as our national special forces, you can imagine that in just one day of action, we caught the drug king Nuoka, what is this concept?"

"And this arrest is not domestic, it is a cross-regional operation, in the face of the powerful armed forces of Nuoka, we can quickly arrest him and put him on trial, this alone can show that the strength of our country's special forces is not lost to any country."

"We are witnessing a moment in history, we should be proud that we can have such a country, looking back on our development process, you can see how difficult it is for us to get to this point."

"In the past, we used to protest more often to express our condemnation, to express our dissatisfaction, but ... Now, we express our attitude with our actions, and no one can bully our people! "

Reporters are in full swing of live broadcast, waiting for the plane to land.

And in front of the TV screen, hundreds of millions of viewers are staring, all with excited expressions.

"Haha, I'll just say, it's impossible for us not to make a move, I see, the big drug lord is about to be arrested!"


"Is this treating us like soft persimmons? See, no matter how tough you are, you have to bow your head in front of our powerful soldiers.

"When the country of Niuzi can't do it, let's come!"

"This is the domineering of our country."

Countless people cheered on the television, and they were more excited than anyone else, because they saw the strength of the country.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, especially the old people who are already old, and the excitement in their hearts is indescribable.

Suddenly, there was a booming sound.

"It's coming!"

"It's coming!"

Someone shouted.

Everyone suddenly looked up, only to see a plane flying towards the sky, and then slowly descended onto the runway.


All eyes were on the plane.

All kinds of photographic lenses, all focused on the plane.

Li Bu and several bigwigs from the police department immediately got out of the car.

And next to them, there were also foreign envoys from the three countries of Lao, Burma and Thailand, all of whom were waiting quietly, staring at the planes in the sky.

It's finally here.

Li Bu shouted loudly, "Get ready to meet." Suddenly

, all the special police officers stepped forward, and the surrounding police immediately entered a state of full alert.

With the loud roar of the aircraft, the plane landed on the runway.

This is a dedicated runway, which is designed to transfer prisoners.

The plane was steady, and the elevator truck immediately drove over, docked with the plane, and the cabin door opened.

Gao Yan was the first to press the crippled Nuoka and walked out.

At this time, Nuoka has long lost the appearance of the past, his hair and beard have been shaved, but he has not seen any damage on his face.

Chen Jun specifically does not slap his face...

But now that his limbs were moving, as long as he moved slightly, he immediately felt a sharp pain spread throughout, making his whole facial expression extremely ugly.

There was no way, his limbs were all destroyed by Chen Jun!

Nuoka is now unable to take care of himself, and for him, this is worse than death.

And he knew that he was going to die, and his spirit was very poor.

He is now regretting endlessly, why should he offend Yanguo, just do less business, at least there is no problem with living well.

Now there is no power left to survive.


Everyone's eyes were on Nuoka.

"This is the big drug lord Nuoka?"

"Holy shit, such a shit? I used to see him in the video, and he was very arrogant, but now he feels like the whole family is dead. "

Cut, his armed forces have been taken, isn't it like the whole family has died?"

"He must be in endless despair right now!"

"He's damned!"

"How many people did he kill? How many people's blood was on his hands, if I were to say, even if he was shot a hundred times, it would not be enough to convict.

"Indeed, those who were mutilated can now finally rest in peace, and this heinous murderer will be judged!"

The people are full of endless anger against the big drug lord Nuoka.

Think about the innocent people who died at his hands, how innocent were they?

Now this big devil is finally going to be brought to justice, and people are happy!

In front of the TV screen, the people were even more emotional when they saw Nuoka being carried out of the plane.

"It's him, it's him, he killed so many people, God has eyes, and finally caught him!"

"This bastard, he must have thought that he would have such a day, this will provoke the fate of our Yan country, the lives of our people are not so easy to kill, and they have to pay a price."

"Murder pays for life!"

People cheered in front of the TV screens.

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