

Lei Zhan and the others roared angrily, their faces fierce.

They couldn't get angry.

Why can these bastards do this to a hero.

They know better than anyone what kind of person Chen Jun is and how worthy of everyone's respect.

Is it because of a few miscellaneous pieces, and the captain is punished?

Is it necessary!

Everyone was holding their breath in their hearts, and their lungs were about to explode.

Originally, when they came back from the victory, they were all very happy, and they were thinking about how to celebrate, but as soon as they came back, they didn't even drink a sip of water, and the captain was taken away at home.

What is the rationale behind this?

Seeing that they were annoyed, Chen Jun said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I'll come back when I go." "

It's not the first time he's fought with the pickets, when has he ever suffered?

Then, Chen Jun followed Colonel Wang's car and left.

Wang Yanbing stared at the departing car angrily, "Why, they have the ability, why don't they catch those drug dealers?" We have merit, and we have to be punished, what is the reason! Chief of Staff, do those bastards never do personnel?

Fan Tianlei said a little embarrassed: "This, it is difficult for them to grasp discipline, but don't worry, the captain will be fine, I believe the captain, the superiors are not blind, they will definitely not let them mess around, our captain's background is not ordinary." "

Thinking of the team behind Chen Jun, the pickets must have no way to deal with him, not to mention that the matter of Chen Jun's crime is not a matter at all, how can the picket team use this to catch Chen Jun's fault?

The people above won't agree.

Fan Tianlei is an old fritter, and he knows the picket team too well.

Take Chen Jun now, and it is estimated that it will not be long before he will be sent back.

Lei Zhan was also quite familiar with the pickets before, and it was precisely because he knew this that he was very angry, screaming angrily, kicking a stone on the ground, and scolding: "Those miscellaneous pieces of Nuoka, what kind of things, even if they are killed on the spot, it is not too much at all, the captain just charged a little interest to avenge his compatriots!" "

What is it that the pickets are catching this at this time? Disgusting people! The

paratroopers quacked, "If they really dare to punish the captain, even if Lao Tzu makes trouble with the military department, Lao Tzu will also make trouble, it's a big deal, don't wear this military uniform!" The

hygienist scolded: "The brain is in the water, is it?" Saying this kind of thing, it doesn't have a long memory at all, and making trouble won't solve the problem, but we can complain if they really punish the captain.

He Chenguang was quite calm at this time, "Soldiers have iron discipline, we are strong here, this is also what the other party means, the process needs to be gone, and we don't have to worry too much."

Li Erniu said anxiously: "Then you can't wait to do nothing, what if they really give the captain a punishment?"

Wang Yanbing said angrily: "They dare!"

Lei Zhan said: "They really dare to do this, what is the picket?" The White Helmets can do anything, we can't wait, we have to do something. The

paratrooper said, "What can be done?" Those guys are very arrogant one by one, and everyone looks like they have a problem, that is, the captain still reasoned with them, they are just picking bones in the egg, and they have the ability to let them fight with them? The

hygienist snorted lightly and said, "You still need to talk about this?" The point is, what do we do now.

He Chenguang said: "If you want to be punished, you can't let the captain carry it alone, let's carry it together!"

Wang Yanbing said: "Yes, let's carry it together!"

Lao Fan looked at them all excitedly, he didn't know what to say, he was really a little envious of Chen Jun, bringing out such a group of good soldiers, much better than when he led the team.

I really don't know how much magic power Chen Jun has, which will make them all follow him one by one, and even Lei Zhan is inclined to Chen Jun.

You must know that Lei Zhan looked down on Chen Jun the most at the beginning.

"Okay, okay, it's all said, it's not as serious as you think, no one dares to do anything to the captain, you have to believe the captain, just wait for him to come back, but, seriously, you really shouldn't be rash, at that time, use some tricks to fool them into killing each other, isn't it? No matter how strange it is, it will fall on your own head. Fan Tianlei said.

He is an old fritter, and he knows best how to deal with this situation, Chen Jun is still too impulsive, of course, there is nothing wrong with this, but the things behind will be more troublesome, after all, the regulations on the surface are not easy to break.

Now that the headquarters has given orders directly, most of them are angry.

Wang Yanbing said in a low voice: "You have the chief of staff, you just have too many people to fool, and you have raised pigs yourself, what do you want?" What was the situation at that time, you don't know, that is, the captain made a move, it was better than me, they were even worse, and they were merciful to a group of miscellaneous people, phew!

The corners of

Fan Tianlei's mouth twitched, and he snorted coldly, "You haven't grown any hair, what do you know?" What's the use of you screaming here now? Go find someone who can cure them, Gao always has this ability. "

The so-called one thing descends one thing, Gao Shiwei is a hawk figure, he is the one who protects the calf the most, others want to deal with his soldiers, can he agree? Especially Chen Jun, it was in the middle of the day, if he knew that the people of the headquarters had taken Chen Jun away, it was estimated that they would go directly to ask for someone.

Wang Yanbing was stunned for a moment, and smiled, ", it makes sense!" And

their eyes lit up.

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