Everyone's eyes lit up.

This operation was originally authorized by Mr. Gao to let Chen Jun lead the team to do it, and now the task has been successfully completed, which can be regarded as giving Mr. Gao a big face.

Now that the pickets have taken the captain away, can he leave it alone?

Made, the old rivers and lakes that fool people, really have two brushes.

They are too clear about Lao Fan's style of doing things, pits are pits, but the ability to fool people is really strong, and looking at problems is really unique.

Lei Zhan said: "Old Fan, this time you have done a job.

Fan Tianlei rolled his eyes and said, "!

Wang Yanbing smiled and said: "The chief of staff often does personnel, okay, this time I reminded us, now go to President Gao and report to him."

He Chenguang said: "It is indeed time to report to the chief, maybe, he still doesn't know about the captain being taken away." The

paratrooper waved his hand and said, "Then let's go, what are you doing in a daze." A

group of people turned around and were about to leave, but Lao Fan stopped them and said, "Okay, I'll go, you all go, this momentum is estimated to be forcing the palace, and things will not be easy to handle at that time, and we can't let our captain be wronged." With that

, he walked away quickly.

Everyone thought about it, it seemed that it was too, after all, Lao Fan's ability to fool people was much stronger than them, not to mention, he was more familiar with Mr. Gao, and it was easy to talk.

"Then let's wait and hear from Lao Fan?" Wang Yanbing said.

He Chenguang nodded and said, "That's fine, Lao Fan is more tactful, and it's really not appropriate for us to go to the chief like this." "

Let's go back first, and then wait for the news, if Lao Fan can't handle it, let's go together, and force the palace to force the palace!"

The crowd quickly got back to speed, then washed up, changed into clean clothes, and finally waited for news.

They didn't tell anyone else about this, and when they asked, they said that the captain had gone to report to the chief.

Others are not surprised, after all, this explanation is normal.

In the past, when they came back from a mission, the first thing they did was to report to the chief.

The chief's side must have wanted to know the specific situation as soon as possible.

In the military region, Mr. Gao and Vice President Wang were sitting in the conference room, looking at the TV screen, which was showing the process of Nuoka and others being transferred.

Seeing this, both of them had excitement on their faces.

This time the Southeast Military Region showed a big face!

The Nuoka Group was cleaned up overnight and brought back to China for trial, which is unprecedented.

It's a very shocking thing.

The deterrent effect generated this time was enough to affect the nearby militants, and they did not dare to provoke the Yanguo people again, and the passage by sea was also very smooth.

Those militants have always bullied the weak and feared the hard, and this time the Yan Kingdom Thunder took a decapitation action, which made them truly feel the terrifying combat effectiveness of the Yan Kingdom.

If you offend my Yan country, you will be punished even if you are far away!

This is definitely not a slogan.

Mr. Gao laughed happily and said: "Haha, there is no shame, the combat level of our special troops has reached the top in the world, and the strength of our military region in this regard can be regarded as surpassing that of other military regions."

Wang Changlin nodded and said: "Mr. Gao, this kid Chen Jun is really reliable, in just one day, he eliminated the drug lord who has been entrenched for decades, which is a feat, and the three nearby countries have sent letters of thanks."

"There has never been such a thing before, they used to look down on us a little, saying that we would only protest and dare not move the real thing, this time the bright sword probably scared them all, otherwise, it wouldn't be like this."

"To say that the comprehensive combat strength of our military region in the special forces is not only surpassing other military regions, this is soaring, how long has the hacker commando been established? has achieved such an amazing record, which is something that other military regions cannot think of.

"This shows that our decision to insist on Chen Jun leading the team was correct, and if this momentum continues, the hackers will train a more powerful special operations force!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, after all, Chen Jun had achieved such good results, and he was also at the head of the Southeast Military Region, and their faces were also bright.

In the past, the Southeast Military Region was overwhelmed by other military regions, but now it has finally fought a battle to turn around, and next year's military budget will certainly increase a lot.

Mr. Gao nodded and said: "Chen Jun's contribution is indispensable, this time we must reward him well!" "

Yes, Chen Jun's merits are too great, and if he doesn't reward them, it will chill the hearts of other soldiers." Vice President Wang said, "According to the time, they should have almost returned to the base, should we go and have a look?" It

was at this time that there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

The secretary pushed the door in, and said with a little hurried expression: "Chief, there was news just now that Captain Chen was taken away by the picket corps just now." "

What!" Mr. Gao stood up suddenly, his tiger eyes flashing, "Are you sure?" Who the hell dares to catch Lao Tzu's love general! "

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