The small red wooden pavilion, An Ran stood there quietly like a sculpture, and his eyes kept falling on several young people wearing devil uniforms standing in front of him.

These young people are still holding knives used by devils in their hands, all of them have heavy makeup, devil clothes, men and women, some are pretending to be some kind of princes, majestic, and there are women who are delicate and delicate pretending to be devils.

"Taijun, come and take you the most handsome photo, it's too majestic. The young man in charge of taking pictures, with long hair, dyed red and pasted on the right side of his face, held the camera and faced a young man with a classic small poke beard painted on his face, wearing a Taijun hat and Taijun costumes, ready to take pictures.

"Good. The man called "Taijun" looked serious in an instant, his feet were shoulder-width apart, standing, holding his hands in one end, and the other end of the long knife standing on the ground.

This is the majestic standing posture of the crown prince.

A quick beat sounded, and immediately there was a burst of laughter.

"Yes, the living Taijun, it's too similar, boy, you should go to acting

," "This Taijun, it's too similar, I'll have a picture too, let's take a photo together, Taijun." A soft female voice rang out.

It was a girl who spoke, with her long hair wrapped in and fixed with a long hazelnut, dressed as a ghost woman's decoration, white socks under her feet, and a pair of wood-colored clogs, dressed as a ghost woman of my fair lady.

As she spoke, she walked over and hugged the "Taijun" directly, behaving very intimately.

Behind her, there are two or three girls who are also dressed in the same way as her, and on the side, a man and boy are also dressed in devil military uniforms, but they are not as arrogant as Taijun, and they seem to be Taijun's subordinates.

"What kind of devil is this, is it so good-looking?" Chen Jun frowned as he looked at these people who were smearing themselves and pretending to be devils.

The clothes of these young people are really reminiscent of those devils during World War II.

At that time, those devils, in order to occupy the territory of the Yan Kingdom, could use any bad means.

These young people actually favor the clothes of devils?

After just a few glances, Chen Jun felt very uncomfortable.

"Where did these people come from

, are they filming?" "Daughter-in-law, are they taking a selfie?"

Chen Jun approached An Ran and whispered in surprise, only to see that his daughter-in-law was already clenching her fists and looking angry.

An Ran puffed out her cheeks, if she was usual, she would look cute, but now, she has been on the verge of anger.

"You're here. An Ran put away his emotions, looked back at Chen Jun gently, and when he looked back at the young men, his eyes immediately showed disgust, "Those guys are too hateful."

An Ran's eyes rose with anger, "No, they are not taking pictures, but showing off, you see, that location is actually the old revolutionary area that resisted the little devils in the past."

An Ran said, raising his snow-white jade finger and pointing directly at the side of a few guys dressed as young devils, where there stood a simple sign with four big characters written on it, "Revolutionary Old Area." "

This is the place where the predecessors used blood to fight the devils and protected them, they actually came here to show off, they are not people, how can young people be so selfish now. "

The old revolutionary base ... Chen Jun was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw the sign standing there at a glance.

The four big characters on the brand that have been washed by the years and are covered with wind and dust made Chen Jun's face change suddenly, and a cloud of anger suddenly burned in his heart.

"This is the peace that our ancestors bought with their lives, and these guys are actually in the bloody place, wearing the clothes of devils. "

Are you going to show off and take pictures of friends?"

At this moment, a group of travelers from the bottom of the mountain also came up, and as soon as these people appeared, they were immediately attracted by the young people in strange costumes.

"What are these people doing? Are they filming?"

"It looks like it is, and it doesn't look like it is again, so they should have come here specifically to take pictures." "

Take pictures, wearing devil's clothes, come to the old revolutionary area to take pictures, what do you mean?"

"Yes, you shouldn't come to this place..."

Suddenly, a scolding voice sounded in the crowd, "You young people, don't you know

shame?" "What kind of place is this? In the old revolutionary area, how many older generations have died here, and there is no shame for you to wear such clothes here?"

The speaker was a middle-aged male traveler, with a flat head, a simple and generous face, and bright eyes, the kind of uncle who was not afraid of trouble.

Hearing the insults behind him, several young people dressed as devils turned their heads in unison and looked at the middle-aged man, their faces darkened.

Among them, the man in the clothes of the imperial army, looked at the man, and scolded directly, "Old man, what are we doing, what are you doing blindly." "

That is, what we do is our freedom, what are you doing here pointing fingers at you old immortal?" The girl who pulled Taijun to take pictures instantly changed from a delicate girl to a shrew with sharp teeth and pointed at the middle-aged man and scolded.

On the side, another boy also looked angry, and scolded as soon as he opened his mouth, "That's all history, what are you talking about, do you live in the past forever, we take pictures, we think these imperial soldiers are handsome, can you manage it?"

"Besides, the history of the year, it depends on us, if it weren't for the help of the beautiful country and the bear country next door, we would have been destroyed, maybe we would have to bow our heads when we see such military uniforms..."

This boy's speech is even better than that of the pretending Taijun, and as soon as he turned around and saw the middle-aged, he began to scold, as if he was not happy to vomit.

"Yes, the past is the past, the present is the present, why use the past to bind us, now the Yan country is considered to be completely democratic. "A woman who looks weak and weak also has the courage to criticize middle-aged people.


Seeing that these young people were so unreasonable, not to mention the national spirit, all the passengers were so angry that their faces trembled.

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