"Without the dedication of the revolutionary ancestors, where would your democracy come from?" The middle-aged man was not afraid of those young people who were pretending to be devils, and continued to scold.

"Let's go, this is the old revolutionary area, not a place for you to play at home, you didn't know what the meaning of the blood of your ancestors was, just as you were illiterate, today, I want to tell you, it is the blood and sweat of the revolutionary ancestors here that we have today's peace, you go now, we should not see it." The

middle-aged man scolded and began to drive away the few ignorant young people, and seeing this, the other onlookers also began to drive away those people.

"Yes, yes, you have to take pictures and go home to take pictures, this is not suitable, hurry up and leave, embarrassed. "

Today's young people don't have the slightest patriotic spirit, and they come to the old revolutionary base area to show off the things of devils, which is too unusual, drive them away, and be disgraced to their ancestors..."

Seeing that more and more people began to target them, those young people came with a brute spirit, not only did they not leave, but they became even more arrogant in scolding.

"You are not the chairman, why are you in charge of us, who dares to drive us out, I am anxious with you. The man dressed as Taijun directly raised the long wooden knife in his hand to the approaching crowd.

"We continued to take pictures, ignore them, and meddle in our business. The girl in delicate costume continued to pose for pictures with another man with a wooden gun, ignoring the advice of the crowd at all.

These actions completely angered all the masses, and the scolding increased again, "If you live in the war years, you will definitely be traitors and spies, if you don't leave, we will do it, don't worship the small Japanese country in the old revolutionary area, this is the place where the martyrs shed blood, not for you to mess around." The

passengers who climbed up behind also joined in one by one and scolded.

"A bunch of things, didn't your parents educate you on how to be patriotic, where is this, this is a place to resist invasion, a place where martyrs sacrificed, dog things, hurry away.

"Social scum, it doesn't matter if such a child is not born, he is so selfish, he will harm others and himself when he grows up, and he will harm the country, everyone will drive them away and teach him a lesson for their parents."

"Okay, teach them a lesson, let them know what patriotism is..."

"How dare you?" Seeing everyone pointing at their noses and scolding, these guys became even more angry, the young man named Taijun climbed directly to the bunker tower, raised a flag, and shouted arrogantly, "Lao Tzu won't leave, how about it, now in the era of freedom, can you control what you do?"

"Come on, start beating me, a bunch of dogs!"

Dog things, mad dogs, come out and bite people indiscriminately, we take pictures, this is our freedom, the rule of law society, I see if you dare to do it. "

That's it, here, whoever dares to do it today will break the law, it's really angry, I didn't look at the yellow calendar when I went out, and I ran into a mad dog."

"Whoever dares to do it, I will immediately call the police and arrest you all, come on, do it, we are taking care of it, I am not afraid of you too many." "

A few arrogant young people have put on a posture of fighting, as if they are more reasonable, in fact, it is not because they are reasonable, but they have expected that no one will dare to do anything to them, after all, when they fight, everyone will be at a loss, everyone is a stranger, no one is stupid enough to offend irrelevant people, and be targeted by the police.

Seeing these young people so crazy, the people who participated in the advice did hesitate for a moment, now in society, there are everyone, some crazy people, seeing that they are at a loss, they can take their lives.

If you do run into scum, it's not worth getting yourself into trouble.

Middle-aged people are basically old and young, and some people subconsciously hesitate, and those young people suddenly became more arrogant when they saw everyone hesitating.

"I'm afraid, leave quickly, don't make a fuss.

"Hehe, there are thieves who don't have the courage to fight us..."

The young man pretending to be Taijun didn't finish his threat, and after a while, a figure had already come to him, and the speed of the person who came was very fast, and the figure seemed to float over, so frightened that his eyes were straight.

The person who came was Chen Jun, at first he just felt angry, and he didn't think to do it, but these people went too far, they actually threatened the masses, and continued to spoil the place that the martyrs defended with their lives, this is an insult to the ancestors.

Although I don't know who died here, they must be soldiers who are not afraid of death, and those ancestors who didn't have weapons to use, they resisted with flesh and blood, and finally died here.

That generation was willing to endure hardships and sacrifice their lives to win peace for the next three generations, even if they stood and shed their last blood, they did not bow their heads.

Now, the peace they bought was teased and ruined by a few elite elements, as a soldier, he was also born and died, Chen Jun must not watch such a thing happen.

The essence of the sun, who was still chanting a moment ago, suddenly saw a figure float towards him, and then, he felt something grab his foot.

Brushing it all at once, his whole person was ripped off from his high position.


sudden feeling of weightlessness made him pale with fright.

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