Lin Hui smiled indifferently, and the finger tips in his hand kept changing, while he muttered words in his mouth. The formation light curtains slowly rotated with Lin Hui’s movements.

As the formation’s light curtain rotates, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth also rotates, turning into a huge spiritual vortex to support the high-speed operation of the formation.

Of course, this formation has many functions. If Lin Hui dares to use it, it must be because it has great power that can make people feel fear.

At the same time, the expressions of everyone in the Snow God Sect changed. They felt that the spiritual power in their bodies was losing rapidly, and the loss was getting faster and faster.

“what happened?”

Monks who have reached the realm of spiritual transformation have very strong spiritual power reserves, which can be said to be huge, and they will no longer be troubled by spiritual power issues.

But at this moment, everyone in the Snow God Sect was losing their spiritual power rapidly, but they had no choice but to let it flow away.

“What formation is this?”

A god-transformation monk couldn’t help but ask, his tone full of anxiety and panic.

When Lin Hui saw this, his expression turned dull and he said softly:

“Don’t worry, as long as you are willing to stop and listen to me, everything is only temporary.”

In the cold region, the Hall of Immortals.

The battle between Ji Yi and a group of powerful gods was over. Relying on the assistance of the large formation, Ji Yi tried his best and finally killed everyone before the man in black robe came back.

Although the sword talisman was powerful, Lin Xuan was not here in person after all. Lin Yi was not sure whether a sword talisman could kill the black-robed man with unfathomable cultivation in Qunxian Hall.

But Ji Yi was prepared for the worst. If nothing could be done, or if the man in black robe returned safely and unscathed, Ji Yi would leave as soon as possible and would never put himself in the most dangerous situation.

Looking at the ruins on the ground, Ji Yi’s consciousness spread out, and the scattered treasure trophies and many magic weapons were nowhere to be seen in front of Lin Yi.

These were Ji Yi’s trophies. Ji Yi could not turn a blind eye. With one move, Ji Yi raised his hand and all the magic weapons fell into Ji Yi’s hands.

Although Ji Yi’s cultivation is now stronger and his vision has improved, Ji Yi is still very interested in what people like Qun Xiantang left behind.

Because some useful information may be found here, such as the identity of the man in black robe and which demon clan is behind Qunxian Hall.

In addition, there may also be some rare treasures of heaven and earth, which even if Ji Yi can’t use them, can be used to win people’s hearts and develop his power.

Although the Qunxian Hall did not unify the Cold Territory and plunder all the treasures in the Cold Territory, one thing is undeniable. They must have collected a lot of good things after hiding in the Cold Territory for so many years.

Logically speaking, with the strength of Qunxian Hall, it shouldn’t be a big problem to control the entire wilderness and become the master of the entire wilderness.

But this is not the case. If Qunxiantang is an orthodox human force, then Qunxiantang should not have much problem in taking over the cold region. At most, it will attract the attention of the big forces in the outside world.

Unfortunately, the Qunxian Hall is not an orthodox human force. The demon clan is developing a force in the human domain. If they don’t cause trouble, the big human forces and the top human beings may turn a blind eye or close one eye.

But as long as the demon clan’s forces dare to cause trouble and attempt to control the human race’s realm, they will definitely incur a thunderous attack from the human race’s powerful forces.

Just like the Blood Eagle Sect before, after the big forces in the Central and Eastern Regions got the news, they immediately sent strong men to the wilderness to suppress the Blood Eagle Sect.

If Lin Xuan had not appeared in the wilderness and destroyed the Blood Eagle Sect with the power of thunder, the Blood Eagle Sect might have finally been destroyed by the powerful forces of the human race.

Therefore, Ji Yi doesn’t actually care about how strong the Qunxian Hall is, but if the Qunxian Hall is related to a big clan in the demon clan, then Ji Yi will have to pay attention to it.

Because the strength of the demon clan is not as good as that of the human race, but it is not weak and kills more. At least for now, Ji Yi is not sure of winning against the truly strong monsters of the demon clan.

Moreover, Qunxian Hall has been hiding in the cold region for such a long time. Lin Yi guessed that Qunxian Hall must have some unknown plan.

The Cold Territory is already in the possession of the Lin family. If the Lin family wants to completely conquer the Cold Territory and become the master of the Cold Territory, they must pay attention to the Immortal Hall.

According to the previous plan of the clan elders, Qunxiantang and other powerful forces hidden in the dark would wait for Lin Xuan to break through and get out of seclusion before eradicating them.

But now, Ji Yi has taken action in advance. Now that the matter is over, Ji Yi will definitely not give Qun Xiantang any chance to cause trouble.

If possible, Ji Yi would like to kill the digital gods of Qunxian Hall, and then come up with a big one to kill the black-robed strong men of Qunxian Hall who came to support.

Watch Qunxiantang transform into gods

From the previous reaction, it was obvious that the identity of the black-robed strongman who came to support them was not simple.

With his good status and strong strength, Ji Yi knew very well that his idea was a bit too taken for granted and almost impossible to realize, but what if?

In Lin Yi’s life creed, there is never anything impossible, only whether you want it, whether you dare, whether you can. As long as you dare to think, everything is possible.

Just as Ji Yi was searching for loot, a black stream of light flashed across the sky and headed straight for Ji Yi.

The man in black robe was not killed by the sword talisman, and he came so quickly. Judging from his appearance, the damage was not particularly serious. When Lin Yi saw this, he was only disappointed for a moment, and decided to leave here first.

“Looks like it’s time for me to go!”

Lin Yi’s eyes were focused, not daring to be careless at all. His figure flashed and disappeared instantly.


A cold voice came, and then, the man in black robe turned into a stream of light and appeared in front of Ji Yi.


Ji Yi didn’t want to get into a useless entanglement with the man in black robe, so he was about to leave. Suddenly, Ji Yi felt something strange from the man in black robe, and he immediately froze.

The current situation of the man in black robe is very wrong. On the surface, everything seems normal, but in fact, Ji Yi feels a familiar power in him.

As the No. 0 Sequence Saint Son of Ji Yi, Lin Xuan had high hopes for him, and was generous in his investment and guidance, teaching him many powerful techniques and spells.

Therefore, Lin Yi knew all the skills that Lin Xuan taught him before, and he also had a deep understanding of them, so as to draw parallels.

With just a slight feeling, Ji Yi had many guesses. Although the sword talisman failed to kill the man in black robe, it was not without effect.

Lin Yi guessed that even if the man in black robe was lucky enough to save his life under the sword talisman, he was still seriously injured. The most important thing was that the sword energy in the sword talisman entered his body and he could not get rid of it. He could only suppress it by force. .

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