Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 48 Tang Yin’S Own Handwriting! The Draft Of Sighing The World!

Bookshelf changes owner.

But the people who eat melons are still reluctant to leave.

They surrounded the scene on three levels, inside and outside, all wanting to see what happened next.

Not long after.

A Mercedes-Benz S450 appeared on the second-hand trading market.

When Liu Qing saw the car, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Little brother, my friend is here.

Jiang Chen looked up.


Teacher Chen?

Liu Qing stepped forward and greeted Chen Wanshan, "Old Chen, you came very quickly. Please make a special trip to teach me your experience. Hahaha, I hope it didn't delay your business."

Chen Wanshan still waved his hands very kindly and said nonchalantly: "To put it seriously, we are both teachers and friends, and we learn from each other. By the way, where are the things?"

Liu Qing turned around and pointed, "Here it is."

Chen Wanshan squinted his eyes and adjusted the frame on the bridge of his nose. He did not look at the bookshelf in a hurry, but looked at Jiang Chen next to him, "Eh?! Xiao Jiang!"

It had only been a few days since the two last met.

Moreover, Chen Wanshan and Jiang Chen exchanged signals of authority.

So Chen Wanshan instantly remembered Jiang Chen.

"Teacher Chen, please come here." Jiang Chen also stepped forward to greet Chen Wanshan as a student. After all, a big shot like him has helped you several times without asking for compensation. Of course you have to lower your attitude. , to show respect.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. We are all old acquaintances. Hahaha, what a fate."

Chen Wanshan shook hands with Jiang Chen and smiled.

Liu Qing was fascinated: "Old Chen, do you know this little brother?"

Chen Wanshan smiled and said: "Yes, we had dinner a few days ago and spent a day together. We had a good chat, so I had a deep impression on Xiao Jiang, haha.

"Ha, it's really fate."

Liu Qing also laughed.

After the greetings, Chen Wanshan suddenly asked: "Xiao Jiang, has Lao Yang told you about the Marvel comic book?"

Jiang Chen nodded: "As I said, I sent the book to Boss Yang's shop an hour ago. Boss Yang said that I still need to rely on you to send the comic book to the CGC company for appraisal first, and then directly Auction in the country.

"Yes, it is more troublesome, but this is Lao Yang's responsibility."

Chen Wanshan said kindly.

Liu Qing on the side was dumbfounded.

Chen Wanshan explained the matter, and Liu Qing was surprised again, "Xiao Jiang, are you a professional in picking up leaks?"

"No, no, I'm a scrap collector, and my car is still parked there." Jiang Chen pointed at his tricycle modestly, which made Liu Qing even more confused.

"Let's take a look at the bookshelf first."

Had a chat.

Chen Wanshan went straight to the point.

Accompanied by Jiang Chen and Liu Qing, he walked around the bookshelf and looked at some details.

Liu Qing introduced:

"I've seen it, it's an old thing from the Qing Dynasty, a thousand-year-old golden nanmu. It's a pity that one side of the board has been scrawled with calligraphy."


Chen Wanshan also looked at the calligraphy.

The calligraphy is bold and powerful, and the ink is splashed freely, and the emotions can be seen.

Don’t force wealth and glory,

If you can't force it, it will be shameful.

If there is a place to stretch your feet, you must stretch your feet.

Shrink your head when you have to.

There are no people around the house,

It’s hard for me to keep my children and grandchildren when they grow up.

The Emperor has made arrangements long ago,

Don't worry, don't worry.

There were many corrections in the middle, which made it look a bit messy.

"Who wrote this song "Sighing the World"?"

Liu Qing explained: "I don't know, maybe the seller's husband copied it casually. By the way, is this a poem?"

Hearing this, Chen Wanshan frowned: "Yes, Tang Yin's poem."

As soon as these words came out.

The melon-eaters were stunned for a moment.

Tang Yin.

The word is Bohu.

A native of Suzhou.

Famous painter, calligrapher and poet in Ming Dynasty.

The people who eat melons are not highly educated, or in other words, it is difficult for an ordinary person to remember all the poems from ancient and modern times, so when they learned that this poem was written by Tang Yin, they were all a little confused.

Tang Bohu wrote this poem?

Even Liu Qing was curious: "Is this poem by Tang Bohu? I've never heard of it."

Chen Wanshan nodded: "It's normal not to know. After all, I am not a professional in this field. There is really no need to remember every poem and author. To be honest, at first glance... I even suspected that these words were written by Tang Yin himself.


The live broadcast room is blown up.

[Holy shit! Based on Brother Chen’s previous performance! I think these calligraphy are probably really Tang Bohu’s own handwriting! 】

[Heroes see the same thing, brother dei! Teacher Chen said this, and I am even more certain that these words were written by Tang Bohu! 】

[So, this is the bookshelf used by Tang Bohu? 】

[No wonder, Brother Chen immediately estimated the price at more than 30 million, so there’s something fishy about it!]

[Then it’s not Master Liu’s fault. As a liberal arts student, I have no impression of this poem, let alone its origin. If it were me, I would think it was written casually by modern people. 】

Otherwise, Chen Wanshan is an expert in the history department of Peking University.

Jiang Chen relied on the system to know the information about this poem.

But Chen Wanshan knew it after just two glances.

This is a person's cultural heritage.

Therefore, those who want to collect antiques must have a deep understanding of history in order to study a collection based on history.

Unfortunately, five thousand years of history is too long, and it is difficult for anyone to know everything and be omnipotent. If nothing else, Chen Wanshan only has a deep study of Ming history, so he can determine it at a glance.

Although Liu Qing is a master of antiques.

But his cultural heritage is obviously not as good as Chen Fangshan.

Therefore, after hearing Chen Wanshan's guess, his eyes widened: "Old Chen, why do you say that?"

Chen Wanshan pointed to a few calligraphy characters and said: "I have come into contact with Tang Bohu's poems. The style and handwriting of these characters are highly similar to Tang Bohu's. Especially the few characters I clicked on, they are almost copies of Tang Bohu's characters. It was pasted, so I said I had doubts about it. But I’m not sure, after all, I am an appraiser, and the handwriting appraisal must be judged by more professional experts.”

Although this is just Chen Wanshan's guess.

But in Liu Qing’s opinion, it’s basically a sure thing!

Who is Chen Wanshan?

Talented people from the History Department of Peking University!

More than 20 years of archeology!

Proficient in Ming history and culture!

He suspected that this poem was written by Tang Bohu himself, so the possibility of making a mistake was very small!

If there is no accident, there will be no accident.

Think of this.

Liu Qing looked at Jiang Chen with a strange look: "Xiao Jiang, you have discovered this a long time ago, so you are willing to spend 210,000 to buy it?"

The truth is coming out.

There is no need to hide Jiang Chen.

What's more, after Jiang Chen paid the money, the bookshelf already belongs to Jiang Chen. No matter how jealous others are, they can't just grab it, right?

"Yes, Uncle Liu. Teacher Chen and I have the same judgment. I feel that these words are Tang Bohu's own handwriting. After thinking about it, I decided to give it a try. If I lose, I will lose tens of thousands. If I make a profit..." Jiang Chen smiled.

Chen Wanshan straightened up, smiled and continued: "If it is really the original work of Tang Bohu, this bookshelf is worth at least 25 million."

Hear the words.

The melon-eaters were even more shocked.

Good guy!

This young man came prepared!

If the woman just now knew this, her intestines would definitely turn green with regret.

Jiang Chen is not in a hurry yet.

Liu Qing got angry and said hurriedly: "Old Chen, do you know an expert in handwriting appraisal? Please come over and see if it's true or false!"

"Okay, let me make a couple of phone calls."

Chen Wanshan has a calm personality.

He took out his cell phone unhurriedly and made five calls in a row.

Then he laughed and said:

"I invited five relevant experts, but it's a pity that two of them were out of town and couldn't come back in time. Only three experts said they would come right away and let us wait. After that, he looked at his watch again: "It's two o'clock in the afternoon. It takes half an hour to arrive quickly, and it takes two or three hours to get there slowly. There is no way to stand here. It's very cold. Let's find a place to rest and warm up while we wait.

"Okay, okay, my brother has opened a hotel nearby, let's go there and wait! I'll treat you!"

Liu Qing was a little excited when he spoke.


I thought he was the one who picked up the leak.

"Okay, let's go." Chen Wanshan doesn't care, he can go anywhere.

Jiang Chen said: "I'll find a moving company to help me transport the bookshelf to the hotel, otherwise my tricycle won't be able to fit the bookshelf.

Chen Wanshan nodded: "Okay, as usual, Lao Liu and I will go to the hotel and wait for you.


Everyone acted separately.

Chen Wanshan and Liu Qing rushed to the hotel.

Jiang Chen hired a moving company for five hundred yuan. Three strong men helped Jiang Chen move the bookshelf into the carriage, rushed to the hotel lobby, and then took the elevator to the private room.


Three experts arrived one after another.

The first expert who arrived was Wang Zicheng, a historian in his fifties who studies Ming history.

Next came Li Qianqiu, who is over sixty years old. He is a Tang Yin scholar, that is, someone who specializes in studying Tang Bohu. He has to study everything about Tang Bohu's life, interpersonal relationships, poems, and paintings. He wants to take off Tang Bohu's underwear to study it.


Li Qianqiu is also Tang Bohu's illegitimate fan and a fanatical fan.

The last person to arrive was Liang Yong, an appraisal expert at Sotheby's auction house and a colleague of Chen Wanshan.

Chen Wanshan is the appraiser.

Liang Yong is in charge of the appraisal and specializes in handwriting appraisal.

This job is very popular. The archaeological world, the cultural and entertainment world, and the criminal investigation world all need handwriting appraisal talents like Liang Yong. They can compare the handwriting and determine the differences and similarities between the two characters, so as to conclude that the two characters are different. Whether the characters are written by the same person.

These three people are an all-star lineup.

Anyone who gives the identification result that "this is written by Tang Bohu" is convincing enough.

The first one to arrive was Wang Zicheng, so he was the first to draw his own conclusion: "This handwriting was most likely written by Tang Bohu. Tang Yin had a rough life. His family members died one after another when he was young, and his family fell into decline. With the encouragement of his friend Zhu Zhishan He decided to take the scientific examination. Tang Yin participated in the scientific examination to high school and was appreciated by the examiners. However, because of his youth and arrogance, he was framed and imprisoned for fraud in the imperial examination. After he was released from prison, he was demoted to a minor official."

"Tang Yin couldn't bear the humiliation and refused to go to work. He had a quarrel with his wife when he returned home and divorced her. From then on, Tang Yin wandered around and had nothing to do. When he returned home again, he was despised by his younger brother, so he separated from his younger brother and experienced a serious illness. He supported himself by selling paintings and calligraphy, and after making money, he indulged in drinking and sex, which also made Tang Yin and his former friends strangers. After that, Tang Yin created many poems and paintings, which were once again appreciated by the world."

""~ When Tang Yin was in his forties, King Ning plotted a rebellion. In order to expand his influence, he spent a lot of money to recruit Tang Yin as his staff. He thought he could finally display his ambitions in the officialdom, but found that King Ning had rebel ambitions. In order to protect himself, he Tang Yin pretended to be crazy and acted like a fool. But King Ning didn't believe it and tortured Tang Yin in many ways. After half a year, he determined that Tang Yin was insane and let him go. "

"Subsequently, Tang Yin's health deteriorated after suffering many ups and downs..."

"After King Ning was executed, everyone around him deliberately alienated Tang Yin because of Tang Yin's involvement with the rebellious King Ning. In his later years, Tang Yin was poor and lost hope in life, so he had to sell his property, and

"Sighing the World" was also written by Tang Yin at this stage. Just four or five years later, Tang Yin died of illness. "

The prince talked eloquently.

He took a sip of tea to moisten his throat and guessed with bright eyes:

"The poems on the bookshelf may have been Tang Yin's whim, and he used the bookshelf as a draft paper. As for why it was lost among the people, it is likely that Tang Yin sold the bookshelf in his later years and fell into the hands of others. In addition, Tang Yin had contact with Prince Ning. The buyer was afraid of being implicated, so he hid the bookshelf and did not dare to publicize it. As a result, no one knew how valuable the bookshelf was."

Everyone nodded silently after hearing this.

It's possible.


In the name of Tang Bohu.

This bookshelf should have been collected by the Eight Banners nobles during the Qing Dynasty.

Especially Qianlong, who liked Tang Bohu's works very much, and would specially look for Zhenzang. If he knew about this bookshelf, he would definitely bring it to the palace and become a treasure of a modern museum. How could it appear in the home of an ordinary employee?

After listening to this, Liu Qing was still as excited as before: "You mean, the poem is the crime of Tang Bohu?"

Wang Zicheng nodded: "I think the handwriting is the same as that of Tang Bohu, so I made this judgment. But the truth depends on the analysis of Li Qianqiu and Liang Yong. After all, I am a historian, not a researcher of antiquities."

Liu Qing also looked at the two.

Li Qianqiu held the tea cup in his hand and stood in front of the calligraphy. He took a sip of tea with a look full of anticipation: "It's Tang Bohu's calligraphy. I can't misread it. It's just that the calligraphy here is a little more sloppy compared to other works." . Perhaps as Lao Wang guessed, Tang Bohu used the bookshelf as a draft and wrote casually on a whim, without taking it seriously, so the words were uglier and there were more corrections.

"My opinion is the same as that of Li Qianqiu." Liang Yong, an expert in handwriting identification, also spoke up. He said in a somewhat excited tone: "From a professional point of view, everyone here

The characters are consistent with the characteristics of Tang Bohu's handwriting. Unless completely copied and pasted, no one can perfectly copy another person's handwriting and writing habits. "

To support my conjecture.

He also took out the known words, compared them with the words on the bookshelf, and explained the similarities to several people.

Three experts.

unanimously recognized as true!

This is indeed written by Tang Bohu himself!

Even Chen Wanshan laughed and said: "Actually, the first time I saw it, I thought it was Tang Bohu's calligraphy. It's just that I'm not professional in handwriting identification and didn't dare to ask the university to make a judgment, so I asked three experts to identify it. .Looking at it this way, my eyesight is quite vicious."

Although he specializes in evaluation.

But the basic skill of an appraiser is appraisal, so Chen Wanshan’s words are also of great reference.

After listening to what everyone said.

Liu Qing was in a daze.

These four big guys colluded to confess, 7013903324 Feilu 172233301]

It must be impossible!

Chen Wanshan was invited by Liu Qing, not Jiang Chen. There was no way they could collude.

Not to mention these four people have authority in the circle.

If they join forces to commit fraud and the scam is exposed in the future, the four of them will have nothing. Everyone will cry out and they will lose their jobs. It is impossible for them to do it. At least, it is impossible for the four of them to lose their jobs for a mere 25 million. .

Because the authority of each of them in the industry is worth millions of dollars.

ps: Thank you for your monthly votes and evaluation votes! Especially [Douglas~Jie] for your 1,000 reward! I am extremely grateful!

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