Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 49 Errors And Omissions Of 30 Million, And He Didn’T Kill Anyone, So He Is Emotionally Stabl

"So, it's really Tang Bohu's name...

Liu Qing swallowed.

I just feel incredible.

Such a big leak was in front of his eyes, but he didn't notice it and regarded Tang Bohu's calligraphy as ordinary people's scribblings.

Who can blame this?

No one is to blame.

Although Liu Qing is also a master in the antiques circle, he is not omniscient and omnipotent. For example, he did not know that this poem "Sighing the World" was written by Tang Bohu. If he knew, Liu Qing would naturally think: Did this word come from Tang Yin? hand.

【Brother Chen! You are! Edi God!!】

[This person is so scary! So many experts sat together to confirm that it was Tang Bohu's handwriting. However, this player just stood there and watched for a while before making a decisive move. His knowledge reserve is simply outrageous!]

[I said before that I wanted to learn from Brother Chen in picking up the missed ones. Can you think about yourself again? Hahahaha! 】

[Damn! Thirty million! Thirty million!! I picked up a big one this time! 】

[Brother Chen, remember, your identity is to collect scraps, not antiques!]

·【You have deviated from your original intention, brother, if you continue to collect scraps, just give me these toys and I will help you deal with them. 】

Everyone here is a big shot.

Even if the bookshelf is fake, with the endorsement of these four big guys, it becomes real.

Jiang Chen requested:

"Teacher Chen, please give me an estimate. I would like to entrust this treasure to your company for auction.

These three big names were all invited by Chen Wanshan.

Of course, Chen Wanshan has to give Chen Wanshan some leverage for this big bargain. We can't treat people like cows, eating grass and milking them.

Chen Wanshan did not respond, but turned to look at the three big names beside him: "Xiao Jiang, there is no need to entrust it to our company. I promised these three when I called them that if it is the authentic work of Tang Bohu, I will tell them The three bid together, and the one with the highest bid gets it, which saves you trouble. More importantly, the money won't go to other people's fields.'

Seeing their eyes burning, Jiang Chen said: "No problem, it is an honor for this younger generation that the treasure I found can be favored by you."

If you put it up for auction.

Not only wasting Jiang Chen's time, but also asking the buyer to spend more money, it's really better to have a private transaction.

A scholar of Ming history;

a Tang Yin scholar;

an antique appraisal expert;

An antiques appraiser.

These four people not only take 760 collection as a profession, but also as a hobby. When they encounter Tang Yin's calligraphy treasures, they will of course take action and cannot bear to give them up to others.

With Jiang Chen's consent.

Chen Wanshan also generously gave the evaluation price:

"The value of Tang Bohu's works has always been high, but your piece is not as ornamental as Tang Bohu's poems and paintings, and the handwriting is illegible with multiple alterations... To put it bluntly, it has almost no ornamental value, so the price must be far away It’s not as good as Tang Yin’s other works. The estimated price I gave is 25 million.”

The words just fell.

Before anyone else could react, Li Qianqiu, an avid fan of Tang Yin, slapped the table and said: "25.1 million!"

Seeing him taking the lead, Liang Yong followed closely and shouted: "I will offer 25.5 million!"

Everyone here has their own property and is not short of money.

thirty million?

Even if you squeeze hard, there will still be some.

At worst, I'll just sell some of my collection of antiques and a few apartments.

"25.7 million! You listen to me, sell the bookshelf to me, I will take it to school, it will be helpful for our research on Ming history!" Wang Zicheng couldn't help shouting the price, and even directly put a high hat on himself, standing on the moral high ground Suppress others.

But besides him, there was also Li Qianqiu present.

So Li Qianqiu also bid a price, and also learned to morally suppress others: "I will pay 25.8 million! I am a Tang Yin scholar. This thing is particularly important to us Tang Yin scholars. In my hand, I can give it to By studying together, we may be able to uncover more about Tang Yin’s history, which is equally important to our country’s history and culture!”

Look at their competing bids.

Liu Qing was dumbfounded by this scene.

When the price was shouted to 28 million, Liu Qing's mentality exploded and his eyes turned red!

Damn it!

Almost 30 million!

Thirty million yuan was missed by a young man right under my nose!

If this matter is to be spread, will I be allowed to hang out in the antique circle?

Every time they called out the price, it was like a sharp knife thrust into Liu Qing's heart. Liu Qing's painful head broke into a cold sweat. He reluctantly stood up and smiled awkwardly: "Everyone, I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. Well, I've already bought the order, let's go now."

After greeting a few people, Liu Qing walked out of the box with weak legs.


【It hurts so much!】

[I can feel (cefb) Master Liu’s painful and desperate mood through the screen!]

[Seeing Brother Chen picking up money is more uncomfortable than me losing money, let alone Master Liu’s feeling, which is definitely a hundred times more uncomfortable than me! A thousand times!]

[It must be hard for anyone to see more than 30 million yuan being picked up in front of them. I didn’t die with everyone on the spot. I can only say that Master Liu has been very restrained! 】

[These antique dealers are really rich, more than two thousand yuan is like more than two thousand yuan in their mouth!]

Among four people.

Tang Yin scholar Li Qianqiu was the first to withdraw from the bidding.

No way!

His career and financial conditions do not allow it!

The auction price has reached 30 million, and Ji Qianqiu couldn't even sell himself to raise the extra 5 million!

The second person to be eliminated was Ming historian Wang Zicheng.

He has a team and a studio.

Relying on the studio, Wang Zicheng picked up some treasures and made a lot of money, but the money was not enough for him to grit out 30 million to buy such an expensive antique.

But Chen Wanshan and Liang Yong of the auction house are different.

The two of them are big bosses in the collecting circle.

To verify the authenticity of the big boss, the fee for one trip can range from a few thousand to more than hundreds of thousands, and there is also income from the job, investment income, and income from the appreciation of the collection. Anyway, he is not a money-luck owner, so he will naturally fight to the end. .

"Old Chen, Old Chen! Slow down!" Liang Yong couldn't stand it anymore. He drank water with a dry mouth: "The price is already 30 million, why is it 500 more than the 25 million you estimated? Wan!"

Chen Wanshan also wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "That's the lowest price, a conservative price, don't you understand? It's only 30 million, I think it's over."

Liang Yong smiled: "Then I will pay 30.2 million!"

"Old boy, you still want to negotiate the price with me?" Chen Wanshan couldn't bear it anymore. How many collections did he have to sell in order to get this bookshelf? "How about this? I'll pay 30.3 million, and I'll take this bookshelf." After I get it, how about giving it to you to enjoy for a while?"

Liang Yong rolled his eyes: "No, I can't! I still have to bid!"

"Holy shit, don't mess with me!" Chen Wanshan shouted to stop in a hurry: "Don't you always like the revolving bottle I collected? I'll sell it to you at a friendly price. You can give me this bookshelf, do you think it's okay?"

Turn the bottle?

That’s good stuff too!

Liang Yong's will relaxed, "How much are you prepared to sell me for?"

"I bought that bottle for 2.2 million two years ago. I estimate it's only 2.3 million now. I won't take advantage of you. I'll sell it to you for the original price of 2.2 million. Do you think it's okay? "Chen Wanshan is getting anxious. If he bids like this again, it might cost him one or two million more.

Liang Yong thought for a while, then pushed further and said: "Sell me two million, and then you can keep this bookshelf for me for three months so that I can show off in front of my relatives and friends. Do you think it's okay?"

"What do you think? I'll pay you to pretend to be a dick for three months? Impossible!" They both work in the same place. At that moment, Chen Wanshan didn't want to remain elegant anymore and started to sneer at Liang Yong, I was so excited that my glasses almost fell off my ears.

"Okay, then I'll bid!" Liang Yong threatened.

"At most I'll give you 50,000 yuan, and then I'll let you play for half a month!" This was Chen Wanshan's final bottom line. If Liang Yong still didn't buy it, he could only ruthlessly continue to increase the price.

"make a deal!"

Liang Yong relaxed with satisfaction.

He knew very well that if he continued to shout, both sides would lose.

Now that you're getting a bargain, let's stop doing it in moderation.

Seeing that the other party relented, Chen Wanshan wiped his sweat thankfully and let out a sigh of relief: "Old Liang, you old boy, you are such a dog!"

"Don't say that, or I'll raise the price." Liang Yong said with a smile.

"No, no!" Chen Wanshan's expression changed drastically.

Watch the dust settle.

Next to them, Li Qianqiu and Wang Zicheng also stared at Chen Wanshan with malicious eyes: "Old Chen, we are all friends, can your bookshelf..."

One studies Ming history.

One is studying Tang Bohu.

Both of them were obsessed with the bookshelf. Even if they couldn't buy it, it would be a good idea to take it back and study it for a while.

Seeing the cannibalistic look in their eyes, Chen Wanshan hurriedly waved his hand and refused: "A week or two is fine, but if you want to borrow it for a few months? No need to discuss it."

Chen Wanshan has suffered losses in this regard.

The dog friend found an excuse to borrow the baby to play with, and promised to return it in a month. However, he found various excuses to delay the time, and it took less than half a year to return.


Chen Wanshan himself has done this kind of thing.

That's why I'm so vigilant.

"Since you have spoken, is it okay for me to borrow it for two weeks? I am a Ming historian who came all the way, so you have to give me some benefits!" Wang Zicheng said seriously.

"Old Wang wants two weeks, so I want two weeks!" Li Qianqiu is determined to win: "I am a famous Tang Yin scholar. I am doing you too much by giving an evaluation of the authenticity!"

What they said makes sense.

With celebrity sites like them, the value of the bookshelf will be even higher.

Chen Wanshan bared his teeth.

He looked at Liang Yong with an embarrassed look on his face: "Old Liang, do you still want this bookshelf?"

Liang Yong was stunned at first, and then he was ecstatic: Of course! Then I will..."

Before he could shout out the price, Chen Wanshan rushed up and covered his mouth: "Stop it, stop it, I'm teasing you, you bastard!"

Although very reluctantly.

But what they said makes sense.

Several big names came forward to give Chen Wanshan the appraisal results, which was a big favor to Chen Wanshan.

"Xiao Jiang, don't listen to their price call. It's only 30.3 million. I'll take you to the bank to transfer the money after dinner!" Afraid of these bad things that would harm his friends, Chen Wanshan hurriedly asked Jiang Chen to set the price. He was afraid that he would be too late!

"Excuse me, Teacher Chen."

3250 is the top price.

Jiang Chen has never pursued selling at the highest price, as that would be unrealistic and troublesome.

Using 210,000 yuan to miss 30.3 million yuan is already a huge profit.

Be content!

Liang Yong broke free from the restraints and looked at Jiang Chen again: "Xiao Jiang, your vision is really cruel. Liu Qing was blinded when he saw this bookshelf and didn't dare to spend more money. You have the courage to buy it, which means you must have confidence. As soon as possible, That’s what you see.”

Li Qianqiu also praised: "I heard from Lao Chen that Xiao Jiang is a professional picker of leaks. There are no mistakes or leaks in Disney medal watches, comic books, and no treasure can escape his eyes."

"This shows that the young man has a lot of knowledge and knows astronomy and geography. This is really not something ordinary people can pick up." Wang Zicheng said.


It is said that there is a specialization in the art industry.

These big names are experts in their respective fields.

But if you let them encounter Disney medals and Marvel comics, they will definitely be sold as scraps.

This makes Jiang Chen even more knowledgeable.

"Teachers are very complimentary. It's just that I usually collect too much waste and I know a little bit of miscellaneous stuff, but I'm not very good at it." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

“Look, not only do you know a lot, you’re also humble!”

After hearing this, the four big guys laughed and sat down to eat.

They knew full well that Jiang Chen was just caring about their face and being modest. On the contrary, Jiang Chen not only knew a lot of things, but he was also absolutely sophisticated!

After dinner.

Liang Yong took the lead and took the initiative to increase Jiang Chen's prestige.

And boldly said:

"You, Mr. Chen, are great at estimating, but I have to be more professional at appraising! If you have any old things that you are unsure about and want to appraise, just send them to me!"

The other two people also contacted him.

This will also make it easier for Jiang Chen to find them for work in the future. Although Ming historians and Tang Yin scholars are not experts in antiques, they may help Jiang Chen in the future.

Had a meal.

Chen Wanshan drove Jiang Chen to the bank to transfer money.

More than 30 million yuan.

The handling fee was only deducted 50 yuan.

Without blinking an eye, Chen Wanshan paid more than 30 million, then said hello and drove away. Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh: "There are so many rich people!"

[This kind of rich person, I can't touch them even if I twist screws for the rest of my life. 】

[I made more than 30 million in one shot, enough to buy a 250-square-meter flat in Shanghai [envious!]

[Is my brother still single? My sister is 18 years old and going to college soon, 168.97.36D! 】

[Brother Chen, be more confident. With more than 30 million in hand, you can be considered a rich man. 】

I glanced at the barrage.

The corner of Jiang Chen's mouth raised: "You're right, brothers, I am also a rich man! It's getting late, and the rich man decided to go to bed next to the broadcast."

There are more than 30 million.

With this money, Jiang Chen will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of his life as long as he doesn't ruin his family.

for the rest of the time.

Jiang Chen became an instant hit.

The previous hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands were just a small fuss and did not attract too many people's attention.

But this is a matter of making 30 million yuan in one fell swoop.

Definitely the favorite material for marketing accounts.

Just one night.

There was overwhelming publicity about Jiang Chen's edited video. Almost as long as it was related to Jiang Chen's leaks, it would get 10,000 likes. At this time, Jiang Chen became the traffic of the marketing account.

Password, with their help, Jiang Chen soon became a household name.

#Look to see if you have this sky-high-priced newspaper at home!#

#handsomeboycollects scraps and actually receives a commemorative medal worth NT$60,000!#

#Oh my god, I hate it! A contestant from a program accidentally picked up 30 million antiques while collecting scraps!#

# Jiang Chen! The love child of the Western Goddess of Luck and the Eastern God of Wealth!#

#Just ten days! I missed 35 million! When will this wealth fall on me?#.

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