Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 65 Qianlong’S Royal Paintings, The Paintings Are Mine, And I Want The People Too

"It turns out to be Jiang Chen. Your name has spread to the antique circles in our capital, haha! I have watched your live broadcast before!" Li Wangpi said with a smile, haha.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense and said bluntly: "Thank you both for your kindness. Boss Yang and Teacher Chen have already helped identify Ms. Yang Anni's painting, so I won't bother you two. Please take it back."

This is a fairly euphemistic eviction order.

More or less.

Leave some dignity to them both.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen could have exposed the two people's conspiracy in person, ruined their reputations, and divided the heat between them.

Stay on top of being a human being.

Good to see you in the future.

Li Wang and Wang Bufan also realized that Jiang Chen was being merciful and didn't want them to get off the stage, so they began to think about quitting.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, let's go back."

"Yes, I still have to work, appraising antiques for my collectors. I can't stay any longer, so I have to go ahead. Brothers, stop and send them off!"

The two held hands and left dejectedly.

If you face ordinary people.

The two of them can also work together to bully and get "Songyang Han Bo Tu" in their hands.

Facing a group of great masters in the antiques circle...

With the status and reputation of Chen Wanshan and Ji Xiangnan, Li Wang and Wang Bufan would be unable to join the antique circle in a matter of minutes.

Such a price.

They can't afford it.

It seemed that so many people were fleeing in a hurry. Yang Anni blinked her big eyes in confusion and stared at Jiang Chen in confusion.

this person.

Seems like he has a lot of status?

As soon as you mention your name, others will wilt...

After sending away the two troublemakers, Jiang Chen sat back next to Yang Anni and comforted her: "Don't be afraid, Miss Yang. As long as Teacher Chen and the others are here, no one can take away your paintings."

Jiang Chen picked up a lot of things.

He never felt that he was a person with a strong sense of justice and a virtuous heart.

It should be picked up.

Not a single thing is missed.

But this time is different.

This leak involves human lives.

Picking up leaks to make money is a trivial matter, and Jiang Chen can do it; but picking up other people's life-saving money, Jiang Chen can't bear to do it, so after much thought, he decided to tell Yang Anni the truth about the painting.

Yang Annie and Jiang Chen looked at each other.

Curious asked:

"Who are you? Why can you call so many experts? And Teacher Li and the others seemed a little afraid when they heard your name just now.

Jiang Chen still said the same thing: "I'm just a nobody, I have nothing to say."

[Although I’m not pretending, it’s better than pretending!]

[This low-key guy, Brother Chen pretended to leave! 】

[Don’t mention it, the less you don’t want to show off, the more it looks like Brother Chen is showing off. 】

[Tsk, tsk, tsk, Brother Chen didn’t pick it up secretly this time, but chose to inform the original owner of the value of the painting. This is not his usual style. 】

[Brother Chen is picking up a leak, but it is not a crime. He knew clearly that if he missed it, Yang Anni's parents would be killed, so of course he didn't dare to continue picking it up. This also shows that my brother Chen is kind-hearted. 】

·【It turns out that Brother Chen is the great benefactor!】

Had a brief chat.

Jiang Chen also understood Yang Anni's situation better.

Her parents have already undergone three rescue operations. In another month, they will undergo another rescue operation. As long as they survive this time, their parents will be out of danger and moved from the ICU to a general ward.

But the surgery fee is as high as 800,000.

She really can't afford so much money.

That is to say, when she returned to her hometown, she suddenly remembered the "Songyang Han Bo Tu" left by her grandfather, and a glimmer of life ignited in the group.

the other side.

A group of big guys are conducting appraisals.

"Ink on paper. The material is correct, it's old stuff."

Liang Yong exclaimed: "I think the characters on this are genuine. They include Qianlong's handwriting and other people's writing habits. Every detail of the ten square seals is also consistent with the seals of other works, especially Qianlong's seal." , exactly the same as what was recorded in "Qianlong Baosou"."

"Yes, the same goes for the painter. It's not like it was painted by the same person, which further explains the identity of this painting."

Hear this.

Yang Fugui was puzzled: "Are you saying the opposite? They were not written and painted by the same person, which can better explain the identity?"

Seeing his curiosity, a history professor explained with a smile: "This is a bit of unpopular knowledge: Qianlong's inscriptions and paintings were often assisted by ministers and court painters. For example, in the creation of many Qianlong's imperial paintings collected by the Forbidden City, there were many first paintings by Qianlong. Others used light ink and thin lines to outline the manuscript, and then Qianlong drew it, or Qianlong drew it first, and then others cleaned up and beautified it. Even if it was the handwriting of a painter or a lyricist, Qianlong would have no problem in inscribing, ringing, etc. Stamped with his own stamp, most of these works are larger in size, and the writing and ink are exquisite and delicate."

After listening, Yang Fugui seemed to understand.

"To put it simply, Qianlong's calligraphy or paintings may have been beautified by his courtiers, or the courtiers made drafts and then Qianlong perfected them. What's more, Qianlong would let his courtiers write and draw, and then stamp them with his own seal. Think of it as written and drawn by yourself."

Liang Yong is an expert in handwriting appraisal. He nodded heavily and said with a smile: "You are right, Qianlong's approach is indeed somewhat..."

"Very shameless." Jiang Chen added.

Hear the words.

Everyone smiled knowingly.

As everyone knows.

Emperor Qianlong was very fond of achievements and liked to show off his civil and martial arts.

But actually.

His achievements are nothing compared to other emperors.

And that’s the characteristic.

It has also become the key used by experts to identify Qianlong's own handwriting and imperial inscriptions.

After a long time.

Experts have also made judgments about this "Songyang Han Cypress Picture" based on their respective fields of expertise.

A master who was not familiar to Jiang Chen first expressed his opinion: "This painting is an authentic work. Judging from the size, it belongs to a small vertical scroll among the four "Songyang Han Cypress Pictures"."

There are four paintings in "Songyang Han Cypress Pictures".

There is a giant axis version, a horizontal axis version, and the remaining two are smaller vertical axis versions.

The other three have been authenticated.

Only this one, although there are many high imitations among the public, the original version has never been seen.

until today.

The last portrait of the real body has appeared in this world.

The other masters also nodded in agreement one after another to confirm that the appraisal result was true.

"So, the four paintings of "Songyang Han Cypress Pictures" are complete."

"Old Chen, Old Liang, you two are from auction houses, tell me, what estimate can you give for this painting?"

Because "Songyang Han Cypresses" also had another small-sized vertical scroll painting as a model, Chen Wanshan recalled the price of the other painting, raised his index finger and said: "Speak less of 100 million."

No one is surprised by this price.

After all, in their opinion, this painting is worth the price. On the contrary, if it is less than 100 million, they will feel baffled.

But Annie Yang was shocked.

She thought this painting might be worth millions, millions, tens of millions.

But I never dare to think about it.

Such a simple painting!

Can it really sell for 100 million?!

For a moment, Yang Anni felt a little dizzy, excited, and excited, making her feel like she was dreaming.

If it can really sell for 100 million.

Not to mention snatching my parents from the hands of the Lord of Hell.

Even the houses and cars that were sold before can be bought back.

this painting!

It represents the new life of Annie Yang’s family!

Chen Wanshan directly took out his business card and handed it to Yang Annie, "Ms. Yang, please give this painting of yours to our Sotheby's auction house. We are professionals."

See this.

Ji Xiangnan was also a little envious.

But he knows.

This painting is worth 100 million, and his Jiangnan Museum is only provincial and cannot afford such a high budget.

Unless they are visitors from the National Museum.

Only then is it possible to take this painting away...

But obviously.

The tower near the water gets the moon first.

Chen Wanshan from Sotheby's is here, and he will definitely be the first to take away "Songyang Han Bo Tu".

Yang Anni's mind was now filled with wanting money. As for who she sold to, she didn't care. Seeing Chen Wanshan taking the initiative to help find sales, she gratefully accepted the business card and said, "Excuse me!..." She wanted to say teacher, but she didn't. Knowing Chen Wanshan's name, he could only look at the business card and said gratefully: "Excuse me, Teacher Chen!"

"You're welcome, this is my duty."

Chen Wanshan had no airs. After speaking, he turned around and called the leader to explain the situation here.

After a while, Chen Wanshan received a reply, and then walked over and said again: "Ms. Yang, please come with me. I will take you to our company headquarters in Jinling and send this collection over for further appraisal by experts within our company. one time."

Yang Anni looked at Jiang Chen beside her, asking for help.

Seeing her uneasiness, Jiang Chen nodded and said comfortingly: "Teacher Chen is trustworthy, so you can go with ease."



Annie Yang put away her paintings.

I went out with Chen Wanshan and got into Chen Wanshan's Mercedes-Benz.

The others continued to discuss the details of the painting with endless aftertaste.

The appearance of "Chongyang Pines and Cypresses" was enough to make the great masters present talk about it for a while, and it also became a source of bragging for them.

Jiang Chen briefly chatted with them.

Then he turned around and left to find his tricycle.

I was too anxious at the time.

Jiang Chen took Yang Anni and left.

The tricycle is still in the corner of the square, and I don’t know if the urban management will tow it away.

——[A painting worth 100 million! It’s so valuable!]

[As long as Brother Chen is willing, he can buy Yang Anni for hundreds of thousands or millions without her knowledge, but he still chooses to be honest. 】


[This shows that Brother Chen is a kind-hearted and good person, with principles, and he should not pick up things that should not be picked up. 】

[Brother Chen made me look at him with admiration. 】

[Brother Chen, seeing you collecting garbage makes me feel happy physically and mentally. Promise me, you won’t collect valuable treasures again in the future. 】

[Annie Yang is very beautiful. I don’t know if she is single. It stands to reason that my brother Chen is so good to her. [Why can’t I commit myself to her?]

Take a taxi to the square.

Seeing that his three wheels were still there, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't tell me.

When people do good things.

Your heart will really feel happy.

Although Jiang Chen didn't pick up the 100 million painting, but he saved two lives, Jiang Chen was still a little happy.

I spent an afternoon riding a tricycle around the city.

Just when Jiang Chen had no results and was about to call it a day, he received a strange call.

"Hello, is this Jiang Chen?"

"Are you Annie Yang?"

"Yeah, it's me. Thank you so much today. I want to treat you to a meal. I wonder if you have time tonight?"

"If you have time, you can decide where to meet."

"Okay, then I will let you know the location later."

hang up the phone.

Jiang Chen wiped it


"Brothers, today's live broadcast ends here, get ready to go off the air."

[Brother Chen, is Yang Anni dating you? 】

[Please don’t download it, I want to see you dating her!]

[It’s better to have some scenes that are inappropriate for children, please, just treat it as a gift to the brothers!]

[Brother Chen seizes the opportunity, 100 million! If you take her, not only will the 100 million be yours, but the person will also be yours!]

[Let Brother Chen learn something! 】

Seeing the crooked ways of the water friends, Jiang Chen smiled: "Just have a normal meal to express gratitude, don't think about it, stop talking, let's get off the air!"

Turn off the live broadcast.

Jiang Chen found a hotel nearby to rest.

after an hour.

Annie Yang sent over the address of the restaurant.

Jiang Chen took a taxi and rushed over according to the address. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he saw Yang Anni playing with her mobile phone happily, obviously chatting with someone about interesting things.

"I am coming."

Jiang Chen said hello and sat across from her.

Hearing Jiang Chen's voice, Annie Yang quickly put away her phone and fiddled with her hair shyly to hide her embarrassment: "Mr. Jiang, you can order whatever you want.

Jiang Chen picked up the menu and glanced at the other person, "Good guy, why are you blushing like Mr. Guan?"

"Are you rich now?" Jiang Chen asked.

Hearing this, Yang Anni's face dropped three points further, and her face became even redder. She stuttered and said in embarrassment: "No, no money."

Jiang Chen's eyelids twitched, "You still treat me to dinner when you don't have money. Why should you choose an expensive restaurant?"

Just now, Jiang Chen took a look when he came in.

I learned that the minimum spend in this restaurant is 2888.

Can Annie Yang afford it?

I saw Yang Anni swallowing her saliva with a guilty conscience, and said: "I want... I want..."

"What are you thinking about?"

"I want to borrow money from you, and I will pay you back when I have the money."

"So you treat me to this meal and I'll pay for it?"

"Yeah! Not just for this meal, I also want to borrow two million from you for surgery, and I'll pay it back to you later."

"Are you really a genius?"

Jiang Chen was speechless.

Invite guests to dinner, ask them to settle the bill, and even borrow money from them.

What is this if not genius?

Yang Anni finally raised her head, and you could see that her face was flushed and a little cute: "I'm really sorry, I know this is not good, but I really can't help it...

It was only when I arrived at Sotheby's that I learned that the auction process was very complicated and took a long time, and it would take two months at the earliest to get the money. But my parents were in a hurry for the surgery and couldn't wait until then. Mr. Chen

Knowing my difficulties, my teacher suggested that I borrow money from you. He said that you were not short of money and would be willing to help. "

Jiang Chen almost blacked out when he learned that it was Chen Wanshan's idea.


Day and night protection.

It’s hard to guard against house thieves!

Jiang Chen drank some water to calm down his shock, took a deep breath and asked, "Why does Teacher Chen say that I will definitely help? He can't make the decision for me."

Yang Anni said timidly again: "Teacher Chen said that you are a master of picking up leaks, and you will pick up every leak. But this time, you are not willing to pick up my 100 million big leaks in your hands, and you are busy calling me here.

Having so many experts help identify it shows that you have a kind heart. Teacher Chen also said that when you encounter difficulties, don’t look for people who have helped you, look for people who have helped you. I don’t know what this means, but Chen

The teacher said, you have already helped me once, you are the right one this time.

ps1: Thanks to [Douglas~Jie] for the 2000 reward! Thanks to Brother Fu! And thanks to everyone who voted! To be honest, the data is so bad that I didn’t have the motivation to write it down.

It was only when someone voted for the monthly ticket and rewarded me that I persisted. Thank you three!

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