Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 66 White Hibiscus Lion Button Jade Seal, Yuqing Palace Treasure, National Seal Blind Box!

Depend on!

Jiang Chen's face turned dark.

Teacher Chen even plots against his own people?

But don't say that.

He is really good at reading people.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chen smiled bitterly: "Two million to save your parents' lives, I'm happy to help, but please tell Teacher Chen that I will never notify him when I pick up good things in the future, and I won't play with them like this of."

This is Jiang Chen’s revenge on Chen Wanshan!

Yang Anni laughed after hearing this: "I will definitely tell Teacher Chen."

Let’s talk about this.

The two began to order.

After the food was served, we ate and chatted, and drank two bottles of red wine.

Wait until Jiang Chen wakes up.

I found myself on a bed in a hotel.

Next to her lay naked Yang Anni.

She was sound asleep.

His hands were unconsciously holding Jiang Chen's arms, and he seemed to be sleeping very comfortably.

Yang Anni, who had not slept well for half a year, finally let go of her worries after meeting Jiang Chen, so this was the best sleep she had had in half a year.

Jiang Chen calmed down.

Get up quietly.

I walked outside and ordered a breakfast, which I placed beside the bed.

Then he left a note for Yang Anni, walked out of the hotel, rode a three-wheeler and rushed to the bank.

When he arrived at the bank, Jiang Chen took out the bank card number Yang Anni left last night and added two million to her account, so that Yang Anni could go to the hospital as soon as possible to pay for various expenses.

Finished personal matters.

Jiang Chen then entered working mode.

It just started airing.

Within a few minutes, the number of people increased to several villages.

Barrage also swept across.

[Brother Chen, did you and Yang Anni have dinner last night? 】

[I definitely ate it. I saw someone on the Internet exposed that they saw Brother Chen and Yang Anni eating in a restaurant. They drank too much and got into a taxi. 】

[What a coincidence, I caught a video. A passerby captured "507" Brother Chen and Yang Anni entering the same hotel. 】

[Hahaha, is Brother Chen under supervision? 】

[It’s so scary, Brother Chen’s every move is being monitored by passers-by!]

[Didn’t you say that there are not so many audiences in life? 】

[I can’t help it, Brother Chen didn’t wear a mask last night, and some people recognized him hahahaha. 】

Seeing that every move he made could be photographed by passers-by, Jiang Chen unconsciously tightened the mask on his face, "Ahem, let's do the same thing today, start collecting scraps and see if we can get a big order!"

In order to stop water friends from paying attention to the matter of opening a room.

Jiang Chen kept changing the topic along the way.

"Kid, you came just in time. We have scraps to sell in the factory. Just when Jiang Chen was chatting with the water friends, an old man in a security uniform suddenly came out and stopped in front of Jiang Chen.

Seeing a person suddenly rushing out, Jiang Chen subconsciously stepped on the brakes. Fortunately, he was able to escape in time.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the uncle up and down.

The uncle is over seventy years old.

My hair is all gray.

But tall and thin, he is still energetic.

The uncle showed Jiang Chen the way with a smile on his face, "Come on, come on, this is our factory, you can just ride in."

Jiang Chen turned around and saw that the factory the uncle was talking about was actually a private residence covering an area of ​​350 square meters. There was a courtyard and a three-story house. The second and third floors were for residents, and the first floor was used as a workshop and storehouse.

Small but complete.

Don't think this is just a small workshop.

But there were still six or seven people working inside wearing work clothes.

Jiang Chen rode a three-wheeler and entered inside. As soon as he entered the yard, the security guard noticed a small black square on Jiang Chen's collar, and asked extravagantly: "What is the black square on your neck?"

Jiang Chen said casually: "The camera is for live broadcast."

The security guard reacted a little fiercely and said in a serious tone: "That won't work, take it off quickly, we won't let you record it now!"

Just a small thing.

If you don't let me take pictures, I won't take pictures.

He took off the small square camera, turned it off, and then put it into his pocket in front of the uncle, "Uncle, I took it off, can I go in?"

But the uncle was still worried: "Have you recorded it?"

Jiang Chen explained: “The power is turned off, so we can’t record.

"It's okay, come in."

The uncle breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Chen smiled. He knew why the uncle reacted so fiercely. This is because this kind of private workshop is a product that is on the edge of the law. It employs employees to produce goods. Strictly speaking, it is a processing workshop and must be highly valued by relevant departments, such as fire protection. , taxes and so on, but it does not have a license, it is a daily manual work, and there is no need to pay taxes.

Anyway, the location is rather awkward.

There is nothing wrong with saying it is a factory, and it is fair to say it is a small handiwork of ordinary people.

That is to say, the relevant departments have no energy to deal with it.

If it's really competitive.

They will definitely come to ask them to apply for this procedure, that license, just the tax payment and fire certificate are enough to bankrupt this small workshop. Of course the security guard is afraid that Jiang Chen will come in and pat him here and there, lest he cause trouble.

Following the uncle, Jiang Chen walked to a small warehouse.

Because this place is small, many things are stored in the warehouse, such as machine parts, raw materials, finished products, and scraps, etc.

The uncle pointed to the paper shells and a pile of waste products in the corner and introduced: "These are the things you need to pack. After you pack them up, come to the door and ask me to weigh them and calculate the money."

"Okay, go ahead and get going."

Jiang Chen got used to it and sent the uncle away with a wave of his hand.

Jiang Chen was left alone. He was not in a hurry to take action, but looked around first.

This is a small workshop that produces toys.

Jiang Chen walked to the raw material area and took a look. He saw that there were a lot of plastic seals in various colors and they were quite realistic. There were also piles of finished products neatly stacked on the opposite side. He looked at the packaging box and saw that it said There is a "National Seal Blind Box" with nine different images of the National Seal printed on it.

"It turns out they make blind box toys..."

Jiang Chen had seen the video of the Guoxi blind box before.

The blind box of the Great Seal is placed in the vending machine. Customers in the mall can grab the blind box by paying money. After opening the blind box, they will get a square "mud" and cleaning tools. Customers can use the cleaning tools, like archaeologists. Then open the "mud" and take out the national seal inside.

Some time ago, Guoxi blind box became popular on the Internet.

There are also endless stories about the national seal.

"Police: Did you pick up the imperial seal? Me: I didn't!"

"Before picking it up: Isn't it just a broken stone? It's not rare! After picking it up: I have been ordered by heaven to live a long and prosperous life!"

"It's just a stone. If someone picks it up, I suggest turning it over to the state. If I picked it up, just pretend I didn't tell you."


Today’s businesses are keeping up with the trend.

[Item]: Liu Bang’s Imperial Seal Blind Box.

[Details]: Industrial viscose doped with chemical pigments for casting...

[Value]: 2 yuan.

[Item]: White Hibiscus Lion Button [Yu (yu) Qinggong Bao] square seal blind box.

[Details]: 6.4 cm square, 6.1 cm high, Shoushan stone texture...

[Value]: 2.66 million.

[Item]: Blind box of Wu Zetian’s Imperial Seal.

[Details]: Industrial viscose doped with chemical pigments for casting…………

[Value]: 2 yuan.

Jiang Chen saw that the recycling price of each of these Imperial Seal blind boxes was only 2 yuan, but they could be sold for up to 30 yuan each outside.

Considerable profits!


Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment and rubbed his eyes. Did he miss something just now?

He looked back again.

Soon my eyes were fixed on one of the blind boxes!

that's it!

[Item]: White Hibiscus Lion Button [Yuqing Palace Treasure] square seal blind box.

[Details]: 6.4 cm square, 6.1 cm high, Shoushan hibiscus stone texture...

[Value]: 2.66 million.

Jiang Chen looked closer.

This blind box is on the top of a pile of blind boxes. It looks unremarkable and ordinary. The packaging box is exactly the same as the blind boxes around him [Song Ping can't tell the difference with the naked eye.

But the system does show that the recycling value of this blind box is 2.66 million!

Jiang Chen was confused, among a pile of products with a recycling price of 2 yuan.

How could a blind box worth over one million appear?

Could it be that someone mistook the real jade seal for a toy and put it in a blind box?

Not too possible.

The probability of this error is infinitely close to zero.

But Jiang Chen really couldn't think of other possibilities, how could such a precious jade seal get mixed into a bunch of toys...


The warehouse door was opened.

A middle-aged man with an unshaven beard came in pulling a trolley. There were also a pile of blind boxes with imperial seals stacked on the trolley. When he came in, the man glanced at Jiang Chen, said nothing, and walked silently to the pile of blind boxes with imperial seals. , then bent down to stack the blind box toys on the trolley into the warehouse one by one.

Not long after, the blind box worth more than two million yuan was suppressed on the lower floors.

After the man finished his work, he thumped his waist tiredly.

Seeing Jiang Chen standing still, the man curiously asked: "Little brother, what do you do?"

Jiang Chen replied: "A waste collector."

The man nodded: "Oh, that's right, then you can take it, everything on the ground is waste.

After speaking, he smoked a cigarette.

And he handed one to Jiang Chen politely, "Let's go outside and keep one company? There can't be open flames in the warehouse."

Jiang Chen hesitated for a moment, then followed the man outside the warehouse.

"Brother, your workshop specializes in producing toys?" Jiang Chen asked.

The man nodded: "Yes, as a toy maker, you can only make a small amount of money from a small business. Alas, it's just enough to cover the family's expenses.

Hearing this, Jiang Chen understood something: "Are you the boss?"

The man laughed: "What kind of boss? He's just a foreman at best. Look, I'm still doing hard labor myself. Alas!"

Jiang Chen's eyes lit up.

Good luck, you found the right person!

Jiang Chen tentatively said: "The toys you make are quite high-end. I was shocked when I first walked in. I thought those jade seals were real, haha! After looking at them for a while, I realized that they were all toys... ………

The man also blew out a puff of smoke and laughed loudly: "People who come to my place for the first time say so, those jade seals are really scary, hahaha! But those are just toys, if they are real jade seals, I will still open this A small shabby workshop? I’ve already enjoyed a lot of happiness!”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen had some guesses.

It seems.

The boss himself doesn’t know.

There is a real jade seal mixed in his toys.

But for the sake of safety, Jiang Chen half-jokingly said: "You don't have any jade seals or other collections at home, but you have to keep an eye on them. If a worker accidentally sells them as a toy, you may die."

The man shook his head mockingly, "You are overthinking it. Look at my miserable appearance. Do you think I look like a collector of jade seals?" At this point, the man suddenly remembered something, spat and sighed: "But you Not to mention, I have a buddy who I’ve known since childhood who is a collector. That guy is always rich. Mad, I don’t know if they usually eat, drink, or do other business.

Where do you get the money to buy those antiques? Just a bottle can cost hundreds of thousands or millions. I am so jealous. "

I can tell.

Men have a love-hate relationship with so-called buddies.

Jiang Chen took a puff of cigarette unskillfully and smiled: "Collector...has he been here recently?"

The man didn't know that Jiang Chen was talking nonsense, so he said without even thinking: "He has been visiting me a lot recently and even ordered a batch of goods from me. According to him, I like this blind box very much. His friend in Japan prepared it." He sells this thing, so he acts as a middleman to help coordinate."

Jiang Chen didn't speak, his head was deep in thought.

Collectors have been coming a lot lately.


Could it be that he stuffed the jade seal into the blind box toy?

"Boss, you are so awesome. Your business has gone overseas, haha. Afraid of being left out, Jiang Chen made a casual joke.

The boss smiled bitterly: "I only earn the ex-factory price, but I think the Japanese import from me is not cheap after including tariffs and freight. It is better to hire people to make the toys locally. The key is He has no technical threshold for this thing."

That's right.

Jiang Chen thought so too.

It's totally unnecessary.

Still importing?

Just find a few local old men and women to do it!

Why do we have to import from Dragon Kingdom?

This designation is inseparable from that jade seal.

The clue was solved, Jiang Chen took a long puff of cigarette and grinned: "How much does it cost to wholesale a Guoxi blind box? I don't want to collect scraps. It's tiring to be exposed to the wind and sun every day. If I can make money, I will I’ll take the goods from you and sell them.”

The boss was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Jiang Chen to come up with it as soon as he thought of it.

However, when an opportunity to make money comes to your door, of course you cannot refuse it.

"The ex-factory price of these toys is five yuan. If you sell them, you can price them at ten or twenty yuan. If you have the ability, you can sell them for one hundred yuan."

Jiang Chen thought for a while, "I'll buy a hundred pieces first and see if they sell. Then I'll come back."

Although the order quantity is not large, the boss doesn't mind. As he said, he earns all his hard-earned money and it is not too little, so the boss nods readily: "Okay, I have plenty in my warehouse, I will take you to get it. "

The two people put out their cigarette butts and turned around and returned to the warehouse.

Unexpectedly, the boss walked up to another pile of blind boxes and prepared to count the quantities.

Jiang Chen looked at the pile of blind boxes with jade seals hidden in them and asked, "Can you get the ones here for me?"

The boss said casually: "Both piles are the same, there is no difference.

Jiang Chen pretended to be disapproving: "I only want this pile."

The boss was stunned for a moment, then looked back at Jiang Chen curiously.


They are all the same blind boxes.

There is no distinction between good and bad.

And picked you?

However, the boss has been in business for so many years. He is used to seeing all kinds of tricky customers. He complained a few words in his mind. Without thinking much, he turned around to move another pile of blind boxes and said, "It's all up to you. I'll give you whatever you want." What can I move for you? But this pile of goods is what my brother ordered. When he finds out that there is not enough goods, he will definitely cause trouble for me. "

Jiang Chen Feng Qingyun said calmly: "It's okay, buddy."

After saying that, Jiang Chen pushed the tricycle to the warehouse and motioned to the boss to move the goods into the carriage.

The two work together.

It didn't take long.

The pile of blind boxes was moved into the tricycle.

And he was in the carriage with the jade seal worth more than two million yuan.

"...Ninety-nine, one hundred. Exactly, one hundred, I'll charge you five hundred yuan." After counting the number, the boss skillfully took out the payment code on his mobile phone.

Jiang Chen happily scanned the code and paid.

Five hundred dollars arrived.

The boss put away his cell phone with satisfaction and said: "The payment has been cleared. Let's add a contact number for easy contact."

Jiang Chen reported a number: "My surname is Jiang."

The boss smiled and said: "Remember it, brother Jiang, walk slowly."

ps: I saw some readers complaining about scheduled releases. In fact, the author has his own reasons. It's very troublesome to talk about it in detail, but in one sentence it can be summarized as follows: Chapters released on a regular basis will not be blocked. Otherwise, once a certain chapter is blocked, it will be released after 24 hours, which is very painful.

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