Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 8 Mother-Child Money, Red Plum Vase

The boss who was reading a novel looked up.

"These copper coins are from that stall you just bought." The stall owner glanced at the money tube stall.

Been here for so long.

They know each other well.

Jiang Chen was not surprised and nodded and said: "It was just opened. Look at this ten thousand year coin. It is a rare item. The old man over there said that there are a lot of people vying for 600 yuan. As for these worthless ones. There are 18 copper coins in total. I will pack them up and sell them to you at a low price. You will be able to sell them and save me from looking for someone to collect them."

That Yongzheng Tongbao Mother's Coin is very expensive, and a small stall like this will definitely not be able to afford it.

As for Jiaqing Tongbao and Qianlong Tongbao, these shabby gadgets, Yang Fugui of Yipinzhai definitely doesn’t like them either.

Staring at a pile of copper coins.

The stall owner smiled happily: "Little brother, you are really lucky. You opened the money tube that was marked by someone else. The stall owner was so angry, hahaha."

The stall owner calculated the price of 18 copper coins.

Come to the conclusion of 280 yuan.

Plus the Shaozhi Tongbao, it’s 880.

After handing over the goods and taking the money, Jiang Chen continued riding his bicycle and stopped in front of the Yipizhai Gate in a few minutes.

Entered the room.

Yang Fugui is still researching Mickey Mouse commemorative medals.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yang Fugui said subconsciously: "Welcome to Yipinzhai, boss, just take a look."

Looked up.

I saw it was Jiang Chen who had just left not long ago.

"Mr. Jiang, why are you back? Did you forget something?"

Jiang Chen grinned: "I found something valuable, please help me take a look."

With an ooh, Yang Fugui carefully put away the Mickey Mouse medal, and then stared at Jiang Chen who put his hand in his pocket.

He had only been gone for a while.

Can you find something good again?

Taking out the copper coin, Jiang Chen carefully placed it on the table and asked with a smile, "Has Boss Yang done any research on copper coins?"

I saw a green and rusty copper coin.

Yang Fugui picked up the copper coins and put them under the desk lamp to observe, and said: "I did a little research on copper coins in the early years. Later, the copper coin market was sluggish and I couldn't make money, so I didn't go into it any further. However, I have a friend who is proficient in copper coins. this area.”

"Okay, you should study it first and then talk about it."

Jiang Chen poured himself a cup of tea, took a sip and then got up and wandered around Yipinzhai.

I can tell.

Not only are the gadgets in Yipinzhai real, but they are also very expensive.

This one is 280,000, that one is 420,000...

Jiang Chen's eyes passed over the antiques.

[Item]: Red plum porcelain vase.

[Details]: Modern Jingdezhen porcelain craftsman Wang Xiuman imitates Qing court craftsmanship...

[Value]: 1,600 yuan.

Seeing this red plum porcelain vase, Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks.

Read the 800-word detailed explanation.

Jiang Chen realized that the bottle was a modern imitation.

That is, fraud.

Looking at Yang Fugui who was concentrating on studying the copper coins, Jiang Chen said nothing and continued to visit the store.

About twenty minutes.

Yang Fugui raised his head, rubbed his sore neck and said: "Mr. Jiang, this copper coin is indeed different from the ordinary Yongzheng Tongbao. It is probably the mother's coin used by the Qing Dynasty government. But I am not very talented and knowledgeable, so I am not sure. How about I invite my friend to come over and take a look together? My friend is not only an expert, but also a player. If there is nothing wrong with this copper coin, he can buy it on the spot, which will save you the trouble of looking for a buyer."

Nodding, Jiang Chen readily agreed.

All good things come soon.

Not in a hurry.

"Please wait a moment. I'll call him. He will be here within half an hour." Yang Fugui said gratefully.

Take out your phone.

Made a phone call.

Yang Fugui explained the situation here.

"Can we get there in half an hour? The guests are waiting for me, don't make them wait in a hurry."

"I know, hurry up."

hang up the phone.

Yang Fugui smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, sit down and wait. He will be there in half an hour."

Afterwards, the two chatted.

Not surprisingly, Yang Fugui expressed curiosity: "Where did Mr. Jiang get this copper coin?"

"It's in the antique street near your home. When I went there to collect scraps, I saw a stall selling money tubes for 500 yuan each, so I went over and bought two coins." Jiang Chen said, "This copper coin I opened it, and the onlookers said it was a circulating Yongzheng Tongbao, but I didn’t think it was right, it was probably mother’s money.”

Learn the origin of copper coins.

Yang Fugui, who was drinking tea, almost spit out a mouthful of water.

He looked at Jiang Chen in disbelief: "Where did you get the copper coins from?"


Yang Fugui shook his head in disappointment.

Put down the tea cup.

He explained:

"I visited the money tube stall you mentioned a few months ago. I could tell at a glance that it was a scam. The copper coins in the money tube were all real, but they were not worth anything. I would definitely lose money if I bought them. So, I I think the copper coins that came out of there are unlikely to be real.”

In fact, in Yang Fugui's mind, he has already made a conclusion about this copper coin.


Nothing else.

Just because of the origin of this copper coin is enough to prove that it cannot be real.

Just to take Jiang Chen's self-esteem into consideration, Yang Fugui used the word "unlikely".

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