Let You Collect The Waste! Waste! Do You Understand? !

Chapter 9 Anchor, Are You Really A Waste Collector?

Jiang Chen understood what Yang Fugui was thinking.


Can something bought from a scammer be genuine?

This is unlikely.

The two sat and chatted for a long time.

More than twenty minutes later, I heard a sudden stop outside, and soon, a strong man with a big waist and a golden Pixiu bracelet walked in.

"I said, Lao Yang, why is there a scrap collection truck parked in front of your house? Doesn't this affect business?"

The strong man walked through the door and looked back at the tricycle.

Yang Fugui stood up to greet him and quickly explained: "That's the guest's car. If not, where can I park it here?"

"What? This is the car the guests drive?"

The strong man was stunned.

Yang Fugui was too lazy to explain.

Directly introduce the brawny man's information to Jiang Chen: "Mr. Jiang, this is the friend I told you about. His name is Cui Yong, and he also runs an antique shop. Old Cui, this is Mr. Jiang, my guest."

Jiang Chen stood up and said hello briefly.

Cui Yong glanced at Jiang Chen, obviously unable to react.

Scrap collection vehicle.

Young guy.

Lao Yang's guest.

These three images should not be connected in any way.

But Cui Yong still came over with a smile on his face: "Mr. Jiang, blame me for being blind to sight. I offended you so much. I'm sorry."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "It's okay. Boss Cui, let's take a look first."


Three people were seated.

Cui Yong, like Yang Fugui, held the copper coins in his fingertips and studied them carefully under the lamp.

After a while, he asked: "Mr. Jiang, can I clean the rust on it so that it can be better evaluated."

Copper coins are covered in soil and patina.

It's really hard to see the details.

Jiang Chen responded: "Please."

"Thank you very much."

Cui Yong thanked him gratefully, found a set of tools from the store, and carefully cleaned the dirt on the surface of the copper coins.


The true face of the copper coin emerged.

Cui Yong's eyes lit up.

"Open the door!"

Three simple words came out of Cui Yong's mouth.

This is an industry term.

Opening the door means that the item can be seen to be real with just one glance.

He took out a circulating version of Yongzheng Tongbao, also known as Zi Qian, from his pocket, and overlapped it with the mother coin. Cui Yong explained: "In order to facilitate the pouring of the mold, the craftsmen will make the mother coin larger when making it." , so the mother coin is slightly larger than the daughter coin, usually 26-28 mm in diameter."


Cui Yong took out the electronic measuring ruler again.

He compared it carefully and said, "Look, Lao Yang, the diameter of the coin is only 24.8, but Mr. Jiang's one is 27.1."

Immediately afterwards.

Cui Yong glanced at Bianlun again.

"Its outer ring is shaped like the back of a fish, but the slope is not that sharp, and there are traces of longitudinal polishing. These are the traces left by ancient hand carvers when they were polished. The copper coins poured out do not have these traces."

"Lao Yang, look at this seal again. There are also hand-polished scratches, while the Zi Qian is cast and will only have ridges and dents."

Of course Yang Fugui also knew this.

Like Cui Yong, I am 90% certain that this coin is the mother coin of Yongzheng Tongbao.

But the origin of this copper coin.

Yang Fugui felt unsure.

He reminded:

"Old Cui, where do you think this copper coin came from?"

Cui Yongzheng was studying this copper coin with great joy, and casually asked: "Can it be dug out now?"

"That's not the case. Mr. Jiang collected this coin from the antique street near my home, or opened it by hand at the stall selling money tubes."

Yang Fugui said.

"Driving from there?"

Cui Yong was also stunned.

When he came to play with Yang Fugui before, he also went to learn about that stall, and he knew very well that it was a scam. He strung together worthless copper coins, faked them into money tubes that had been buried underground for hundreds of years, and sold them to those bullshit. I understand.

How could there be genuine goods in there?

But when Cui Yong took another look, he couldn't see anything strange. The coin in his hand was clearly mother's money.

The two looked suspicious.

Jiang Chen said: "What if the charlatan didn't know the difference between the mother's money and the mother's money, and mistook the mother's money for the worthless child's money and used it?"

"This is the only possibility."

Cui Yong grinned.

He has been involved with copper coins for more than 20 years.

No matter how you look at this mother's money, Cui Yong thinks it's fine.

Yang Fugui also nodded, "This kind of thing does happen, but when it happens around me, I always feel it's a bit unreal."

How long has it been?

Jiang Chen collected two valuable items.

It does give people an incredible feeling.

Cui Yong believed in his experience. He stopped writing and asked straight to the point: "Mr. Jiang, how much do you plan to sell this copper coin?"


Jiang Chen said.

This number makes the fans in the live broadcast room go crazy.

Their eyes widened.


——[Damn it, did I hear that right? 270,000? ! 】

——[Is it really worth the price? The anchor is not just randomly shouting the price. 】

——[It doesn’t look like it. Didn’t you see Brother Chen’s expression of being in control from the beginning to the end? It feels like he knows the value of this copper coin very well. 】

——[Are you really a waste collector? Anchor, I look at you like a professional waste collector. 】

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