Stars exploded near the sun, and the ice inside some ice stars melted directly and turned into a water ball.

Eight spiritual beams entered the sun, and the sun temporarily stabilized.

After reading this information, Fang Yi pondered: "Is [Xiao Liu Dao] back?"

"It has returned, but the energy it brought back is not much." The voice of [Star Spirit] sounded.

Fang Yi entered the myth tree and searched for information about magic weapons related to the sun.


Having a trace of [Golden Crow] bloodline and controlling the fire of the sun can survive in the sun, but if the level of the sun is too high, it will be difficult to bear.

The solar spirit contained in the fifth-level sun is too terrifying, not to mention that the current sun is very unstable and is in an explosive period.

Even a seventeenth-level [Flaming Bird] will evaporate if it enters the sun.

However, he doesn't need [Sunbird] to enter the sun, he just needs to detect around the periphery of the sun.

"Collect all solar energy, fire attribute energy, create a fourteenth-level [Sunbird], launch it near the sun, and monitor the sun."

Fang Yi sent the information about the magic weapon to Shi Shaoyue: "The rest of the energy will be used to upgrade the current Xiao Liu Dao."

He didn't have enough energy before, and with the Blue Star Expeditionary Force observing the starry sky and having to focus on the two realms, he didn't consider the solar magic weapon.

Now that the sun has erupted this time, [Xiao Liu Dao] has collected a lot of solar energy, which should be enough.

He looked at the bright moon in the sky. The current moon was basically an empty shell, and the spirit energy was extremely thin.

"I'm leaving anyway. The predators won't look down on me, so let me squeeze out the last value." Fang Yidao.

The power of Taiyin is scarce, no matter how bad it is, you can still extract some.

Fang Yi made a decision, and [Xiao Liu Dao] set sail again, flying towards the moon.

After the explanation was completed, Fang Yi entered a state of seclusion, and at the same time took time to continue watching the starry sky map.

In the blink of an eye, another month passed.

The five space doors of Blue Star shook, and the soldiers of the expeditionary force returned!

An ethereal voice sounded: "Emperor, the expeditionary force has returned, and I am going to Canglan Realm."

"Okay, have they brought back the [Xiao Liu Dao] energy?" Fang Yi asked.

"It has been brought back. Shi Mingyue returned with the energy in person." [Star Spirit] said.

Fang Yi contacted Shi Shaoyue: "Ming Yue is back. With the help of Xiao Liu Dao's energy, we can create [Flame Bird] immediately. Level 14 is enough. It doesn't need to be too strong."

"Yes, the flame bird frame has been built and the spirit refining furnace mold has been imported and can be started at any time." Shi Shaoyue replied.

Mr. Yun and others also arrived, and they went to pick up the soldiers of the expeditionary force.

The entire Blue Star celebrated again, the expeditionary force returned and their families were reunited.

Because it has been too long, the wives of these expeditionary troops are no longer here, and most of them have become great-grandfathers.

If it weren't for the long lifespan of cultivating immortals, I might not even have a chance to reunite.

Countless families cried with joy and killed chickens and geese to celebrate the return of their loved ones.

The demon clan was also celebrating and took out some poultry very generously.

Not every animal can become a demon. If it cannot become a demon, it can only be reduced to food.

Moreover, the demon tribe is also good at breeding and planting. No one knows poultry and plant growth better than them.

Most of the breeding and planting industries in Blue Star are actually supported by the demon clan.

Although the human race is full of talents in farming, the demon race also has unique advantages in this regard.

The human race is responsible for improving the land, researching grain seeds, and selecting poultry varieties, while the demon race is responsible for breeding and planting, complementing each other.

"Emperor, Yang Yunshan and the others have arrived."

Shi Mingyue brought many elders to the Imperial Tower.

Fang Yi smiled: "Welcome back!"

"Thanks to the Emperor, our Blue Star can get out of this predicament, and we old guys can come back."

Yang Yunshan had tears in his eyes: "How many times have the old man wondered if he would never come back."

"You old guy just loves to cry." The Lion King laughed and scolded: "You are hundreds of years old and you still have no shame."

"You old lion, you have the nerve to criticize me? Who cries under the covers at night? Think I don't know?" Yang Yunshan snorted coldly and glared at him.

The lion king looked embarrassed: "Fuck, I promised not to mention this matter."

"Mingyue, good wine and food are ready to welcome our heroes." Fang Yi solemnly bowed: "Without the efforts of all of you, Xingkong, we would not have the chance to develop."

"The emperor's words really make us ashamed. After so many years, as the main force, we have been unable to protect our home planet." Many elders said with shame.

"Now that Xuanhuang has been destroyed, Canglan will not be able to stay alive for long. Let's not mention the past and look forward to the future together." Fang Yidao.

"Yes, looking to the future, we still have a long way to go." Yang Yunshan nodded heavily.

"Emperor, I heard that you want to build a solar instrument to monitor the sun's condition?"

The lion king's expression changed slightly and he asked: "I heard that it is still the magic weapon of our demon clan?"

"[Flame Bird], from now on, I will hand over the magical weapons related to the demon clan to you, the demon clan, to make them."

Fang Yi glanced at him and knew what he was thinking: "With my energy, it is impossible to take care of both the human race and the demon race. It can only be done by your engineers."

"Don't worry, Emperor, our demon tribe will never hold back the Emperor!" the Lion King promised.

Many elders are surprised that even if Fang Yi is a genius, it is impossible for him to understand so many magic weapon manufacturing methods.

Not only the human race, but also the demon race, and even the Netherworld.

But when they thought that everything Fang Yi did was to help Blue Star and was a member of Blue Star, they buried all this curiosity in their hearts.

There are some secrets that cannot be asked for fear of causing estrangement.

This was the result of their gathering and discussion before they came back.

They also speculated that Fang Yi should have been inherited by a certain advanced civilization.

Or, he is really a genius!

The magic weapons of the demon clan are no worse than those of the human clan and the witch clan.

There are some [Heavenly Soldiers], and there are also demons.

After getting the answer, Lion Lord and other demon clan elders had smiles on their faces.

In the current situation of Blue Star, the human race is already ahead of the demon race, and they are no longer competing against each other before.

Although everyone is a member of Blue Star and a community of life, we don’t want to be held back!

"Emperor, the food is ready." Shi Mingyue arrived.

After learning that the expeditionary force was back, the cook below had already made preparations.

Everyone exchanged cups and cups, no one mentioned the current crisis, and ate and drank in a relaxed manner.

After eating and drinking, Yang Yunshan smiled and said: "Emperor, we old guys have discussed it and plan to retire and leave the opportunity to the young people."

Fang Yi frowned slightly and looked at the other elders. They all looked sincere and did not seem to be hypocritical.

Is this a direct showdown with yourself? Are you afraid of occupying a position and making yourself unhappy?

"Fellow elders, we still need your guidance for the next road ahead." Fang Yi said sternly: "I'm not being hypocritical. The current Blue Star and the younger generation are not yet able to take on such a big responsibility."

Who will take over Blue Star?

This time the expeditionary force returns, the number of Blue Star humans and monsters is at least 7 billion!

Shi Mingyue and Su Yunxue are soldiers. They can only be in the army and cannot handle other things.

Shi Shaoyue is a mecha engineer.

Hope and Yangzhi have no interest in dealing with government affairs, and are studying at the risk of their lives.

"This..." Yang Yunshan and others showed hesitation.

"I still need to work hard for you all to shine brightly for Blue Star. I plan to divide Blue Star into three aspects."

Fang Yi pondered: "The first is technical engineers, the second is the army, and the third is people's livelihood."

"I am in charge of technical engineers, and you are in charge of the military and people's livelihood. Each of you should do your own thing, and work together to contribute to Blue Star."

"Technical engineer, do we need to separate?" Lion asked.

"The headquarters will not be separated, and you will allocate it yourself below." Fang Yi said: "The headquarters is set up in the Imperial Pass, and the Blue Star Technology Research Institute is established. Whether it is the demon clan or the human clan, we will do our best to build the magic weapons that Blue Star needs most."

"Blue Star resources will be given priority to the headquarters. For the resources below, when we arrive at our new home and settle in, how about we go to the stars to mine resources, or cultivate the resources ourselves?"

"Okay." Yang Yunshan said without hesitation.

"We also agree." Lion Lord and other demon tribes nodded.

Prioritize all efforts to build the magic weapon that Blue Star needs most. This is a top priority, and no one or demon can disobey it.

Furthermore, Fang Yi's mythical spirit refining furnace can directly extract energy, and even elixirs can be put into refining.

"Emperor, I have a question. I don't know whether to ask it or not." Yang Yunshan hesitated and said.

"You tell me." Fang Yi nodded slightly.

"I just don't know what level the emperor's technology has reached, and whether there is a direction for the future?" Yang Yunshan looked at him expectantly.

The rest of the elders are also looking forward to it. The Lion King said: "We have not contacted the third-level immortal civilization. The road ahead is at a loss, and we don't know how to walk the road behind."

Fang Yi smiled and said: "The third-level immortal civilization is the sky pattern technology. I already have some ideas. Next, I will retreat to study related technologies."

"Then it's hard work, Lord Emperor." Yang Yunshan and others' eyes lit up, they breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked curiously: "What is the sky pattern technology?"

"I'm not very clear at the moment, but I can be clear. Just like the Predator weapon, you can respond according to the stars' own rules."

Fang Yi muttered: "I will explain it to you in detail after I study it."

"Okay." Everyone nodded, and Yang Yunshan asked again: "Emperor, I wonder if you have chosen your home?"

"You can't go to the east. The situation in the south and north should be similar to that in the east. The west is too mysterious and we can't make a decision yet."

Fang Yi shook his head and said: "I plan to wait until the [Blaze Bird] is completed to see if I can get information from the sun."

"Then wait for now, we still have some time." Everyone said.

Next, they will talk about the military and people's livelihood issues, and Fang Yi will give them full power.

What he wants to do is to be the chief technical engineer and guide the direction of civilization.

"Emperor." The Lion Lord said: "Should we renegotiate the name of our Blue Star Life Community? Every time we are outside, we have to divide the human race and the demon race. The alliance constitution is not suitable for our next path."

The other senators did not object, and this was what they had discussed.

The human race and the demon race are both Blue Star life forms, but the residents below are still divided into human race and demon race.

They want to be completely integrated!

Fang Yi thought about it and said, "You must be wondering where my skills come from."

Everyone was stunned, and Yang Yunshan said: "This is the emperor's secret, there is no need to tell us."

Fang Yi raised his hand: "My technology is actually inherited from an immortal civilization called [Heavenly Court]. This immortal civilization is of a very high level and has a great connection with our Blue Star."

Although Blue Star formed the immortal civilization, there are also records of ancient times.

But during the time when the world was first created, let alone Blue Star, it is impossible for a few civilizations in the entire universe to figure it out.

Because it was too ancient and too wild at that time, there was no civilization at all, and there was no record.

"Is it related to our Blue Star?" Everyone was shocked: "Could it be that our Blue Star was once a subordinate civilization of this [Heaven]?"

"Not subordinate, we are actually descendants of [Heaven], [Heaven] magic tools all need fire to carry the formation spirit!"

Fang Yi sighed: "Heaven is very powerful, but why it disappeared, I don't know."

Many elders were able to solve their doubts and pondered. What level did [Heaven] reach at the time?

"[Heaven] does not distinguish between human and demon races. What I think is that instead of thinking of a new name, it is better to build [Heaven]!" Fang Yi said in a deep voice.

"Can you tell me about the structure of Heaven?" Yang Yunshan asked hurriedly.

"Heaven is governed by the Jade Emperor..." Fang Yi described the situation of Heaven.

Of course, he just gave a brief overview, and he didn't know the details.

The underworld, the six reincarnations, and the human race were all described.

The demon race also had a heaven, which made the Lion King excited.

After listening to Fang Yi's story, many elders fell into deep thought.

"If you agree, then build the [Heaven]. Of course, there is no need to create a Jade Emperor. We haven't reached that stage yet."

Fang Yi smiled and said, "Now we just need to completely merge and be indistinguishable from each other."

Yang Yunshan looked at him with a fiery gaze: "Emperor, if we really reach that stage in the future, can you give the Three Pure Ones magic weapon to this old man to try."

"I want to try Emperor Jun." The Lion King said excitedly.

"I want to try Emperor Ziwei..."

Fang Yi: "..."

You really dare to think!

If we really reach that stage, there should be no rivals in the entire universe, and they can only satisfy their desire.

"Take one step at a time. Stop dreaming." Fang Yi rolled his eyes at them. "We haven't even entered the third-level civilization yet. Be realistic."

"Emperor Lord, then we will establish the Heavenly Court. In the future, we will also change the name of our Blue Star to [Emperor Star]. It will also fit the [Emperor Star] plan." Yang Yunshan said.

"Yes, yes, change it to Emperor Star as well. This is worthy of the Heavenly Court."

"Well, don't be too outrageous. If we call it Emperor Star, other civilizations in the universe will kill us if they know it." Fang Yi rolled his eyes at them.

[Heavenly Court] is okay, because other civilizations don't understand it. The third-level Heavenly Pattern Civilization at least has the word Heaven, so it won't have any impact.

But [Emperor Star], the Lord of the Stars, can other civilizations tolerate it?

"Just call it that internally, and continue to call it Blue Star externally." The elders said one after another.

Fang Yi smiled and let them do as they pleased.

Looking at their excited looks, this time they not only had enough food, but also enough pancakes.

The rest of the things were left to them, and Fang Yi went into seclusion.

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