Let you contract with your ancestors and you summon the mythical blue star?

Chapter 109: The Sun Clan on the Road to Destruction

[Heavenly Court] was officially established, and the entire Blue Star cheered excitedly.

The demon clan is also cheering, they are no longer an alliance, but a member of [Heavenly Court]!

Blue Star has entered a new era, designated as the [Heavenly Court] era, writing a new historical chapter and recording glorious deeds.

In the first year of [Heavenly Court], [Ancestral Dragon] led the expeditionary force to break through the Canglan Realm.

[Star Spirit] entered the Canglan Realm and entangled the Canglan Spirit.

[Ancestral Dragon] controls [Little Six Paths] and invades the core of Canglan Realm.

The Blue Star Expeditionary Force went out again to fully invade the Canglan Realm. All kinds of fighter planes and starships overwhelmed Canglan.

After two months, Canglan Realm fell to Level 2, and could no longer stop the plundering of [Xiao Liu Dao].

[Ancestral Dragon] activated [Little Six Paths] and sealed off the Canglan Realm.

With such terrifying power, even if they mobilized the Canglan Formation, they could not push the Canglan Realm away and could only struggle to death.

The two seventeenth level, superimposed, increased their power exponentially, and coupled with the cooperation of [Star Spirit], they completely suppressed the Canglan Realm.

Huge six rings surrounded the Canglan Realm, and the six stars frantically absorbed the energy of the Canglan Realm.

At the same time, on the Blue Star side, the [Fire Sun Bird] was completed and entered the space to jump to the sun.

Blue Star emits a spiritual beam, echoing the [Fire Sun Bird] and contacting it at any time.

[Heavenly Court] In March of the first year of the year, Canglan Realm exhausted its energy and completely disintegrated.

Compared to the Xuanhuang Realm, it is much easier. The main function of [Zen Master]'s degree transformation is to make the life forms of the Canglan Realm rebel and successfully introduce the star spirits.

Otherwise, if they attack by force, [Ancestral Dragon] and [Xiao Liu Dao] will not be able to take advantage, and it will be a fierce battle.

The expeditionary force returned in full force, and two [Small Six Paths] were placed in the nearby starry sky, frantically extracting energy from nearby stars.

In April of the first year of the year, Fang Yi came out of seclusion and announced that he had conquered the third-level sky pattern technology and passed the technology to the [Tianting Immortal Technology Institute].

Shi Shaoyue led the engineers to study all night, and spent two months using energy to upgrade the [Cosmos Circle] to level 18.

Blue Star has officially entered the third-level immortal civilization!

In June of the first year, [Ancestral Dragon] was promoted to level 18, and the spirit signal enveloped the entire Blue Star.

There is still some energy left, but it is not enough to create a third-level civilized magic weapon.

"Emperor, the Sun Bird sent a message about the sun."

An ethereal voice sounded.

On the Imperial Tower, [Ancestral Dragon], Yang Yunshan, Lion Lord and other elders arrived, and they were also notified.

"Star Spirit, open the information about the Sun Bird." Fang Yida said.


The light curtain manifests itself as a video.

The spirit beams converged in the sun and gathered on a ball of light, inside which was a humanoid life form with golden wings.

Predator's Star Collector!

Countless solar life forms rushed towards the collector madly, trying to destroy the magic weapon.

But they are too weak, and the energy output is directly absorbed by the collector.

The solar life forms are in despair. They cannot destroy it at all and can only let the collector extract solar energy!

The barrier covering the sun cracked under the spirit beam, and the sun was completely lost!

“It’s amazing that we’ve lasted this long.”

Fang Yi sighed.

The predators are suspected to be level 6 immortal civilization, and the level 5 sun has not even formed a civilization. It took so long to lose, so it is already very strong.

"It's time for us to set off." Yang Yunshan said solemnly.

"Emperor, keep watching, the Sun Bird has received a distress signal." [Star Spirit] said.

"Distress signal?"

Everyone looked at each other: "The sun life form is asking for help? You really look down on us."

Blue Star has just entered the third level and cannot intervene in this kind of war.

Soon, a distress signal was played, and the old voice rang directly in [Sunbird]'s mind: "Blue Star Civilization, we know you."

Pure Blue Star language!

The first sentence made the human race and demon race present feel numb.

The guys in the sun actually knew about their existence a long time ago?

Fang Yi only felt a chill in his back. If just one person ran out from inside, their civilization could be destroyed!

"The plunderers have set their sights on this place, and you have no choice but to escape, but the east is a three-party melee area.

The south is the [Order] camp, and the north is the [Neutral faction]. [Order] needs an obedient civilization, unless you are willing to accept slavery. "

“The [neutral faction] in the north will not easily accept a strange civilization, let alone the prey of predators.

You can only go to the west [Eternal Night Starry Sky], but there are many dangers there. If you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the eternal night. "

The old voice was full of pleading: "As long as you accept our clan, we are willing to guide you to the [Eternal Night Starry Sky] and live and die with your clan."

The life form of the sun has no choice!

They were completely desperate and pinned their hopes on Blue Star, a third-level civilization.

"Order, neutrality, predators, the eternal night starry sky."

Fang Yi's expression was solemn, and the others' expressions were gloomy. It was the first time that they knew about the overall situation in the starry sky.

Four major factions!

"What do you think?" Fang Yi asked.

Yang Yunshan frowned: "Except for the spirit beam, we have never observed the spirit phenomenon in the west. It is dark, which is consistent with the theory of the eternal night starry sky."

"Order should have established rules for the civilization below to abide by." The Lion Lord pondered: "If you can accept us, then we should abide by the rules, but we don't know what these rules are."

“The neutrals in the north will not accept prey from predators, and we will probably be given away to predators by them in the past.

But there is a doubtful point. Since they are neutrals, why is there a three-party melee in the East? "

Shi Shaoyue asked about her doubts: "The neutral faction should not participate in the war."

"Then contact Sunbird and see if you can speak to this person." Fang Yida said.

[Star Spirit] glowed with blue light, allowing [Sun Bird] to contact.

Soon, a message came from [Sunbird]: "You can talk, but the other party doesn't have much time."

The light curtain changed, and a golden-feathered divine bird in the form of a crow, burning with solar flames, appeared on the light curtain.

"Your Excellency, are you the creature in the sun?" Fang Yi cupped his hands and said, "The Emperor of [Heavenly Court], Fang Yi, you are polite."

"Time is running out, and I don't mince words. We have noticed you since the birth of life on your blue star.

We have never taken action against you. Even if you can form a civilization, it is with our secret help. "

The voice of the divine bird was old and tired: "The same is true in Canglan Realm, but we have never had any malicious intentions."

Fang Yi and others' expressions remained unchanged, but their hearts sank.

Was it noticed from the beginning?

"The plunderers will not let go of this star field. I can send the people out, and they can join you and obey your orders.

I won't make things difficult for you, I will only send out the people in the early stages of Tao Fei. You must have entered the third level of civilization. "

The Divine Bird continued: "I will warn them well, and in return, I will tell you the situation in the starry sky and the route of the eternal night starry sky, which will be in the memory of my people."

Fang Yi said nothing, listening to him quietly and thinking about his words.

The early stage of Tao Fei corresponds to level 18.

An ordinary immortal civilization would not be able to accept this great gift, but [Ancestral Dragon] and [Qiankun Circle] are enough to suppress all eighteen levels.

The divine bird continued to add: "We will also prepare a portion of solar energy for you to use for your long voyage."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi lost his composure, and the other elders began to breathe rapidly.

They are so short of energy!

Even if Xuanhuang and Canglan were destroyed, it would only allow them to enter the third level.

Next there are the middle stage of level three, the late stage of level three, and the peak of level three!

If they get this energy and go to the [Eternal Night Starry Sky], they will have a stronger ability to protect themselves.

"Let's talk about the predators first." Fang Yi said.

"The Predator Base Camp is very mysterious. Their civilization levels vary, some are low and some are high. What we are facing this time is a fifth-level Predator civilization.

They are already standing on the top of the starry sky. They are a group of madmen who plunder all energy. Their mortal enemy is [Order]. "

The divine bird narrated.

"The predators are not a civilization?" Fang Yi was shocked.

He thought the Predators were an advanced civilization, but he didn't expect them to be a collection of many civilizations.

"It's a civilization, but it's a combination of different races, and the predators can affect the whole body.

Even if you kill one first-level predator, you will be chased by the entire predator. "

The Divine Bird said bitterly: "My clan wiped out the fifth-level predator civilization, so we ushered in the revenge of the predators."

Fang Yi and others: "..."

Blue Star has been affected by Yuchi.

"Where's [Order]?" Fang Yi asked.

"Order was established by the [Order Civilization]. They also accommodated many civilizations and fought against the plunderers. The war never stopped.

Don't think that you will be safe if you go to the Order. Even if they accept you, they will only treat you as cannon fodder.

The rules of [Order] are to obey their orders and destroy the predator civilization. "

The Divine Bird did not wait for him to ask, and told again: "The [Neutral Faction] has civilizations that compete with them, but these civilizations do not want to participate in the war, they just want to guard their own three-acre land, and they are the same as [Order] and the Predators. Only when there is a small friction will they stand up to defend their territory if they are affected by the flames of war.”

"Where's Yongye?"

The divine bird looked at him indifferently: "[Eternal Night Starry Sky] is the only place where civilization can continue, and it is also the place where civilization can be destroyed. The specific decision depends on you."

Fang Yi frowned, this old guy obviously wanted to use this as a threat.

"I can't give you an answer yet, let's discuss it." Fang Yida said.

"You only have three days." Shenniao said and hung up.

"What do you think?" Fang Yi asked.

The elders did not rush to answer, thinking about each other's words.

"We know too little about the situation in Starry Sky, but I think his words are credible."

Shi Shaoyue thought: "Once we accept his people, we will be on the same boat, and it is impossible for us to die."

"However, it is difficult to guarantee that the dove will occupy the magpie's nest." Yang Yunshan frowned.

The Lion King answered: "Yes, what if the Sun Clan wants to enslave us after they arrive?"

The level of the sun is too high. Will these advanced life forms obey their orders?

Are they willing to become vassals of [Heaven]?

"We don't understand the fifth-level civilization, and we don't know what means we have. [Zen Master] is not at the right level to save them." Another elder said.

"But if we succeed, we will gain enough energy to not only reach the [Eternal Night Starry Sky], but also go one step further."

Shi Shaoyue said: "Besides, since we are so far away, let the [Fire Sun Bird] explore first. If it is beyond the control range, then leave directly."

"It's just that the Sun Clan is too strong. If it's a sealed power, we can't detect it with our technology." Yang Yunshan was still worried.

Fang Yi pondered, pointed his index finger at his thigh, and slowly said: "What if we take out the solar technology?"

"Level 3 solar technology, they may not be interested." Lion King shook his head.

"We don't need them to be interested, just let them know that we can revive the solar civilization."

Fang Yi smiled lightly: "So far, the sun has not shown the means that civilization should have, and it has always been fighting with living beings."

"This is also strange. They can destroy the level 5 predator civilization, but now their performance is not satisfactory." Yang Yunshan was also full of doubts.

"They may not be born from our sun." Shi Shaoyue's expression changed: "He also said that if they destroy the predator civilization, they will be hunted down."

"If they were creatures born from our sun, they would have abandoned the sun and fled for their lives, and our sun would have been extinguished long ago.

This proves that they are outsiders. They have not dared to appear openly for so many years to avoid being hunted down!"

"Their civilization route has long been cut off!"

"It's the same as what I think." Fang Yi nodded and said: "If a complete level 5 civilization comes with a star collector, it's just to send them food."

"Moreover, if he can send out a stronger one, he doesn't need to discuss with us, he can just kill them directly."

If he can send out someone who surpasses them, then Blue Star doesn't need to run, just wait to die.

Many elders thought carefully, and Yang Yunshan also changed his mind: "If we get the energy, our [Emperor Star] plan can also start."

"Then let's take a gamble!"

"You can take a gamble. Please ask [Zulong] to control [Xiao Liudao] at any time, [Qiankun Circle] to be on guard at all times, and the Star Earth Vein Cannon to be ready to start."

The Lion King gritted his teeth and agreed to accept the Sun Clan.

"Then contact the Sun Clan." Fang Yi pondered and said, "No more waiting. They don't have time. If they are late, something will happen."

The situation is too urgent now. There is no need to wait. The other party can't wait.

The light curtain appeared again.

A trace of joy appeared in the eyes of the divine bird: "It seems that you have chosen to accept my clan."

"You are really wise." Fang Yi complimented: "But I think this condition can be discussed again."

If Blue Star does not accept it, just don't contact it and run away with Blue Star.

Now Fang Yi contacted, obviously agreed.

"You say." The divine bird nodded.

"The immortal civilization of the Sun Clan has been cut off, right?" Fang Yi said.

The pupils of the divine bird shrank slightly, but it admitted frankly: "Yes, we can't even create a first-level civilization, even if we have enough energy."

"Where did you migrate from?" Fang Yi asked again.

"【Order】." The divine bird sighed: "When my tribe destroyed the plunderers, the order did not protect us, but abandoned us."

"Why?" Fang Yi looked puzzled.

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