Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 126 Ali Group’S Rapid Counterattack, Wang Mo’S Thoughts

Inside the Junzi Group.

Weixin Department.

The morning after the update rolled out.

"Boss, Wei Xin's popularity has really exploded this time.

“The first hot search on almost all Internet social platforms is related to Weixin’s updates.”

“I didn’t expect this update to attract so much attention.

"To know."

"The last social function took a few days of fermentation before it became very popular."

"And this time."

"Since Weixin was updated, there have been nearly 10 million more download areas.

Listening to Zhang Fan's words, Wang Mo smiled.

"How can the popularity of several social functions be compared with online payment and wallet functions.

"Internet users in Yanguo basically know the status of QQ and Blue Wallet.

"And now."

"A brand new chat software actually wants to challenge these two behemoths at the same time. As soon as this thing is said, it is extremely popular."


Wang Mo's expression calmed down a little.

"It's not enough to meet my expectations for Wei Xin just by relying on some temporary popularity.


Zhang Fan couldn't help but take a deep breath and nodded.

He knew exactly what Wang Mo expected.

That is.

Weixin can eventually become a real behemoth with 900 million daily users and 1.3 billion monthly users.

Although now.

According to Wang Mo’s expectations, Weixin still has a long way to go.

"Then boss, what should we do next?"

"Does Weixin need to launch any activities?"

"Being not."

Wang Mo shook his head 200 times.

“The card-binding coupons launched along with Weixin Wallet are enough to attract a large number of user groups.

"For many Internet users, direct benefits are the most attractive aspect."

"And now."

“Weixin doesn’t have enough offline QR code payment market yet, we still need time.

“Only when Weixin’s collection code accounts for at least one-third of the market share of Blue Wallet can we make follow-up moves.

Wang Mo looked at Zhang Fan.

"Real consumption coupons are extremely attractive to users, and the payment system added to the chat software actually has a much higher usage rate than the blue wallet."

"The number of daily active users that was stagnant before should be able to maintain good growth in the coming period.

Listen to Wang Mo’s words.

Zhang Fan also nodded hastily.

Regarding the operation of the software, he knew that he could not compare to Wang Hei in any case.


Just when Wang Mo had just finished speaking, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Zhao Ming walked in from the door with a worried look on his face.

When Wang Mo first traveled through time, except for Zhang Fan and Qin Haisheng, the last remaining person among the three employees in the company was Zhao Ming.

Now he is also a senior member of the Weixin department.

"What's wrong?"

Zhang Fan asked.

"just now."

“Blue Wallet has also launched a variety of consumer red envelopes and consumer coupons, and its popularity is even much higher than ours.

Hearing these words, Zhang Fan was stunned for a moment, and then his face couldn't help but become angry.

"So fast?"

“We haven’t had 24 hours since we launched the payment system.

"Ali Group has already begun to respond?"

“The amount of consumption coupons issued by our Weixin Wallet is not low, and there are also a lot of them. You only need to bind the card to get them.

"But this blue wallet directly sends out money to a consumer circle that is even more powerful than us."

“You must know that Blue Wallet’s current daily active users are close to 600 million. In other words, with its strength and daily active users far exceeding ours, Blue Wallet will have to spend a lot of money to fight us this time.”

“And this is just the first day of Weixin’s online payment system!”

Zhang Fan was also somewhat unexpected about Ali Group's reaction.

Although he knew before, Ali Group would not have any hesitation or entanglement in launching other online payment software.

But he didn't expect that the Ali Group would move so quickly.

And as soon as he takes action.

It directly consumed a large amount of funds.

This level of decisiveness may not be matched by ten penguins.

From a time perspective.

I'm afraid that as soon as Ali Group learned that Weixin had launched an online payment system, it had already started preparing for consumption coupon activities in order to retain users.

Listening to Zhang Fan's words, Wang Mo did not show any worry.

"Don't worry so much."

“Although Blue Wallet has launched a consumption coupon that is more powerful than ours, it will not have any impact on Weixin in the short term.

After Wang Mo finished speaking, Zhang Fan spoke directly.

"How come there is no impact?"

“Wouldn’t Blue Wallet’s move make Weixin users choose to spend money in Blue Wallet?”


Wang Mo smiled directly.

"Consumption coupons are not an either/or thing."

"Most users make various offline purchases (bgbb) every day."

"They will indeed choose the blue wallet for consumption at the first time, but when the consumption coupons in the blue wallet are used up, won't only Weixin be left?"

"Since you can buy things cheaper with a blue wallet and you can buy things cheaper with Weixin, why don't I use both? Can't I just use one to buy things today and the other tomorrow?"

After listening to Wang Mo's words, Zhang Fan patted his head and realized that he had indeed overreacted just now.

And Wang Mo’s voice continued to sound.

"Ali Group also knows internally that their actions cannot prevent users from binding cards and spending money on Weixin, but it can slow down the speed."

"At the same time, the consumption coupons of Blue Wallet can also deepen users' consumption habits of using Blue Wallet to scan codes and pay."

“In the competition between two payment software, whoever can master the user’s payment habits will stand last.

"And our primary goal now is to roll out the Weixin payment code for offline merchants first."

"Everything else has to be pushed back in importance."

After Wang Mo finished speaking, Zhang Fan nodded similarly.


"Although we have reached agreements with some large supermarket chains, allowing them to use Weixin payment and collection codes in supermarkets.


"For some small shops and private merchants, will the blue wallet force them to choose one of the two?"

Zhang Fan just finished speaking.

Zhao Ming's voice sounded from the side.

"That's what I haven't finished yet."

"Our offline promotion team has already encountered this situation."

“Many private merchants and small shops have received messages sent to them by Blue Wallet, allowing them to choose one of the two. If these merchants are found to have used Weixin’s merchant payment code, Blue Wallet will take back their merchant code."

The consumption coupons of Weixin and Blue Wallet can only be used in merchant payment codes, and transfers between users' personal payment codes do not fall into this category.

And listened to Zhao Ming's words.

Zhang Fan instantly became angry.

"This is a monopoly. This method of forcing merchants to choose one of the two is quite obvious monopolistic behavior. We can sue him.

After Zhang Fan finished speaking.

Zhao Ming also spoke.

"But Blue Wallet's methods are very covert, and those who contact the merchants are not Blue Wallet's official personnel."

"In this way, even if we want to sue Blue Wallet for monopoly, it will take a long time to collect evidence, and the overall trial time for this kind of Internet monopoly case will also be very long."

"Even if we can win against Blue Wallet, it will take five years."


Zhang Fan couldn't help but murmur.

"That means we have nothing to do about Blue Wallet's actions for the time being?"

"Although large supermarkets have our Weixin payment system, in the field of offline QR code payment, most private merchants are the big players."

After Zhang Fan finished speaking, Wang Mo smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Actually, there's no need to worry too much."

"Blue Wallet's move will slow down our deployment of merchant payment codes, but it will not completely cut off the development of merchant payment codes. Sooner or later, our merchant payment codes will also be rolled out."

"Because of the existence of consumption coupons."

“Weixin’s users will force these private merchants to secretly use Weixin’s payment codes.


Wang Mo took a deep breath.

"Now it just takes a little time."

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