Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 127: Wei Xin’S Wallet Is Pushed Crazily, The Next Plan.

After Wang Mo finished speaking, Zhang Fan couldn't help but ask.

"Are you really not worried?"

Wang Mo nodded.

"As long as Blue Wallet does not dare to blatantly let merchants choose one of the two, there will definitely be a place for Weixin's payment code."

"And if Blue Wallet is really a blatant monopoly, then we don't have to worry, the law will punish it."


Wang Mo looked at Zhao Ming on the side.

"Over there, you made arrangements according to my instructions, right?"

Zhao Ming nodded.

"I follow your instructions and ask all local promotion teams not to force private merchants to use our payment codes, but to leave their contact information so that when merchants contact them, they can send the merchant's payment code as soon as possible. Payment code.”

Listening to Zhao Ming's words, Wang Mo also nodded.

"That's fine."

"For the next while."

"We just have to wait."

On the day after Weixin’s update was launched.

In major cities in the Yan Kingdom, you can already see a large number of Weixin's local promotion teams.

Weixin did not let merchants apply for payment codes and then issue them like Blue Wallet did at the beginning. Instead, Weixin directly proactively found merchants and asked them to use Weixin's merchant payment codes.


Because of Blue Wallet's covert obstruction, Weixin's local promotion team suffered a lot of setbacks.

However, the effects that such large-scale local promotion can produce are quite exaggerated.

Weixin's local promotion team will contact supermarkets, canteens, restaurants, noodle shops, and even taxis on the street.

Many private merchants did not take Blue Wallet's warning seriously and directly placed Weixin's payment code at the door of their store.


Because there are not many people using Weixin Pay now, and many merchants are still wary of blue wallets, in the first round of promotion, "there were still a few merchants who agreed to use Weixin payment codes."

But as time goes by.

This number will continue to increase.

at the same time.

Because Weixin launched an activity to bind cards to receive consumption coupons, the number of payment users of Weixin exceeded 10 million within a few days.

Although this number is far from the blue wallet, it is already a quite exaggerated level.

Same as Wang Mo said.

The consumption coupons of Blue Wallet only slowed down the growth rate of Weixin Pay users, but did not completely stop it.


After half a month has passed.

When the consumption coupons of the payment package were exhausted, many users focused on the consumption coupons of Weixin.

This time.

It even attracted many non-Weixin users to download Weixin just for the consumption coupons.

After all, if you buy something worth a hundred dollars, you can get dozens of discount coupons, which few people can refuse.

Moreover, the usage conditions of this consumption coupon are very simple and can be consumed in any large supermarkets and large private stores.

It's equivalent to dozens of dollars given away for free.

Although many users only come here for consumption coupons, they still use the blue wallet for most of their daily consumption.


Because we don’t know whether Weixin will launch consumer activities in the future, most of the users who have bound their bank cards to Weixin did not unbind them after using the consumption coupons, but stayed.

And their move.

It is also the key for Wang Mo to attract a large number of Weixin users and online payment users in the next step.

As long as Weixin users bind their bank cards to Weixin wallet, it will be much easier to change their mobile payment habits.

at the same time.

As time goes by.

Because the number of Weixin payment system users has increased, many private merchants who were forced to choose one of the two have also begun to use Weixin's merchant QR codes in their stores.

And they soon discovered that although Blue Wallet said that they wanted to take back their payment codes, in fact they did not have much courage to do so.

Because the inside of the blue wallet is also clear.

If they really engage in this monopoly behavior of forcing merchants to choose one of the two, then Weixin, who has been keeping an eye on them, will not let go of this opportunity.

And when more and more merchants discover this.

Weixin's merchant payment QR codes have also begun to increase rapidly.

Yan country.

In a second-tier southern town.

"Okay, you have a total of one hundred and twenty hectares here.

The supermarket owner said to the aunt in front of him.

Because this supermarket is the largest supermarket in this town, there are still many regular customers.

"I use Weixin."

"Weixin?" The boss murmured, and then took out his mobile phone payment code.

"Weixin doesn't need to scan the payment code on the desktop, it's for the blue wallet."

"Just scan my phone."

As he finished speaking, the aunt also directly scanned the QR code to pay.

The next second.

One hundred and twenty yuan arrived.

The supermarket owner also started loading things for Auntie.

But looking at the information on the phone, the aunt was stunned for a moment.

"Why didn't Weixin give me a consumption coupon? Didn't it say it can be reduced?"

After hearing this, the boss was stunned for a moment.

“Weixin Waiver requires a merchant payment code, which I don’t have.

Because most customers now use blue wallets, the boss is afraid that after applying for a Weixin payment code, his blue wallet merchant code will be withdrawn.

That's why he never applied for Weixin's merchant code. If someone uses Weixin to pay, he can only use his own personal payment method.

…Please give me flowers…

And after the boss finished speaking.

The aunt suddenly became unhappy.

"I don't want the things anymore. Give me the money back."

"A supermarket this big doesn't even have a Weixin merchant payment code."

"If I don't buy it, I won't buy it."

Auntie’s shopping this time was originally for Weixin’s coupons, but she didn’t expect that she wouldn’t be able to use them.

Faced with the aunt's complaint, the supermarket owner was helpless and had no choice but to return the money and items.

And the same picture.

This has happened many times in the past half month.

And the further time goes by, the more people want to pay with Weixin.

The boss still doesn't know yet, but it's because all the consumption coupons in the blue wallet have been used up.

Watching the aunt leave, the boss Xin Yiheng dialed a phone number.

The other party is the Weixin local push team who found him half a month ago.

Seeing more and more customers choosing to pay with Weixin, the boss couldn't sit still at all.

The worst case scenario is that you can use your family member's number to reapply for a Blue Wallet merchant code.

And Weixin’s local promotion team is also very fast.

Three hours after the boss made the call.

At the entrance of the largest supermarket in this town, there is also a Wei merchant payment code.

As time continues to pass.

One month after the launch of Weixin’s online payment function.

The usage rate of Weixin's merchant payment code in major offline shops and stores is already one-third that of Blue Wallet.


The disadvantages of increasing Weixin Pay users through consumption coupons are also obvious.

That is.

When the first round of consumption coupons were gradually used up, the usage rate of Weixin Wallet plummeted crazily.

Users who still maintain the Weixin payment habit are basically older users who have never used blue wallet before.

As for other user groups, after using the Weixin consumption coupons, they basically returned to the blue wallet.

In this case.

Naturally, Ali Group had already anticipated this.

And they knew very well that Weixin's background was very different from that of the Ali Group.


Shortly after the usage rate of Weixin Wallet began to plummet, Blue Wallet launched the second round of consumption coupon activities, hoping to increase user stickiness again.

They know that Weixin Wallet and they simply cannot afford this kind of real money-burning activity.

What Ali Group doesn't know is.

The essence of the first round of Weixin's consumption voucher campaign launched by Wang Mo is not to change users' usage habits, but to increase the number of card holders that Weixin users can have in their wallets while rolling out Weixin merchant codes.

Wei Xin’s next step.

This is the key to changing users’ usage habits!

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