Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 128: Launching Money-Making Red Envelopes, The First Step To Occupy The Market!

One month after Weixin’s online payment function was launched.

Ali’s Blue Wallet has launched its second round of consumer coupons.

The intensity of this round of consumption coupons is even greater than before.

at the same time.

Because the Weixin consumption coupons have been exhausted, coupled with this wave of offensive from Blue Wallet.

The usage rate of Weixin Wallet began to plummet wildly.

For a while.

The usage rate of blue wallet payment codes in major supermarkets is almost several times higher than that of Weixin. In some small supermarkets, it is almost impossible to see anyone using Weixin to pay.

And this situation also makes many people think.

The final fate of Weixin Wallet this time should be the same as other payment software that has challenged Blue Wallet. It eventually became unused by no one.

The previous increase in the usage of Weixin Wallet was basically due to the consumption of coupons.

but now.

It seems that Weixin has no other choice but to continue to launch consumer coupons to attract users.

But everyone knows it.

Ali's background is not comparable to that of a gentleman's group.

Ali Group can continue to launch various consumer coupons, but as long as Weixin's foundation is exhausted, it will ultimately end in failure.

Moreover, the disadvantages of consumption coupons are obvious. It does not change users' payment habits. It only gives users one more choice when they have consumption coupons.

Basically, all other Internet companies are not optimistic about Weixin's prospects.

Although Ali Group is making every effort to attack Weixin Wallet, few people within them still believe that Weixin Wallet can threaten them.

It is just their internal strategy to attack any other online payment software with all their strength.


Just when the outside world was not optimistic about Wei Xin and wanted to make other moves.

Wei Xin is at this point in time.

Current user data is disclosed.

In the month since Weixin Wallet was launched, the number of daily active users of Weixin Wallet has increased to 1.5 billion, and the number of card-bound users of Weixin Wallet has increased to 60 million.

This increase in the number of users is already a pretty good figure for Weixin.

But many people outside the world know it.

There are very few payment users of Weixin Wallet who continue to use it. Most of them just tied the card and put it aside without taking care of it.

If Weixin Wallet cannot introduce any means to attract users, then in the end these users will still have only one option: unbinding their bank cards.

Many people even started to speculate.

The real purpose of Weixin launching online payment is to attract chat users.

Because of the previous launch of Weixin wallet consumption coupons, the number of Weixin users has increased a lot, and many people have downloaded Weixin for the consumption coupons.

Although the usage rate of Weixin Wallet has dropped, the number of daily active users of Weixin Chat has increased by 50 million.

This data surprised many people.


No matter what the outside world thinks of Wei Xin at this time, there are no speculations about Wei Xin.

Within Weixin, there is no series of influences from the outside world at all.

at the same time.

Various subsequent related activities and plans for Weixin Wallet have basically been prepared and are ready to be launched one by one.

It was the morning after Weixin released the latest data.

The first update of Weixin Wallet to change users’ payment habits is now online.

First of all, in this update, a linkage activity with other software of Junzi Group has been launched.

As long as you use Weixin Wallet to recharge or shop in Douyin Pinxixi King, you will receive a random discount every time.

The amount of the first recharge with Weixin will be more than ten yuan, and there will be additional reductions for each new recharge thereafter.

However, this activity can only attract other users of Junzi Group software.

The big one in this update is another activity plan.

And this activity plan can even be said to be almost permanent.

Originally this activity plan.

In Wang Mo's previous life, it was launched by Blue Wallet, which also went out for a while.

Later, this activity was transformed into a long-term activity plan for Blue Wallet.

It's just that because the amount of the activity is reduced, the usage rate will decrease later, but when the amount increases during holidays, the usage rate of this activity will also increase.

In many supermarkets and shops.

The QR code related to this event will be placed in a conspicuous position at the door almost all year round.

But in this world, this activity has never happened before.

And this activity is it.

Scan the QR code to earn red envelopes.

A certain university in Shanghai, outside the canteen next to the playground.

"Boss, have you updated your WeChat account?"

"What's wrong?"

The youngest and the others had just finished their physical education class and were preparing to buy things at the door of the canteen.

Facing the boss's inquiry, the third child explained.

"I just updated Weixin, and there is a money-making red envelope in Weixin's wallet."

"It is said that as long as you scan my QR code, you can receive the red envelope. If you buy something, you can reduce the amount on the red envelope, and I can also directly receive the same balance reward.

"The merchant's red envelope code seems to have a higher amount, but we don't have it."

Listening to the third child's explanation, the eldest child scratched his head.

"What, why does it sound a bit complicated?

"You update it first."


The boss began to update Weixin.

Just when the update was completed and the two of them scanned each other's red envelope codes, the second child's voice sounded from the side.

"What are you doing? Why don't you hurry up?"

The second child has already finished buying his own things.

And just after he finished speaking, the boss and the two successfully scanned each other's codes, and then entered the supermarket together.

After purchasing items.

The boss walked to the door first to pay.

"Boss, I use Weixin."

The boss pointed to the QR code on the side, and then the boss paid successfully.

The next second.

An expression of surprise appeared on the boss's face.

"Damn, it's really good. It's really cheaper for me by more than ten yuan."


Lao San’s mobile phone also received the message that the red envelope had arrived.

This red envelope is not a redeemable red envelope, but a balance that can be withdrawn directly.

Later, the third child also paid for his own things, and Duoyin also gained something.

This sudden saving of more than ten yuan and making more than ten yuan made the two of them feel much better.

Seeing the actions of the two people, the second child also moved forward.

After learning about the money-making red envelope activity launched by Weixin this time, the second child was also very excited and asked the two of them to scan their red envelope codes. However, because it was not the first time to scan the code, the amount was not high twice.

The second child scanned the third child again.

Because it was the first time for the second child to scan the QR code, he received a red envelope worth more than ten yuan. As long as he spent the money himself, the third child could receive the same amount of red envelopes.

After that, the three of them slowly prepared to leave the canteen.

Several people were very happy about this Weixin Wallet event. Although the money was not much, it made people feel much better.

But the third child felt that he had missed something, as if he was not sure of something. He had been looking at the detailed explanation of this activity.


His eyes rested on a certain rule.

"The same person's QR code red envelope can only be scanned by other users ninety-nine times at most, and there is no upper limit for merchant red envelope codes. y

Look at this sentence.

The third child has been thinking silently in his heart.

"Just now, the boss and the second child scanned my red envelope code. There are more than ninety times left, but there are not so many people left."


The third child suddenly thought of something and stopped instantly.

The next second.

He instantly turned around and rushed towards the canteen.

Seeing the movements of the third child, the eldest and second child were a little confused and hurriedly followed.

As soon as I ran to the canteen, I saw Lao San talking to a group of students who had just finished class.

"Everyone, do you have Weixin? If you update now, scan my code and then go shopping, you can get more than ten yuan cheaper.

"real or fake."

"Really, if you don't believe me, try it."

Listening to what the third child said at the canteen, the boss scratched his head, still not knowing what the third child was doing.

The second child next to him, after hearing what the third child said, was stunned for just a second, then rushed up and ran to the third child's side.

"Come and scan for me, I will also give you a red envelope!"

After the third and second eldest children each asked several people to scan the code, the eldest brother realized and joined them.

A few hours later.

Because there are no classes later.

So the three of them stayed at the door of the small shop and let their classmates scan the QR code.

It wasn't until the shop owner finally discovered what they were doing and showed the merchant's red envelope code on his mobile phone and placed it at the door for the students to scan that the three of them left.

But by this time, each of them had earned at least a few hundred yuan.

But even though they have left.

But the store owner who knew about the existence of this 3.6 money-making red envelope began to promote Weixin to every customer, asking them to scan the QR code to pay with Weixin.

the day before.

More than 90% of the customers in this small shop used blue wallets, but on the second day after the launch of this event, this 90% had already turned into Weixin wallets.


This event is not yet a one-time event.

Although only the first scan has a higher amount, subsequent red envelopes of several thousand to a few yuan will still be issued each time.

Although these reduction amounts are not high, they are enough for customers to choose Weixin Wallet.

To know.

Blue Wallet's consumption coupons are basically large-amount discount coupons, at least starting with a certain amount of discount after five days.

Ke Weixin's money-making red envelope is a consumption red envelope with no limit on the amount.

For users who only buy a bottle of water and a pack of cigarettes at a time, the appeal of Weixin Pay has far exceeded that of Blue Wallet.

Not to mention that people whose codes are scanned can also receive the same amount of red envelopes.

And similar scenes don't just appear in the universities where Lao San and others are located.

After the launch of Weixin scanning QR code to earn red envelopes.

A red envelope QR code with a red background began to appear at the entrance of major supermarkets and stores. .

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