Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 225: Outside Analysis, Hello Company Has No Choice?

As soon as this hot search appeared.

It soon attracted the attention of many people.

After all, in today's Yanguo Internet market, competition in the field of shared bicycles is the most attracting attention.

Originally before.

Ali Bicycle and Penguin Bicycle are developing rapidly, but the deposit-free ride launched by Hello Bicycle has directly stopped the progress of Ali Bicycle and Penguin Bicycle.

Originally, many people were looking forward to what kind of response Penguin and Li would make.

But no one thought of it.

Ali and Penguin were actually planning to give up the deduction and wanted to directly invest in Hello Company and become a shareholder.

However, the word "giving up resistance" is not quite accurate, because this kind of scene is actually something Shuangma is quite happy to see.

At present, Yanguo's shared bicycle market has just begun to expand, with the number of registered users not exceeding 100 million, and there is still huge potential.

Almost all Internet companies and practitioners, and even other Internet users can see that the value of the shared bicycle field will continue to skyrocket in the coming time.

And Hello Company, which occupies 90% of the market share in the shared bicycle field, will undoubtedly be the company with the fastest growing market value in Yanguo in the next period of time.

The stock price of Hello Company will probably continue to rise in the future, but these are non-tradable shares, and it is impossible for outside retail investors to take advantage of the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

In this kind of.

With the huge potential that can almost be seen with the naked eye, many Internet companies want to break into the shared bicycle field to get a share of the pie, but they are somewhat powerless.

Penguin and Ali bought shares in Hello Bicycle, which ostensibly gave Ha a new batch of funds.

But actually everyone knows it.

Soon, Penguin and Ali's investment in shares will increase exponentially, and originally these terrifying benefits should have been exclusive to Hello Company.

But for some reason.

Hello Company had to give up part of its profits in exchange for continued development.

So after this hot search appeared.

Countless comments soon followed.

"Hey, dear, why is this scene so familiar? I kept trying and finally did it again." "

"This scene is indeed familiar. Before the emergence of Junzi Group, the competition among many Internet outlets in Yan country ended in this way. Regardless of whether Penguin and Ali participated in the beginning or whether they won in the competition, they were able to escape in the end. Lose money or even make big profits.”

"Is this a top Internet company? It can't beat you, but there are still ways to get a share of the pie in this field."

"But why would Hello agree to their investment? This is completely unreasonable. It stands to reason that the market value of Hello will skyrocket in the future. Now that Hello has no shortage of internal funds, why should Shuangma buy shares?"

"Upstairs, you don't understand. Shuangma must be secretly preparing to cause trouble. If Hello doesn't agree, then Hello won't be able to survive. It's an old trick. Penguin doesn't know how many times he has used it."

"If I were Hello Company, I would just go head-to-head with Penguin. At worst, both sides would suffer."

No matter what the outside world thinks of this Internet conference focusing on the field of shared bicycles, this conference has undoubtedly become the focus of the outside world in a short period of time.

The follow-up operations of Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle, and whether Hello Bicycle can completely gain a foothold, basically all depend on this conference.

There were many other shared bike users.

Still looking forward to the two horses spending money to enter, so that they can ride for free for a period of time.

But now it seems.

It should be difficult to do.

Not long after that.

There are also other Internet practitioners who have done some popular science on the difficulties faced by Yao Bicycle at this time.

After reading the popular science, many other users also understood that Hello Bicycle may really have to accept Shuangma’s shareholding this time, because they really have no second choice.

For a small Internet company like them.

If they choose to be tough, then the only path left is destruction and bankruptcy, so they have to give up part of their profits in exchange for continued development.

Others are also aware of Xiao Ma's methods.

It may only be a small shareholding in the beginning, but as time goes by, Xiaoma will use all means to fully occupy the company's shares.

after all.

When Penguin becomes a shareholder of a certain company, it is very difficult for him to take away the stocks held by other shareholders.

Wait until others react.

I am afraid that Penguin has become the largest shareholder and has the greatest say by acquiring stocks from other major shareholders.

Such a picture.

It has appeared several times in the previous Yanguo Internet.

Now Hello seems to be following in the same footsteps.

But no matter what.

At this time, all the outside world's attention was indeed attracted to the upcoming Hello Bicycle Seminar.


Under the attention of countless people, it continues to move forward.


The time came the day before this small Internet conference.

at this time.

Junzi Group Building in Magic City.

In the office on the top floor.

"."Boss, all the files on Hello's side have been prepared, and Meituan has also developed a backend that can accommodate Hello Riding. "

"Weixin's side."

“The mini program related to Hello Cycling has also been developed and can be launched at any time.

"In Douyin, the same mini program has been prepared."

at this time.

A figure was holding a stack of documents in his hand and reporting something to Wang Mo.

If there were other people from the outside world here, they would definitely be able to recognize them at a glance.

The person who is talking to Wang Mo at this time is Shen Tian who has often appeared in major media in the past two days and is known as the person who discovered the trend of shared bicycles.

He is also the apparent founder of Hello Company.

Originally before.

Because he was worried about being overcrowded and worried about the connection between Hello Company and Junzi Group being discovered, Shen Tian had never contacted Wang Mo so blatantly.


On the day before this small Internet conference, with the outside world's attention attracted, Shen Tian no longer had any need to hide it.

And listening to Shen Tian's words, Wang also nodded slowly.

"After the Hello Cycling backend is officially connected to these software, even if the two horses still want to jump, they can no longer do it.

"Do you still want to invest in Hello?"

Wang Mo smiled.

"He is quite good at dreaming."

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