Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 226: The Discussion Meeting Was Held, And A Mysterious Guest Appeared!

After murmuring.

Wang Mo looked in the other direction of the coffee table.

"It's just that I didn't expect it."

"They actually sent me an invitation."

Wang Mo's eyes stayed on the invitation letter beside him.

This time.

Shuangma also sent an invitation letter to Wang Mo. They were not worried that Wang Mo would become their competitor and would also want to invest in Hello Company.

This is not because they are optimistic about Wang Mo's character and think Wang Mo will not learn from them, but because they know that Wang Mo's Junzi Group does not have any deterrent effect on Hello Company.

Even if Wang Mo contacted Hello Company with the same words as them, Hello Company would not take Junzi Group too seriously.

Because the Junzi Group has nothing that can threaten Hello Company.

Penguin and Ari now.

They all have their own shared bicycles in the game, and have launched them in many cities. They are also making preparations and layouts in more cities.

If hello reject them.

They can completely roll out all their potential layouts in a short period of time, and forcefully squeeze and occupy Hello's market. This is unacceptable to Hello Bicycle.

But the gentleman group.

Because there is currently no preparation and layout in the field of shared bicycles.


They cannot cause any threatening actions to Hello Company.

This is what Lao Ma said before about the degree of deterrence in business games. Both he and Xiao Ma have a very high degree of deterrence against Hello Bike. However, Junzi Group has not entered the shared bicycle game at all and has not made any preparations, so it cannot cause any harm to Hello Bike. any threat. .

That’s why Shuangma invited Wang Mo without any worries.

After all, even if Wang Mo now discovers the potential of shared bicycles and wants to get a piece of the pie, he still can't do it.

At the same time here.

Within the Junzi Group.

After all the procedures and preparations for receiving Hello Bicycle have been completed.


Soon the next day came with much anticipation.

This time, the seminar on Hello Bicycle was arranged in Hangzhou.

And in fact.

This kind of small Internet conference will appear in almost every Internet trend, and the organizers are usually old horses or young horses.

They will bring other Internet companies to discuss different Internet trends. In fact, the frequency of such small Internet conferences is not low.

But in recent years.

Because almost all Internet trends are captured by Junzi Group.

The Shuangma itself has nothing to do with the Gentleman Group.

Therefore, in the past two years, except for the annual Wuzhen Conference, other small Internet trend discussion conferences have basically not been held again.

It stands to reason.

In the past, whether it was a hot topic such as short video or group purchase takeout, or a suddenly emerging phenomenon-level software like Pinxixi King, there should be dedicated small Internet meetings to discuss it.

But just because the two horses did not get a share of the cake in these areas, they had a tacit understanding and did not mention it again.

And this time.

Finally, there was an outlet that Junzi Group had not noticed.

So the two held this seminar again.

As for their offline meeting with Shen Tian, ​​the two of them arranged it after the seminar.

Only now.

The two of them haven't realized it yet.

After the meeting, they and Shen Tian agreed that the negotiation on the stock purchase would be settled immediately.

at this time.

Outside the conference room of a top hotel in Hangzhou.

A lot of reporters have gathered.

This small Internet conference that appeared after a long time naturally attracted a lot of media and reporters, not to mention that the main goal of the discussion at this conference was the shared bicycles that many people are paying attention to.

Although the reporters at the door are from some small (bgfb) media, they are not qualified to enter the venue.

But if they can catch some information at the door in advance, it will be enough for them to send out several reports.

“I didn’t expect that Ali and Penguin would stand at the end of the bike-sharing competition.

"Before the emergence of Junzi Group, in fact, in most Internet competitions in Yanguo, there were only a few winners in the end, and it was them over and over again. The situation got better after Wang Mo appeared, but I didn't expect that he would go back now."

"But this time, Xiao Ma should finally be able to breathe a sigh of relief. After failing in so many opportunities, he finally caught another one."

"It's a pity that the number of media places in the main venue this time is very small. If there are ten more, I will be qualified to enter."

"Stop talking, the little horse and the old horse are here."

The reporters' voices at the door became quiet, and everyone's cameras were focused on the two people who had just entered.

Some reporters also hurriedly gathered around and asked their own questions.

"Mr. Pony, there are rumors that the private negotiation between you and Hello boss will be tonight. Is it true?"

"The rumors from the outside are not credible. You should still refer to the official announcement."

"Since you two are planning to invest in Hello Company, why not hold the discussion meeting after confirming the investment first, but hold the discussion meeting in advance?"

"The information that we are planning to invest in Hello is just a rumor, and your other questions are even more nonsense."

"Now that Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle have stopped expanding, is it related to your plan to invest in Hello Bicycle? After you take shares, will Penguin Bicycle and Ali Bicycle be directly merged into Hello Bicycle?"

"No comment."

After briefly responding to a few questions, Shuangma entered the conference room.


Some other Internet tycoons also appeared at the door of the conference room one after another.

However, after the two horses appeared at the same time, the discussion caused by these people's figures became much calmer.

But this calm did not last long.


A young figure appeared at the door of the conference room.

"Mr. Wang is here too!"

"It's actually Mr. Wang from the Junzi Group. Didn't he say that this seminar was all about companies related to shared bicycles? Why is Mr. Wang here too?

"It turns out that the mysterious guest mentioned in the previous list was him!"

Seeing the figure appearing at the door, many reporters were a little surprised because they had not received the news before.

This time the discussion.

Although a guest list was circulated in advance, it was incomplete and there was a mysterious guest in it.

The outside world has speculated who this mysterious guest is before.

But few people thought of it.

This mysterious guest is actually someone who has not entered the field of shared bicycles!

And after seeing Wang Mo appear.

Countless other reporters also surrounded him instantly. .

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