Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 245: Huge Viewing Gap, Anti-Kill Video Uploaded!

"Just now."

"what happened?"


Looking at the avatar of the hero who is still counting down to resurrection.

Even Da Panzi couldn't help but speak.

Even he himself didn't realize what happened just now. He just performed normal operations on the hero according to his own understanding, but he never expected that he was directly killed by the remaining blood.

"Is the operating limit of this game so high?"

"I'm two levels ahead of the opponent, and I'm half a piece ahead of my opponent, not to mention my health."

"But he was killed in the end?"

When saying this, Da Panzi couldn't help but lick his chapped lips.

And at this moment.

Countless live broadcast room viewers finally calmed down.

I also thought of something more exaggerated from the scene just now.

"I suddenly thought that the man just started to return to the city after finishing the operation. Could it be that he had calculated all the damage and the explosion time of the ultimate move, and also knew that Da Panzi could not catch up with him and his Q skill was not good. The range of e skill is not enough, so you are not afraid of starting to return to the city at all?"

"I'm getting goosebumps. To put it this way, this calamity is too exaggerated."

"I think it's really possible. Otherwise, why didn't he run away instead of staying in the same city?"

"So handsome, so handsome. A real man never looks back to see the explosion. I will go back to the city and watch you die at my feet. I can't do it anymore. I can't help it anymore. I want to go to the next game right away."

"Upstairs, do you have the internal test code? Can you please download it?"

"I'll go and buy!"

Because the scene just now was so shocking, the barrage was somewhat uncontrollable for a while.

To know.

Due to the essential difference between the underlying logic and the hero system.

Therefore, the kills in the Dota game are relatively simple, and there are not many show-off operations. Compared with League of Legends, it can only be described as simple and unpretentious.

Because of the big brother position in the turret, it basically has a flat output.

Many mages rely on level A in the later stages.

This leads to.

Many Dota extreme counter-kill videos circulating on the Internet are quite simple. After a certain side has lost its health, use two skills to immobilize the opponent, and then kill the opponent to death. This is Dota's ultimate counter-kill.

However, League of Legends' counter-kill can clearly show the wonderful operation.

This is a pretty big difference between the two games.

Many of Dota's wonderful operations can only be understood by Dota players. Other Internet users who have never played Dota can basically not understand the tricks and just think it is very ordinary.

As for the in-game operation of League of Legends, many ordinary Internet users who do not play games can also see that this operation is very powerful and exciting.

This is also the reason why League of Legends events in Wang Xun’s previous life attracted so much attention.

Many people who watch League of Legends games have actually never played League of Legends themselves, something that Dota cannot do.

The ornamental value between the two is actually not at the same level.

Originally before.

Before the game League of Legends appeared.

The shortcoming of the Dota's poor viewing quality has not been discovered by many people because there is no object for comparison.

But when League of Legends appeared.

This disadvantage cannot be hidden by the knife tower.

at the same time.

In Da Panzi's live broadcast room.

Looking at the hero who was finally resurrected,

Da Panzi also felt a little embarrassed and his face turned red.

After all, I just said that the upper limit of the game's operation is very low, and I said that I must kill the opponent, and even said that I would eat the screen if I didn't kill him.

In addition to many shocking words in the barrage, there are also many viewers who let Da Panzi chew the screen.

Teammates in the game are also joking like this.

After Da Panzi took a deep breath, he spoke again.

"I don't believe it anymore." "

"Brothers, don't panic. It must have been a coincidence and luck. Let's see how I come back.

Not long after.

Gentleman 1, 2, and 3 have already killed everyone.

Gentleman One, Two, Three is already amazing.

This gentleman, one, two, three, was the nickname given to the red Fang Can Xue Jie just now.

Da Panzi originally had a great advantage, but after the opponent's Jie reconnected, he began to suffer continuous defeats. Since Da Panzi was still dissatisfied, he, the fattest one in the team, kept challenging the opponent's Jie.

And the results can be imagined.

Da Panzi's robbery was constantly being killed alone, and his teammates also began to be defeated.


Da Panzi still lost this game.

And in the later stages of the game, when Da Panzi was killed many times by the opponent, he already understood that this was not luck, but that the opponent's operation was really crushing him.

Just after the failed game interface pops up.

The barrage had already started urging Da Panzi to watch the replay.

After all, the scene where the red Fang Jie fought back with his remaining blood was really shocking.

"." Come on, come on, I want to watch the replay. How did you get killed just now?"

"I actually had no intention of watching the second half of the game. I kept waiting for you to finish the game and watch the replay. Is the operation just now really possible for a human to perform?"

"This League of Legends has just been in closed beta for more than a day, and there is already such a powerful person? No matter how talented the game is, it is impossible. This person should be an internal employee of Junzi Group and has played games for a long time."

"While you are discussing, I have already bought an internal testing code, which is very cheap at only twenty yuan, but I think it won't be long before (Wang Nuozhao) the internal testing code will not be at this price."

During the urging of the barrage.

Da Panzi finally clicked on the replay and watched with the 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room how he was killed just now.

at the same time.

When Da Panzi led the audience in the live broadcast room, they were watching the wonderful counterattack in the game over and over again.

There are already viewers recording in the live broadcast room.

He recorded the residual blood counter-attack scene of the dual-robbery battle just now, and began to upload it on major social platforms and video websites.

Since the video itself is not large, only part of the counter-attack was intercepted.

So this video was uploaded quickly.

A few minutes later.

Other player groups have already seen this video.

And this video will also be the first beginning for League of Legends to become completely popular!.

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