Let You Design The Software: Do You Directly Create Douyin?

Chapter 246 The Video Started To Spread, The Night Before It Went Viral!

Magic City.

In a dormitory of a university.

"Why didn't both accounts receive the test qualification?"

"Didn't I say that test qualifications will be issued every day? It's not like the two weeks of testing have passed and it's not my turn.

Looking at the empty text messages on my phone.

The third child was also a little helpless.

He has actually been paying attention to League of Legends since very early. When League of Legends cg was launched, he was waiting in front of the computer for the first time and made a reservation for the game as soon as possible.

But unfortunately.

He did not receive testing status.

"what about you."

"Didn't you also use two mobile phone numbers to make an appointment? Neither of you received the test qualification?"

The third child stuck his head out from the bed and looked at the others.

The boss and the second child shook their heads almost at the same time.

"I did not receive it."

"I do not have either."

After finishing speaking.

The boss looked at the third child.

"I said, Third Brother, this game really doesn't deserve your attention. I've also watched the closed beta video of this game in the past two days. Although the graphics of this game are good, it is definitely not as fun as Dota."

"You might as well follow me and improve your turret skills." 410

“It’s very exciting to fight against all kinds of extreme counterattacks in the knife tower.”

Listening to the elder's words, the third child shook his head.

"Dota is too complicated for me. I have also paid attention to the internal beta video of League of Legends in the past two days. This game simplifies a lot of operations and is what I want."

"And the operation of this game is not necessarily inferior to Dota."

Listen to this.

The boss laughed directly.

"There are no controls in this game. I watched a streamer yesterday and he said that League of Legends is a purely numerical game. There is not much control, and the lower and upper limits of operations are very low."

"Although it is easier for novices to get started, the problem that comes with it is that there will not be much difference between masters and novices."

Because the boss himself is a loyal Dota player.

So in his opinion.

The upper limit of operations in League of Legends is far lower than that of Dota, which is not what he wants.

And after the boss finished speaking.

The third child couldn't help but continue to speak.

"You have never played League of Legends, how do you know that the hero's operating limit in this game is not high?"

"The game has only been in closed beta for a day and a half now. Most players are still getting familiar with the game. Naturally, there are no exciting operations. After all, many players don't even understand the details of the heroes."

"In a few days, after some gaming geniuses have mastered this game, they will be able to perform various wonderful operations."

Listen to this.

The boss shook his head and laughed.

"Then just wait."

After the boss finished speaking, the third child finally withdrew his gaze and continued to watch the League of Legends closed beta game video on his mobile phone.

The boss, a heavy Dota player, has no interest in League of Legends, but he is looking forward to this game very much.

And just when he was brushing the meager amount.


A video came into his eyes.

"The first Conferred God operation in the League of Legends internal beta, this is the bloody counterattack!"

After murmuring the title of the video, the third child also looked a little surprised.

"Isn't this title too exaggerated?"

Although the third child thinks.

When experts who are familiar with the League of Legends game appear, there will definitely be many eye-catching operations. The outside world will not think that this is a game with a low upper limit of operations like now.

But this has only been in internal testing for less than two days.

Lao San didn't think that a master of this level would appear so soon.

In his opinion, the title of this video is also inappropriate.

But no matter what, since you got it, you can’t miss it.

Then the third child clicked on the video.

Half a minute later.


"Holy shit!"

The third child's shocked voice suddenly sounded on the bed, which startled both the eldest and second child in the dormitory (bgdb).

"Third brother, are you okay? Why are you screaming?" The second boy couldn't help but ask.

The third child hurriedly climbed out of bed with his cell phone in hand.

His hand holding the phone was even trembling with excitement.

"I, I just saw a real master operating in League of Legends!"

"So handsome, so cool."

"It's much better than all the masters in the Dota, it's so fierce and crazy!"

The third child's voice was trembling.

After listening to his words, the eldest brother and the second child looked at each other and came to the bed of the third child. Both of them looked a little confused.

"Not that much."

"I just said that the operating limit of League of Legends is too low, and now you are saying that it already exists?"

The boss couldn't help but wonder.

The third child nodded and put the phone in front of the two of them.

"You will know after reading it."

"This is the operation of a real top master."

"This is one of the most powerful operations in all MOBA games I have ever seen!"

"Is it that exaggerated?"

After muttering, the boss and the two looked at the screen of the third child's phone.

The third child also officially clicked on the phone screen.

"A hero with full health kills a hero with low health. What's the show?"

After seeing the picture for the first time, the boss couldn't help but speak.

He subconsciously felt that the full-blooded calamity that appeared on the screen must be the master operation that the third man said.

But the third child simply shook his head and motioned for the two of them to continue watching.

And the next second.

The two identical heroes in the picture on Laosan's mobile phone finally fought together.

Looking at the picture on the phone.

Only a few seconds passed.

The expressions of the eldest and the second child froze directly on their faces, and what followed was an extremely rich look of shock!

Because what they saw just now was the Shuangjie anti-kill video that had just been uploaded, which was the scene from Da Panzi's previous live broadcast.

At this time, the shock on the faces of the two of them was no less than that of Lao San just now.

"Holy crap, is it really true?"

"Isn't this so cool? How can League of Legends be able to operate and play like this? Even in Dota, there is no such wonderful operation screen.

Due to the essential difference in ornamental properties.

So almost the moment they saw this video, the boss and the second brother understood that this was a wonderful operation that would never appear in Dota.

"do it again."

After the video finished playing, the boss couldn't help but want to continue watching it again.

The second and third children also had the same idea.

at the same time.

Just when the three of them were about to watch it again, other people's voices sounded at the door of the dormitory.

"Brothers, let's go have a meal."

Several people from the next door dormitory came over.

Looking at these figures, Lao San called them all in directly.

"Let's eat later and show you something awesome."

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