Chapter 130 Ancient Well in the Mountains, Fusheng Gemini! This place is a bear plague! 【3rd change】Ask for self-ordering, ask for a monthly pass, please!!

“Fierce Land?”

“It’s getting more and more Xuan, fast forward to the appearance of the fierce beast!”

“What is a fierce place, Lao Lu will tell me.”

Lu Yuan said, “The so-called fierce places are nothing more than some of the more dangerous places in feng shui. There is an acquired formation, and there is also ~ there is a congenital. ”

He raised his hand and pointed out: “Look at that mountain, that is the main star, the lord’s purple qi comes east, every morning rises, the first rays of the morning sun come from there, blessing – the earth.” ”

“Feng shui pays attention to the collection of Tibetan wind and water, this is the foundation, the place where natural Tibetan wind gathers water is the best, and the second place is the day after tomorrow.” The overall pattern here, with mountains and waters, purple qi coming east, qi moving by the wind, bounding water, and endless circulation, is an absolute treasure land of feng shui. ”

“But there.”

With a movement of his fingers, he landed between the two peaks: “That land is at the junction of three mountains, the shadows of the three mountains converge, day and night, the air flow of the mountains passes through the hall and is forcibly poured in.” In feng shui, this terrain is called piercing. ”

“The shadow projection of the main peak is like a sharp blade, coupled with the air flow through the hall, making this a fierce place.”

“This kind of place can’t stay for a long time, the light will affect the health, and the heavy will add blood to the body.”

“Vozh, is it so dangerous?”

“It seems to be true.”

“Is this an acquired formation or a priori?”

Lu Yuan said, “It seems that there is no trace of moving, but I can’t say for sure.” If there really are ancient tombs here, let alone hundreds of years, hundreds of years ago, where can you still see them? ”

He observed for a while, and on the left side under the main peak, that is, the right side of the heavenly fold, it was also a treasure land.

This land surrounded by mountains, one large and one small, is close to each other.

“Level 5 scanning!”

After two minutes, the scan is over.

Patches of golden light, extremely dense, branch on two blessed places.

What surprised him was that there was also a very dense golden light in that fierce place.

That’s pretty weird.

Can there be treasures in this kind of ghost place? It seems that there really is.

Lonely yin does not grow, solitary yang does not give birth.

The extremely fierce place may nourish the treasures that are naturally raised.

Most of this type of protection is a type of medicinal herbs, what wild misery and so on.

But this golden light was also too much, he counted, there were less than twenty places.

“Go over and see what good things are.”

Lu Yuan raised his foot and walked quickly towards the fierce place.

As far as the eye can see, you can see the mountain running dead horse, and the mountain can not believe your eyes the most.

He kept running all the way.

Arrived in half an hour.

“How do I feel that Lao Lu, you are in the wrong place?”

“This is the fierce place, right?”

“Did Lao Lu feel a chill in his spine?”

Not to mention, walking into this valley, Lu Yuan felt cold.

The constant wind blowing from all directions, the turbulence formed is very unpleasant.

This kind of feng shui is good in the mountains, if it is placed in the city, it is called bad, and the effect can be seen immediately.

Very simple truth, such a style of dressing makes people feel uncomfortable and makes people feel bad.

Even if there is a large shopping mall, there will be no customers coming over for a long time.

The essence of feng shui is to find a place where people feel happy standing there.

He glanced up to determine the location of the golden light.

This certainty, he is a little sorry.

How does the golden light still move?

There are several places where the golden light is moving, the amplitude is very small, but it is indeed moving the viper?

Or giant pandas?

There are no large bamboo forests nearby, and giant pandas are ruled out first.

This kind of dark place is the first choice for poisonous snakes.

But to be marked as a baby by the system, this snake either lays a litter of eggs or is an uncommon venomous snake.

Let me think about what precious snakes Qinling has.

Lu Yuan walked while thinking.

Soon he came to the first treasure spot, and he saw a cave with a flat ground high.

Before he could observe, the guy in the cave seemed to have heard movement or smelled the smell, and directly came out.

Dressed in black hair, two meters long, with a long mouth, and a pair of eyes full of ferocity.

you little cute, this is a black bear residence.


The black bear shouted at Lu Yuan, and without saying a word, he rushed through with a fat waist

This guy is far from the giant panda.

Although wild pandas are also irritable, they will not be like black bears, and they will directly you without saying a word.

“I’ll go, scared daddy, black bear!”

“Lao Lu, hoo!”

“Fart, the black bear you want to run in the mountains? What dreams? ”

“I got a, Lao Lu shouldn’t go out recently.”


The black bear let out a low roar, and had already pounced, slapped a paw towards Lu Yuan, and the blood basin bit down obliquely.

Lu Yuan’s face was indifferent, and the wild boar in his hand was suddenly thrown out.


The pig’s head is impartial and right in the black bear brain door.

Zero lost consciousness and turned twice on the ground.

When it got up, he saw the two-legged beast looking at him with pity on the boar.


The black bear got up and hurriedly retreated more than ten meters, looking at Lu Yuan with a wary face.

It couldn’t quite understand why a two-legged beast with such a thin body could erupt with such terrifying power.

My proud claws, my sharp teeth, why can’t I hurt him?

“Hold the grass, Lao Lu is so fierce?”

“What just happened?”

“I’ll take a go, pork is so powerful!”

Everyone looked dumbfounded, more surprised than seeing him kill a wild boar.

This is a black bear.

Lu Yuan didn’t go to see the black bear, he stared at the black bear’s residence for a while, and then looked around, and then he suddenly realized.

There are several large trees near the cave, which change the pattern of this small place, and it is not affected by the overall fierceness.

And because of the feng shui influence of the fierce place, it is very suitable for wild plants.

Black bears feed mainly on berries and have more food here.

He looked at the other moving golden lights again, not knowing what those were.

It stands to reason that one or two ends in a place can already count a lot.

If these are black bears should not, black bears are not social animals and have a sense of territory.

This piece is only two or three kilometers away, if it is really a black bear, can it be so harmonious?

His gaze fell on the black bear again, and this big guy was afraid of Lu Yuan and did not dare to approach.

Lu Yuan showed a harmless smile and slowly approached: “Come, get acquainted.” ”


Don’t come here.”

The black bear turned around and ran wildly.

It runs, he chases, it can’t fly.


Lu Yuan rushed up, riding on the black bear under everyone’s incomprehensible gaze, holding its head, and forcibly gaining its favor.

The process may be a bit brutal, but the ending is so comforting.

“From now on, we will be friends.”

Lu Yuan patted its head: “Always live here?” ”


The black bear has given up the struggle.

It has a very strange feeling.

He was obviously afraid of these two-legged beasts, but at the moment he was riding on his crotch, it felt so wonderful.

Well, I really want to be ridden by him for a while, and my mood has become much happier.

Lu Yuan asked some questions, how long to live here, and whether there were black bears nearby

The black bear whimpered in response.

It has lived here since it was conscious, and there are many similar people nearby, and they are safe with each other.

As long as estrus or other black bears give birth, there will be some conflicts.

Most of the time they don’t communicate with each other.

All conflict stems from food, and here there is enough food.

Lu Yuan glanced at it and did not continue to go up.

Instead, he looked at the treasure land with dense golden light not far away.

“Let’s go, see you soon.”

Patting the black bear’s hairy head, which felt very bad, Lu Yuan stood up and led Xiaoliu away.


The black bear looked at Lu Yuan’s back and called: When will we see each other again?

Lu Yuan almost fell with a heel, this is not a mother bear, right? My fucking charm!

The nearest treasure spot, less than a kilometer away from this fierce place, is quite densely packed with golden light.

Judging from the treasure point division, the range should be about 100 meters.

Lu Yuan soon came to the treasure hiding point: “This piece of feng shui is very good, first dig him ten meters and eight meters to see.” ”


This digging was noon, near twelve o’clock, and nearly five meters had been dug and had not yet been harvested.

The deeper the more likely it is to be baby.

It seems that his guess is correct, and it is likely to be an ancient tomb underneath.

He climbed up the dirt pit, looked for a pile of branches, and made a fire to roast meat.

While the meat is roasting, jump down and continue digging.


“You dug up [the corpse]”

[Corpse]: Attribute: Qin Dynasty. Value: 5000 yuan. Lu Yuan was overjoyed, it turned out to be from the Qin Dynasty

Thinking of this, his smile suddenly appeared.

No, I’ll have to go nearby to see if there’s a hole.

Don’t be like Qin Ling Cemetery, after digging for a long time, all the treasures inside were stolen and the tomb thieves were finished.

However, he thinks it should be unlikely.

The location here is quite deep, although the two sides are not far from the foot of the mountain, and the back depth is quite deep

Perhaps the terrain here in the Qin Dynasty is not like this, and it is more convenient to come in from the outside.

But now if you want to come here, you can only come from Lantian County.

Although the two sides are only twenty or thirty kilometers away, there are no villages and towns nearby

He quickly dug up the remains, quite complete.

“I’ll wipe it, the corpse!”

“There have been dead people in this place!”

“Move your little brain melon, so deep, is it possible that it is an ancient corpse.”

Lu Yuan said: “It should be ancient, and the specific year will not be known until it is sent for appraisal.” ”

There is no treasure near the corpse, but just because it is a corpse of the Qin Dynasty, it is valuable in itself.

Climb up the dirt pit, and the meat is also cooked.

He thought while eating meat.

If it is a corpse here, there is a scattered but extremely close pile of golden light nearby, and it is estimated that they are all corpses.

But there was no treasure under the body, and there was no coffin nearby, not buried here.

But the body was from the Qin Dynasty.

How did he die?

Went into the mountains to dig for treasure and was bitten to death by a bear?

But the body was very close to the dense treasure hiding point, which should be an ancient tomb

Is it contemporaneous? Or is it a coincidence?

There were a bunch of doubts in his mind, and at this time, Xiao Liu, who was eating meat, suddenly jumped up and looked into the distance

Lu Yuan looked over, a hundred meters away, a black bear was walking towards this side.

He could see at a glance that this was not the black bear from before.

“There are so many black bears in this place…”

He didn’t go there to continue his search, just didn’t want to provoke the black bear.

But these black bears don’t seem to let themselves go.

This is no way, the distance is too close, and in the foraging range of the black bear, plus the fire on their own side to grill meat, the movement is not small.

It is only a matter of time before these black bears are attracted.

As long as he is still digging here, he is bound to run into it.

“The mountain is so big, where is it difficult to live, do you have to live here?”

Lu Yuan was speechless, stuffed a mouthful of meat, and looked at the black bear that had approached thirty meters and stood up.

“Lao Lu, Xiong Da is looking for you.”

“Quick, go up and stick to it.”

“Pull out the knife, just kill it!”

Lu Yuan didn’t pull out his sword, if he wanted to dig for treasures nearby, the time would not be too short.

It’s not good to kill, and kill one head and another.

Maybe you’ll have to meet a wild boar or something.

The place where I met the wild boar yesterday is not far from here, there are black bears, and the wild boar is not close.

Or touch it with love, and you can also play a role in protecting yourself.

Otherwise, a group of black bears will sleep restlessly at night.

Two minutes later.

The black bear lay on the ground, Lu Yuan got up from it, and the black bear screamed: Ride a little longer~

Lu Yuan glanced down, dry, you are a male bear, scatter your sister’s petite Lu Yuan kicked it to jump aside: “Call the group of the same kind in the valley.” ”


The black bear gets up and runs.

“Lao Lu, you let the bear return to the mountain, be careful that it really shakes the bear!”

“Afraid of a hair, come one to kill one, come two to kill a pair!”

“Look at the old Lu Xiong, I feel that I can too.”

Lu Yuan lifted the earth to extinguish the fire.

At this time, a roaring sound came from afar.

Lu Yuan looked over, and a group of nearly twenty bears rushed towards this side

는Running while “DL.” ”

Lu Yuan looked at the bear that ignited the fire in the front, a little stunned.

What the hell did you do?

No, those more than twenty golden rays are all bears? Wozh, this place is a bear plague!

“Hold the grass, run, Lao Lu, you can’t do this!”

“I said, I must have gone to shake the bear!”

“Cow, cow, ten or twenty heads, Lao Lu, you really can’t run this time.”

“Come here, burn the incense and go again.”

Everyone was dumbfounded, so many bears, the tiger had to be slapped when it came, right? However.

Twenty minutes later.

Lu Yuan got up from a black bear and touched the last bear with love

There are too many bears, delay time, and solve it much better at once.


A few black bears came over and gave him their big heads.


“What the hell?”

“Why is the black bear so weak and can’t help the wind?”

“It’s Lao Lu who is too strong, it’s the first time I’ve seen someone who can fight like this, let’s see which one who doesn’t have long eyes dares to pick Lao Lu peaches.”

“So can bears be so docile?”

“Those who are not docile are all killed by Lao Lu.”

Looking at the appearance of this group of black bears licking dogs one by one, everyone could not understand.

Lu Yuan waved his hand to drive away: “Go around, don’t surround me.” ”

A group of black bears were reluctant and did not dare to approach.

He picked up his hoe and walked around the mountain.

“Lao Lu, why are you going?”

“Doesn’t it mean that there are ancient tombs here?”

“The corpses have all been dug up, and Gu Wish is down there, right?”

Lu Yuan said, “I’ll see if there are robbery holes nearby, and there are robbery holes directly down the robbery holes.” ”

After going around and not finding a robbery hole, Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief: “There is no robbery hole.” ”

He came to stand in front of a golden light and began to dig.


It took about two minutes or so to dig.


The soil below suddenly collapsed downward, and Lu Yuan’s eyes were quick, and he jumped away in one step.

I saw a large pit about 80 centimeters long and wide there.

His face darkened a little.

It was said that there was no robbery, and this is one.

Hit me in the face on the spot?

He walked up, glanced down, and snorted.

“Lao Lu dug a hole to steal a hole?”

“Isn’t there no theft of the hole?”

“Who knows, if it is hundreds of thousands of years of robbery holes, it is normal to bury it.”

“It’s not a robbery.”

Lu Yuan shook his head, squatted on the edge of the pit, put the hoe into the pit, knocked the wall of the pit, and made a turning sound: “It’s in!” ”


“Has anyone lived in this place before?”

“Ancient village, it must be ancient village!”

Lu Yuan didn’t squeak, he didn’t know what the situation was, so it was not good to break the letter.

He opened the soil on the side of the ancient well, revealing the true face of the ancient well.

The wellhead is made of stones and made into a circle, and the bottom cannot be seen from below.

Just now, the soil fell and I didn’t hear the sound of falling water.

He grabbed the clods and threw them down, and in a few moments there was it!

The sound of “clap”. The bottom is dry.

But there is a golden light underneath, what will it be?

Lu Yuan’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, thinking carefully, and at the same time carefully looking at the feng shui pattern of this piece.

The dense place of golden light is the main tomb, and the feng shui flows endlessly.

Furui is located in the northeast and is a symbol of the birth gate.

This is certainly not a robbery hole, and no tomb thief will specifically pile up stones for the robbery hole.

Is it the entrance to the tomb?

He took out the rope and said, “I’ll go down and take a look.” ”

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