Chapter 131 Qin Dynasty Ancient Tomb, Terracotta Army Came Out [1st Change] Ask for self-ordering, ask for monthly passes, ask for flowers!!

Hanging the crane beak hoe on the ancient well, lifting his foot and stepping on it, making sure it was stable enough, Lu Yuan put on the headlamp and slowly slid down the rope.

The ancient well is very deep, and you can’t see the end at a glance.

People with claustrophobia can scare to death at this time.

After descending about twenty meters all the way, Lu Yuan’s ears moved, and he heard a slight movement below.

Continuing down about a meter or so, he noticed that Gu Jin had changed.

From top to bottom, at a distance of about 20 meters, the ancient wells were built with stone barriers, and here, the stone walls were gone, all dirt.

There are also fist-sized holes in the dirt wall, from which snakes creep outward.

It was about Lu Yuan’s appearance that caught the attention of these snakes, and one snake after another crept out of the cave, and its slender body straightened and stretched out of the cave.

The scarlet snake letter kept spitting and trying to get close to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan frowned, grabbed the rope with one hand, pulled out the wild knife with the other, and swung it when he raised it.

Whoops, cut off several snakes that had just drilled out of the cave.

He took the opportunity to descend quickly, so he descended about five meters, and less than half a meter below was the bottom of the ancient well.

Looking down, under the beam of light, there were wriggling snakes at the bottom of the ancient well, which was Lu Yuandu’s scalp numb.

The bottom of the ancient well is full of snakes!

Strips, even many tangled, wriggled at the dark and damp bottom.

The bottom is about five meters up, which is a normal layer of soil, but it is densely packed with snake holes.

“I lean, how can there be snakes under this?”

“And the snake cave.”

“My scalp is numb when I see it!”

Lu Yuan glanced down quickly, and under the light, the gaps exposed when the snakes squirmed, and he saw the bones.

Human bones!

I don’t know how many, he didn’t have time to count them, and he swung his knife again to cut off a few snakes, and immediately climbed up without looking.

Climbing up the cave, Lu Yuan stood by the ancient well, looking at the deep ancient well, and was silent for a long time.

“Ma Ya, this ancient well is really terrifying, I thought there was a baby.”

“These are poisonous snakes, right?”

“At least dozens, isn’t it a baby.”

“Then there must be a life to come up, that is, Lao Lu, another person has been bitten long ago, yes, that is, Lu Yuan.”

Lu Yuan thought for a while, change an ordinary person to go down, the originally normal stone wall ancient well, suddenly turned into ten walls.

One snake after another came out, and it was a mouthful.

Normal people are estimated to be unable to grasp the rope when they encounter this situation, and they will fall down directly

There are still five or six meters below there, and if you fall at this height, you have to break your arms and legs if you don’t die.

There is also a bunch of snakes below, which basically looks like a play.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan’s heart was cold.

He was a little confused, and took a closer look at the feng shui pattern of this place.

No problem, this is indeed a raw door.

“What’s underneath this? Tumulus? Or the ancient village? ”

“It shouldn’t be the ancient village, the ancient village has nothing to do… But the ancient tomb will not get it. ”

Who buried himself and made the door of life and death? Isn’t that redundant?

He looked a hundred meters away at a place where this was the door of death.

It seems to be a door of life, but it is actually a door of death.

If this is an ancient tomb, then the tomb owner has concluded that he will be robbed of the tomb when he dies in the future, and specially made it.

It makes sense to think about it that way.

So, the door of death is actually the door?

Lu Yuan walked towards the door of death, but he still felt a little wrong in his heart.

Such a simple and easy reversal, anyone who knows a little feng shui can understand it.

This prevents loneliness?

Or is it concluded that the tomb robbers will die in the ancient well? Or is it a trick?

Puzzled in his heart, he came to the door of death and observed for a while, and there was no trace of robbery nearby.

It’s not easy to say, does the devil know if this is the same as the ancient well, and an ancient well is also buried?

“Here the door of life and the door of death are determined by the Qi Gate Dun Jia, and the door of life is full of snakes, see what is under the door of death.”

After Lu Yuan said a word, he grabbed the hoe and dug.

This time he was much more cautious, as long as there was a slight mistake below, he could immediately jump and dig for about two minutes, and the soil in front of him really began to sink.

Lu Yuan jumped away and stared at the dirt for more than ten seconds, and when the soil all collapsed, an ancient well exactly like Shengmen appeared.

“There really is a well!”

“This place should not be an ancient tomb, it is estimated that it used to be a village.”

“Lao Lu go down and take a look.”

Lu Yuan had skillfully tied the rope to the hoe and set it on both sides.

This time he learned to be smart and took out the anthelmintic medicine in advance.

However, it is still impossible to prevent.

As soon as this ancient well went down ten meters, the stone walls on both sides had disappeared, turning into snake caves with dense soil walls, and the corners of Lu Yuan’s eyes twitched.

He decisively took out the insect repellent and raised it towards the snake hole.

Then a rapid wriggle sound was heard coming from the cave, and the vipers all ran away.

This thing is really easy to use.

He went all the way down the well, spread medicine all the way, and so he went down more than ten meters, and the situation below was clearly visible.

He sprinkled the insect repellent evenly and watched the poisonous snakes at the bottom of the cave twist wildly, looking for the cave.

After about five minutes, all the vipers disappeared.

“What did Lao Lu use?”


“This thing is an effect cow batch, where did Lao Lu buy it?” Introduce it. ”

Lu Yuan didn’t respond, he loosened the rope, jumped down, stared at the bottom of the cave for a while, and then raised his foot and stepped on it.

Solid, there is nothing like a mechanism.

After observing for a while, making sure that there was nothing underneath, he climbed up.

The door of death, indeed, the door of death.

It’s a big mystery.

The door of life is also the door of death, and the door of death is still the door of death.

So how do you get this place? Can only dig slowly? What is the meaning of the door of life and death?

Below is the ancient village? Not a tomb?

Then the feng shui of this ancient village is too good.

Lu Yuan was puzzled, and returned to the ancient well of Shengmen.

He planned to go down and take a look again, but he was too anxious and inexperienced just now, so he didn’t land to take a closer look.

Since there are two doors of life and death, he feels that it should not be too simple.

He tried to let himself think things in the way of the ancients.

“If I were an ancient person during the Qin Dynasty, I would naturally hope that the tomb robbers would stay here.”

“I found that the door of life was hopeless, and I thought that the door of death was the real door of life, but after going down the door of death, I found that this place was more dangerous, so I preliminarily concluded that this was a murderous tomb.”

“This is just so dangerous at the beginning, and it will only be more dangerous below…”

“It’s logical.”

While deducing, Lu Yuan had already followed the rope to give birth to the door for the second time.

This time it was much faster, the insect repellent was raised, and the poisonous snakes and insects and ants retreated.

After all the poisonous snakes at the bottom left, Lu Yuan carefully avoided the corpses at the bottom of the pit and stepped on the ground.

“Huh? The golden light has not disappeared? ”

The viper ran out, and the golden light was still there.

He pulled apart the bones, and the treasure was not these bones.

“Sure enough, it’s a raw door, damn it, I’m fooled!”

Lu Yuan couldn’t laugh or cry.

You think it’s a door of life, and the result is a door of death, but in fact it’s a door of life! Simple tricks, but people who do not know the truth are played around.

Change an ordinary tomb robber over, after discovering the poisonous snake, the first time is to flee, there will be no mind to explore whether there is a secret passage at the bottom of the ancient well.

He grabbed his hoe and slammed it to his feet.

“Knock knock!”

The corner of Lu Yuan’s mouth hooked a smile: “Brothers, there is a secret passage underneath.” ”

“Can you find this?”

“The strong batch, the second time to go down the ancient well is something I didn’t expect.”

“Don’t tell me that this is also reasoned out?”

Lu Yuan wanted to face, and did not take the credit of the system on himself.

But give him time, he can also reason, and the system scan allows him to save this part of the time.

He dug along his feet, and dug out less than ten centimeters, and with a flick of the bell, he dug up the floor tiles.

“You dug [Ancient Tomb]”

[Ancient tomb]: Attribute: Qin Dynasty. Value: 600 million. Lu Yuan’s eyes shine brightly, it is really a secret passage of the ancient tomb! Qin Dynasty Ancient Tombs, 600 million!

The system valuation has always been conservative, with a valuation of 600 million, and the value below this has at least doubled.

Moreover, I am afraid that this ancient tomb has not encountered tomb thieves.


Lu Yuan smiled, pressed gently against the edge of the floor tile, clicked, and the floor tile was pried up by him.

The headlamp shone a bit, and the hole in the ground sloped down, with complete steps, clearly layered.

He climbed up and picked up two small cans of oxygen cylinders and masks, as well as candles and flashlights.

Then call the general aviation company and ask them to send a hundred oxygen tanks first.

After making the call, Lu Yuan jumped off the ancient well with his equipment.

Returning to the side of the secret passage, Lu Yuan put on a mask, connected the oxygen cylinder, and rubbed his fists and said: “Below this should be an ancient tomb, not an ancient village, follow my perspective, take you to see this ancient tomb!” ”

After saying that, he walked towards the secret passage, not forgetting to sprinkle anthelmintic medicine during the period.

Entering the dark passage, Lu Yuan lit a candle, and before the candle was extinguished, he kept holding it in his hand and walked forward.

The tunnel is surrounded by dirt pits, which look more like escape routes opened by the workers who built the mausoleum.

Lu Yuan estimated that this was the escape channel for the workers, but it was later discovered, and the tomb owner directly sent people to kill all the workers and built an ancient well outside the passage

The bones of the Qin Dynasty he dug up outside were probably the corpses of workers.

There are hundreds of scattered golden rays like that.

The tomb owner is a ruthless man.

Generally, the tomb owner is killed, that is also to kill him in the cemetery or the burial tomb.

But these workers are not even eligible for the grave.

After walking about thirty meters, Lu Yuan walked out of the secret passage.

The flashlight shone around and immediately recognized that this was the cemetery.

Guided by the light, the tomb is about three meters wide and twenty meters long.

He carefully stared at the walls and tops on both sides of the tomb for a long time, making sure that there were no frescoes on them.

A rammed earth-shaped wall behind the tomb also made Lu Yuan feel speechless.

A valuable ancient tomb, the tomb road does not even have a brick, this is not scientific.

The Qin Dynasty and the pre-Qin Dynasty were different, and the tombs of princes and nobles in this era, stone bricks were already common.

Even if it is not comparable to the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, but some areas are paved with stone bricks, it is also the norm, and judging from the tomb alone, Lu Yuan can’t imagine that this will be a Qin Dynasty curtain.

As he walked along the cemetery and reached the end, his mood became more and more strange.

There is no shelter between the tomb and the main chamber, and it is best described as a road leading to Rome.

Can’t read, can’t understand.

With Lu Yuan’s knowledge of archaeological burial, he couldn’t understand this ancient tomb at all.

Every place is challenging Lu Yuan’s profession, and every arrangement is unexpected.

Lu Yuan had given up looking at this ancient tomb with a professional eye, and anyway, he couldn’t understand him standing in the main tomb, slowly sweeping around with a flashlight, and then, ecstasy.

“It’s haired, I saw the terracotta army!”

“This is the ancient tomb of the Qin Dynasty, Lao Lu, you are developed!”

“How much is a terracotta warrior now?”

“The devil knows, the terracotta army has never entered the market.”

“If you really want to sell, one hundred million for a terracotta army is the least!”

“If you can use the terracotta army to accompany the burial, this tomb owner must also be a nobleman, right?”

Everyone was excited, this was the first time they had seen someone find the Qin Dynasty Terracotta Army outside the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

At present, the terracotta warriors and horses unearthed, in addition to the mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, are only the Han Dynasty terracotta army

But regardless of the specifications or fame, it is not as good as the Terracotta Army of the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor, and it is not a level at all.


Lu Yuan couldn’t help but praise.

There are even terracotta warriors here.

It seems that his feng shui is not mistaken, this place is indeed an imperial mausoleum.

It is this specification that exudes a small family atmosphere everywhere.

But no matter what, the funeral goods are always real.

He blew out the candle and walked into the tomb with a flashlight.

The burial chamber is a dome, still rammed earth, and the underground is also rammed earth.

There are not many objects in the tomb, terracotta warriors, beast figurines, pottery, and two wooden boxes.

Four terracotta warriors, one by one, pottery neatly arranged under the walls of the tomb, roughly counted, about a hundred.

In addition, there are four beast figurines.

It’s a pity that I didn’t see the bronze.

Two wooden boxes more than one meter long and half a meter high are arranged and displayed.

The funeral goods are visible at a glance, so much for them.

He walked to the box and opened it, and inside were two full boxes of copper coins.

He picked one up casually: “Qin Banliang.” ”

“I’ll go, so much copper money!”

“This box doesn’t give a billion yuan?”

“Lao Lu, let’s draw the lottery!”

“Is this expensive?”

Lu Yuan casually threw the copper coin back and said, “Whether it is expensive or not depends on the appearance, the font, the weight, and the diameter.” Hundreds of dollars cheaper, tens of thousands more expensive, and millions of better ones. There are relatively few, and there may not be several in this box. ”

Lu Yuan didn’t pay attention to the copper coin, and after entering the tomb, he felt that something was wrong.

Because there is no coffin in the burial chamber.

The place where the coffin should have been placed was empty.

But directly below that location, there was a golden light.

Buried it?

Buried coffins under the burial chamber? What is this custom?

Normally, whether it was the pre-Qin dynasty or the later dynasty, the coffin was placed in the main tomb, and basically I had never seen it buried in the soil of the main curtain.

He did not rush over to dig, but walked around the terracotta warriors and horses and these funeral goods round and round.

“That’s not right.”

Lu Yuan wrinkled his eyebrows and said to himself: “This tomb is not right!” ”

“The terracotta warriors have been dug up, what else do you want?”

“Although there are only four statues, at least four hundred million!”

“There are four more, although they are beasts, but they will not be cheap.”

“Mom, Lao Lu, allow you to pretend, don’t go too far!”

The news of the terracotta warriors dug up here has been simultaneously on the hot search.

The popularity at home and abroad is surprisingly high.

A group of museum people also heard about it and ran over to watch.

The moment I saw the Terracotta Army, my eyes turned red.

The same is true of those who dig for treasure, envy and envy.

To think about the past, but to think about it, is to think about it.

How to get by?

From Lantian County into the mountains, less than half a month.

What, by helicopter? Go crazy.

He dug up the ancient tombs, and now there is a bird for it.

Eating can’t catch up with the heat.

Lu Yuan was still pacing in the tomb, and a series of fragmentary information kept emerging.

The workers buried outside, the secret passage leading to the ancient tomb, the two doors of life and death, the simple cemetery, the simple burial chamber, the simple funeral goods, there is no coffin…

No, very wrong!

At least hundreds of buried workers were buried, and the tombs were not large.

Hundreds of workers built only such mausoleums, which is clearly excessive.

He can understand the secret passage, but there is no obstruction between the secret passage and the tomb road, obviously the tomb owner deliberately did it, what did he want?

Being able to be buried with terracotta warriors and horses cannot be an ordinary person.

But the burial chamber is so rudimentary.

The funeral goods look valuable, but the number is pitiful.

And most importantly, there is no coffin.

The burial chamber has been completed, even topped out, but there is no coffin.


He paused and looked at the terracotta warriors and beast barrels next to him.

He found that the terracotta warriors and beast warriors were placed strangely.

In general, terracotta warriors must have their backs to the coffin.

But these four terracotta warriors are all facing the coffin.

The other four figurines face in three directions.

Lost, so lost.

He crouched down and stared at the beast figurines carefully, his eyes becoming more and more strange.

It’s gluttony!

Gluttony is a ferocious beast, especially in the Qin Dynasty, it is a ferocious beast among ferocious beasts.

The bronze dings of the Qin Dynasty have gluttony, but they are utensils, and they have the meaning of suppression.

Making beast figurines with gluttony alone, this operation Lu Yuan can only say that it is arguous enough, I am afraid that the feng shui here is too good…

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