Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 121 The First Day Of The New Era Military Exhibition

Let Jack keep an eye on the movement of the sea of ​​death.

Team leader John also picked up the phone and took the initiative to report the matter to old man Deng.

Old man Deng has just finished a lot of official duties. Although he imposed a lot of sanctions on Longguo, he knows better than anyone else that those sanctions are useless.

The main reason is that the progress of scientific research in Longguo is really too fast, even beyond their cognition.

If you guessed right, maybe something bad happened at the New Era Military Exhibition.

But these are just unfounded worries.

The old man Deng thought for a while, gritted his teeth again, and calmed down.

But just after the call was connected, the words of Team Leader John made his face extremely ugly.

"What are you doing to give so much money? You can't even do investigations. What use do I need you people?"

Old man Deng's tone was full of anger. Originally, he shouldered a lot of burdens, including his own inner anxiety and oppression.

Seeing that Long Guo is getting stronger than them.

Before long, they might be riding on their heads.

Even if he made a lot of sanctions, so what?

There is no way to solve the problem from the root cause, and now Jack still doesn't know anything.

What exactly are the people of Dragon Kingdom doing in the sea of ​​death, and why are they using intercontinental missiles? What secrets are hidden in the 783? No one can give an answer.

After losing my temper.

The old man Deng gritted his teeth again, and said directly to Team Leader John.

"Do you have any thoughts on this matter?"

Although his attitude is not bad, Team Leader John knows that his words will affect his future career.

Especially every word and deed, we must be cautious, otherwise, if we are a little careless, it will really be a disaster.

"I think that the New Era Army presents a good opportunity. In fact, we don't have to be so afraid at all. After all, the scientific research level of Longguo and those ordinary researchers are just ordinary people who have been caught in the talent market."

When Team Leader John said these words, his face was cautious and nervous.

The old man Deng heard, and the smile on his face spread little by little.

At first, he was still full of anger, but now, he laughed because Team Leader John talked about what made him happy.

And he didn't realize that Team Leader John deliberately said these words in order to draw the topic and prevent him from focusing on the matter of intercontinental missiles.

In fact, the old man Deng was not particularly (cibd) flustered.

Otherwise he wouldn't be able to laugh.

Think of the war machine they developed this time.

The old man Deng couldn't help laughing, and said directly to Team Leader John.

"You are right. Even though those people are smart and capable, they are just individuals. Those people are not willing to accept our high-salary invitation. They insist on staying in the flock and standing out from the flock. It is simply boring!"

Hearing such words, Team Leader John couldn't help being happy, thinking that he had finally made old man Deng happy.

If the old man Deng really keeps pursuing their problems, I'm afraid that the entire FBI will be unable to eat and walk around.

"Yeah, once the war machine we developed this time comes out in the new era military exhibition, everyone will be shocked by it.

In this way, the team leader walked down the pole.

The old man Deng just said a few words to him, then hung up the phone.

There was a smug look on his face, as if no matter what threats were placed in front of him, those things were nothing.

Especially for this war machine, including their purpose this time, he will definitely take advantage of this new era military exhibition to directly question Dragon Kingdom in public, about Dragon Kingdom's possession of controllable nuclear fusion technology, and the conspiracy of deployment orders!

Thinking of this, old man Deng clenched his fists hard.

But on the other side, Lao Mao doesn't know the status of intercontinental missiles, but he has already guessed the controllable nuclear fusion technology of Longguo.

Because of the problem of cleaning the fission power station, he announced that the weapon for this new era military exhibition is a new type of self-propelled tank.

As time went by, soon, the military exhibition of the new era began.

This new era military exhibition has not only been celebrated by the whole country of Dragon Kingdom, but even the people of other countries are excited and looking forward to it.

This time, the military exhibition of the new era will introduce the military exhibition of each country to the people of the world through a global live broadcast.

The CCTV reporter, Wang Bingbing, was in charge of the live broadcast.

When Wang Bingbing appeared under the camera.

Many Long Kingdom viewers who poured into the live broadcast room were all excited to post barrage.

"It's the Bingbing wife we ​​are familiar with again!"

"Ice Stickers!"

"Wow, today's water looks so beautiful!"

"Bing Bing's smile will always be the scorching sun in winter, warming my heart!"

"Bing Bing is really beautiful!"

The bullet screens swiped past one by one. Although I couldn't see the content they posted clearly, what I could feel was that those audiences loved Zhu Bingbing very much.

At this time, Wang Bingbing was holding the microphone and looking at the camera with a smile.

As soon as she opened her mouth, Wang Bingbing showed her iconic sweet smile.

"Hi everyone, I'm Bingbing. I'm very glad to be here at the New Era Military Exhibition, and, as the host, I'd like to introduce you to the military weapons exhibitions of various countries!"

"To be honest, this is the first time I have come into contact with a scene like this, especially this kind of global live broadcast, which really makes people nervous! Of course, what makes people feel more physically nervous should be those military weapons. "

"Wow, through the shells of these military weapons, what we can feel is the shock brought by technology, including the painstaking efforts of researchers working day and night! At this moment, my heart is extremely excited!"

Wang Bingbing said while walking towards the entrance of the New Era Military Exhibition.

Just near the entrance, the audience in the live broadcast room can see the weapons placed on both sides, the shells of those weapons, whether it is the lines or the materials that shape them, in short, at a glance, it gives people a sense of majesty. a feeling of.

Even though they are so cold that people feel a sense of distance, everyone can still feel the power of these weapons.

At this time, during the introduction, Bingbing also explained today's show to the audience.

Even if Wang Bingbing would introduce these weapons to them, he would never reveal anything about the data and performance of the weapons. What he did today was only to introduce and display the products.

Walking into the venue, first of all, there are various colorful flags that can be seen by the eyes.

Those flags represent every country.

When Wang Bingbing looked at those people, he also greeted them warmly. The friendly communication made many viewers feel full of substitution.

But in addition to these friendly exchanges, photographers are also photographing the weapons displayed by various countries. .

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