At the current stage, the weapons everyone takes out are aimed at the whole world and represent their own country's strength and status.

Therefore, even if the weapons placed in the venue are not displayed, under the photography of the live broadcast, the exquisiteness and uniqueness of each weapon is also transmitted to every place and everyone's eyes at this moment.

For example, Japan's robots.

Don't look at him motionless in the corner, the seemingly cute shell is round and smooth, and the lines and radians are also carefully designed. Dry eyes can tell that it is different from other machines.

The cuteness in it can be seen at a glance.

Wang Bingbing thought for a while, walked to the side of the robot decisively, then looked at the camera, and introduced it with a smile on his face.

"The appearance of this robot is very cute, but I heard that it is a combat robot, but it is not limited to this, I heard that it has various performances, and it can also support housework and construction work!"

When it came to this, Wang Bingbing couldn't restrain her ridicule.

"I knew that those people in Japan were the best at studying these things. I didn't expect it to be exactly the same as I guessed. I think it's pretty good just to support housework. As for fighting and so on, let's say goodbye~."

Wang Bingbing smiled softly as she spoke.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard these introductions, they all focused their attention and looked at the robot. Although it seemed ordinary in appearance, it looked a little cute.

But in fact, when this robot is related to the battle, the impression it brings to people will naturally become different.

However, what Wang Bingbing said still attracted many people.

"If you just do housework, then there must be no problem."

"Looking at his round hands and feet, he should be able to do all the housework well.

"That round head should be very smart, if you guessed correctly, you should be very good at thinking.

"It's a pity that I can't see these exhibitions today. I can only watch them through the glass screen. I can't even see the data. What a pity!"

"I also thought it would be great if they could show it right there!"

"But as far as I know, the presentation seems to be the next day."1

The audience in the live broadcast room discussed and sighed with emotion.

Just a robot makes them look forward to it, not to mention the weapons displayed by other countries, and they haven't even started to show it yet.

Thinking of this, the audience hurriedly sent barrage reminders.

"Quickly introduce the military exhibition of the next country."

"Yeah, we can't wait, hurry up and introduce!"

"Although the robot is good, it can't see the specific operation. In fact, it is the same for us. We will definitely give a different reaction when there is a different performance tomorrow.

"Laughing, are there a bunch of fake fans upstairs?!"

"I'm more sincere, Bingbing, take a quick look at what that thing next to you is, it looks very unique? It's so cool too!"

Looking at the urging of those bullet screens, Wang Bingbing couldn't help but smiled, and then walked to the side of the German exhibition stand, on which was a chariot.

Looking at the chariot, Wang Bingbing only thought for a short while before speaking decisively to them.

"This is Germany's display weapon. It's a chariot. The specific purpose and data include operation. These can't be checked until the next day, but we can have a little understanding now!"

While saying these words, Wang Bingbing had already circled the chariot.

"It can be seen that the approximate height of this chariot is five meters, the width is six, and the length is about seven meters. The shape should be made of new steel, but the specifics will have to wait for the release of the data the next day. just got it."

With my own homework and my love over the years.

Wang Bingbing can still give a general idea.

The audience in the live broadcast room felt relish just listening to it.

They are very excited.

"Well done, let's talk a little more.

"Tell me about the other functions of these tanks!"

"This chariot not only looks cool, it seems to have other functions!"

"Aren't those two squares next to cannonballs?"

"If it's a cannonball, wouldn't this chariot be too powerful?"

"But I think it is unrealistic to use new steel. After all, new steel cannot withstand the bombardment of contemporary shells, especially the current mainstream shells."

"I agree with the statement above. It is impossible for the people on the German side to be so perfunctory, especially when it comes to weapons."

...asking for flowers......

"Since they don't skimp on things, what material are these shells made of? It looks like new steel."

"It is estimated that some new steel coatings have been applied."

"It's okay to say that."

When the audience was discussing intensely, Wang Bingbing had already introduced the German chariot.

Although the German chariot is a little cooler, but the specific use process, including its practicality, cannot be seen through the shell. "Song can see a cool sky shell.

Like a large truck, but, among them, the power must be more terrible than a large truck.

While Wang Bingbing was thinking, she unknowingly came to the display stand of her own country.

Looking at the logo and introduction on the display stand, Wang Bingbing was very happy, and immediately squatted down, and then, holding the display frame with both hands, said excitedly.

"Silent drone."

Although Wang Bingbing could understand the specific meaning of these six plain words, wouldn't these six be too stingy?

Anyway, what is the name of the drone, you should also write it down!

Marking six words like this seems too perfunctory.

While Wang Bingbing was thinking, why didn't those audiences think so?

"The shape doesn't look that cool either."

"It seems a bit ordinary."

"Compared with the German chariot, you can still see the gap. Isn't it better to use some new steel coating to make him more cool?"

Looking at those bullet screens, Wang Bingbing thought for a while and said quickly.

"Since it is a silent drone, I think it must be absolutely quiet. Therefore, with some new steel coatings, it can walk at night or during the day.

It's bound to get someone's attention. "

After saying these words, Wang Bingbing looked at the drone in front of him and frowned again, his eyes full of scrutiny.

"Although this unmanned robot looks a bit inconspicuous, it seems to be slightly inferior to the combat weapons on other display stands, but I believe that the more ordinary it is, the more it shows that its capabilities are accumulated over time!"

There was absolute confidence on Wang Bingbing's face.

This is from the confidence given by Long Guo behind him. .

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