Over the years, Wang Bingbing has seen how powerful Longguo's production and scientific research are.

I believe those netizens should be the same.

Sure enough, the barrage quickly followed suit.

"It's definitely not easy."

"I feel so too!"

"This machine looks ordinary, but in fact there must be other mysteries."

Those bullet screens were brushed out one by one.

Wang Bingbing glanced at it, couldn't help laughing slightly, and then looked at the silent robot in front of him and said.

"What is his name anyway?"

After saying this, Wang Bingbing noticed that there were two ministers at the tiger's feet.


After reading these two words, Wang Bingbing said to the audience of the camera with a face full of joy.

"It turns out that the name of this silent robot is Tiger, and the name sounds like "eight five seven"."

Listening to Wang Bingbing's words, many audience members widened their eyes.

"However, I still think this tiger is a bit too ordinary."

"Look what's that over there?"

"The one on the left seems cool."

Under the urging of the audience, Wang Bingbing had no choice but to leave. Originally, he wanted to continue to introduce Tiger, but now, he has come to the display stand of Eagle Sauce.

Because the tiger is an exoskeleton armor, the repercussions it brings are naturally mediocre. Moreover, what the exoskeleton armor represents is naturally fragile and vulnerable. "He can withstand very few serious injuries.

In other words, this tiger is not very useful.

Although Wang Bingbing's words sound nice, everyone is a realistic person.

They can tell at a glance who is the winner in this new era military exhibition.

But more Longguo science and technology fans are still willing to stand on Wang Bingbing's side.

I would rather believe that what Wang Bingbing said is more ordinary and less simple, and I don't want to listen to those netizens' speculation that exoskeleton armor is useless. This kind of nonsense is nonsense to those people.

At this time, Wang Bingbing looked at the super individual armor in front of him, and his eyes were a little more complicated and shocking. Although he was surprised, as a host, he still had some self-cultivation, and soon

Wang Bingbing calmed down.

"This is Eagle Sauce's super individual armor. The name is also not marked, but from his appearance, it can be seen that the weapons behind the super individual armor should be high-tech shells, or some electric cannons."

When introducing this super individual armor.

Wang Bingbing couldn't help but glance at the tiger next to him.

In fact, there is a saying that is not wrong, as long as there is a comparison, there will be harm. Under the comparison between the super individual armor and the tiger, the eyes of the masses are sharp, and they can always tell which is better.

Even if Wang Bingbing wants to stand on the side of her own country, she has to admit that this time the tiger seems to be really not good at it.

But just relying on the first impression and first glance, without even getting the data, it is too frivolous to draw conclusions easily.

After thinking about it, Wang Bingbing erased those thoughts in his mind, and only introduced this super individual armor neatly, even if other thoughts popped up, he didn't think about it carefully.

But those netizens are not safe guys.

"No way, why does this super individual armor feel so much better than Tiger?"

"This is a new era military exhibition, why do those guys seem to be messing around?"

"The group of researchers in Longguo aren't joking, are they?"

"Don't they know what day it is?"

"Why do you want to come up with such a thing?"

"This thing can't be on the stage, isn't it a shame to take it out?"

"Even if it's going to be the finale, isn't it just hanging back like this?"

"Even if there is a wonderful anti-kill, I can't see how far this exoskeleton armor can counter-kill?!"

"Negative Ratings!"

All of a sudden, a large number of negative comments poured into the live broadcast room, whether it was complaints, sarcasm, or belittling and swearing, in short, all kinds of unsightly comments "rushed into Zhu Bingbing's field of vision.

But as a host, he was not used to seeing these things, and soon, Wang Bingbing became immune.

But compared to the violent temper of these audiences.

Wang Bingbing is more stable, and her core is more stable. Instead of explaining redundantly, she introduces other weapons.

In fact, in terms of appearance alone, this tiger is indeed inferior to the super individual armor, because Lin Yuan and the others did not install weapons on it.

If the weapon is installed, the coolness of it will definitely kill the audience, but it will take a lot of time to install the weapon, and these people are still studying the ghost dragon body...

How can there be so much time to install this weapon.

As Lin Yuan said, if you have that kind of thought, you might as well think about how to find a new breakthrough in the ghost dragon body.

At this point, those viewers don't know this yet.

Although Wang Bingbing was introducing those weapons, his mood had already been partially affected by the barrage.

However, except for people with very good relationships who can see that Wang Bingbing's mood is affected, those audiences cannot notice it.

But when Wang Bingbing came to Lao Mao's display stand.

Unexpectedly, there was a self-propelled tank parked there.

Looking at the self-propelled tank, Wang Bingbing couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The appearance of this self-propelled tank looks very cool. Whether it is the radians or the materials used, it is really superb at a glance, as well as their intentions and high technology."

After saying this, Wang Bingbing looked at the camera and smiled again.

"By the way, I'm going to test you next. Have you seen any familiar materials about this self-propelled tank? And some structural mechanics?"

When she said this sentence, Wang Bingbing already had the answer in her heart, but she was just waiting for the audience to answer.

At this time, most of the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned.

Those who scolded more harshly just now are more silent now, because they have very few words to answer.

Basically, being able to scold so cruelly is because I didn't think carefully about the problems inside.

But those who could answer the questions seldom spoke, and Han Bingbing had never even seen their IDs.

But these people are right.

"The material used for this self-propelled tank should be manganese steel. Of course, this is only the outer shell. I can't guess what the inner core is, but according to the traditional tank design, the mechanics of this self-propelled tank violate A lot of structure."

"Mechanically, I can't figure it out either."

"Laughing to death, if you can guess it, then Lao Mao has invited you to design it."

"I feel so too!"

Some people are answering seriously, but some people are mocking seriously.

Looking at those bullet screens, Wang Bingbing couldn't help clenching her fists, but she didn't show anger, but said with a smile. .

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