"Thank you to the netizen whose ID is the grass-eating kitten, for carefully answering the questions for us. If other netizens are also clear about the principle of Lao Mao's self-propelled tank, you can also tell your answer in the barrage in the live broadcast room. "

After saying this, Wang Bingbing smiled calmly again.

"I'm Bingbing, and I'll always pay attention to your barrage. As long as you answer it carefully, you can get a small gift from the backstage. Remember to pay attention to the official logo, and then fill in your contact and address!"

Although Wang Bingbing seems to have just debuted not long ago, after all, she is tender and cute, and she is so charming when she smiles. Many people think that Zhu Bingbing is young.

In fact, Wang Bingbing has been the host for a long time, and the rich experience accumulated in it is enough for Wang Bingbing to deal with the current situation with ease.

But after Wang Bingbing finished speaking, the barrage in the live broadcast room quickly changed direction.

"Since it is a self-propelled tank, I believe that the moment he transforms, he must be extremely cool.

"Why don't you let him transform!" 28

"Show it a little, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"If you have to wait until the next day, it will be too boring!"

"Yeah! Why don't you discuss it with Lao Mao's people, anyway, we have such a good relationship, let us see what their design looks like after this transformation, it should be no problem!"

The bullet screen was brushed over piece by piece.

Wang Bingbing glanced at it, then said with a smile.

"But the first day is only for demonstration, you can't transform, otherwise you will violate the rules, wait for the second day, there will be a competition on the second day, I will definitely not let you down! I use the name Bingbing as a guarantee! "

This made many viewers laugh.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room no longer focused on the matter of transformation.

But when the people on Yingjiang's side saw the tiger, they couldn't help laughing. They whispered together, as if no one could hear them. In fact, people in Longguo could feel their ridicule.

At this time, Dick, the main character representing Eagle Sauce, stepped out decisively, and walked slowly towards the display stand of Dragon Kingdom.

There were people standing beside the display stand, and at this moment, it was Zhao Tiegu standing beside the Longguo display stand.

Seeing Dick approaching, Zhao Tiegu just smiled, trying to be as friendly as possible under the camera.

However, just as Zhao Tiegu showed a smile, Dick stretched out his hand and said.

"Tomorrow, I want to discuss with you about individual armor, you probably won't refuse it?"

Heard Dick's question.

Zhao Tiegu nodded lightly and agreed directly, without even asking the leader behind him for instructions.

In fact, this is a military exhibition in the new era, so it is certain to learn from each other.

Seeing that Zhao Tiegu agreed, Dick couldn't help pointing at the super individual armor behind him.

"See what that thing looks like?"

There was excitement and excitement on his face.

Hearing this question, Zhao Tiegu just smiled perfunctorily. He is not a fool, so why can't he see that this guy is showing off?

Who knew that when Zhao Tiegu opened his mouth, he spoke a few words.

"It's a mule or a donkey. When tomorrow arrives, you'll know when you go out for a walk."

Dick listened, and it took him a long time to realize what it meant, and his face flushed instantly, thinking that Zhao Tiegu disrespected people, and was about to refute, but unexpectedly, Wang Bingbing had already walked to the other side of the display stand.

Seeing this, Dick hurriedly walked towards Wang Bingbing.

Originally, Dick wanted to belittle the tiger of the Dragon Kingdom under the camera of CCTV, and even let Zhao Tiegu show his true colors in front of the camera. It would be better to lose face. Take a breath.

As a result, Zhao Tiegu was a layman.

Wang Bingbing didn't care about it either.

But Dick just caught up with Wang Bingbing.

At this moment, Wang Bingbing was taken aback by what he saw in front of his eyes.

But Dongying Kingdom and Germany, as well as Mao Xiong.

Although the three parties did not stand together, they all came together in their hearts.

When Dick provoked Zhao Tiegu, why didn't they want to exchange ideas?

Let's suppress the arrogance of hostility by using the excuse of sparring.

Better to let the world see how strong their weapons are.

Of course, in addition to weapons, there are also their technologies.

However, before we compete, we still have to see how the struggle between Yingjiang and Longguo is going to be, if the two powerful nations fight regardless of you and me.

Then they have to be more cautious when they do it.

But if two tigers fight each other, one of them will be beaten to the ground.

Then they will definitely not be soft.

While the three parties were calculating, their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

But who will win and who will lose in tomorrow's sparring, in fact, they have already guessed.

It must be Yingjiang who won. The main reason is that the weapon that Longguo showed off this time is really awesome. He even named it Tiger. Those who didn’t know it thought it came from the mountains...

Although the appearance looks cool, but on this kind of stage facing the world's top technological level, no matter how cool it is, it will be slightly inferior in the end. Even if it is an advantage, it will be suppressed in the end.

Since the first impression is lost, it is estimated that other abilities or explosions will not be able to catch up. If they can catch up, why should they be so frugal on this first impression?

While those guys were calculating, they also felt a little more disdain in their hearts.

At this moment, Lin Yuan didn't know what they were thinking.

507 He heard a familiar voice. Originally, like other researchers, he came here to visit.

Originally, he still harbored longing heart.

But after looking at those weapons.

Even if they didn't show it, Lin Yuan has already seen through the strength of these weapons.

Even if there is no specific data, but through the shape of the bones, and the materials used, including the strength and stability of the structural frame.

These things can be seen with the naked eye.

After seeing through these, he felt boring.

Because it was too boring, I was about to leave early.

Although the other researchers couldn't understand his operation, this wasn't the first time, everyone was used to it, and no one chose to mess with Lin Yuan.

But when Lin Yuan heard Wang Bingbing's voice, he subconsciously stopped.

He turned his head to look over, unexpectedly, Wang Bingbing noticed Lin Yuan, and immediately waved to Lin Yuan.

"Hello, do you know what kind of weapon this is?"

Wang Bingbing was a little nervous and helpless.

Rewinding the time to five minutes ago, Wang Bingbing came to the weapons exhibition hall.

The weapons placed here are all the latest models, full of high technology.

When Wang Bingbing was pleasantly surprised by this, he also encountered a ridiculous problem.

That is most of the weapons in it, Wang Bingbing does not know. .

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