Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 125 Is It Necessary To Create Public Opinion?

But those netizens like to chase after Wang Bingbing to ask questions, hoping that Wang Bingbing can answer.

In fact, Wang Bingbing has done countless homework for these weapon displays, and there is no way to understand them.

Now, looking at the weapons in front of him, Wang Bingbing only had helplessness on his face, but fortunately, the audience in the live broadcast room did not keep urging them, but Wang Bingbing was equally curious and couldn't ignore it.

"I know, this is not called an electromagnetic rifle."

Lin Yuan nodded slightly, with a calm face. He has participated in the research, so he naturally understands what is going on with this thing.

When Wang Bingbing heard Lin Yuan's words, her eyes widened immediately, her face full of disbelief.

"Is it convenient to introduce you to the audience friends?"

Looking at the camera next to him, Wang Bingbing is very friendly.

But Lin Yuan shook his head and refused.

"No comment."

On the one hand, it was because his identity was too special, and on the other hand, he said it out, which was nothing more than that, at most it was to attract the attention of those netizens, other than that, there was no other use.

Since it's useless, why bother to spend time on it.

Seeing Lin Yuan's indifference, Wang Bingbing was also stunned, but said it with both laughter and laughter.


After saying these two words, there was no embarrassment on Wang Bingbing's face.

But the major netizens are not ready to let Lin Yuan go easily.

"Doesn't this kid just know the name of this weapon? Is it worth it to fix it there?"

"No comment yet, who does he think he is? Is everyone curious about him?"

"I can't stand his pretentious attitude!"

"Me too, judging by his clothes, he should be just a passing cleaner."

"Since I'm a cleaner, I'm so proud, I don't think I'm superior to others because I can clean here!"

"If this is the case, then this cleaner is really awesome! He looks at people with his nostrils when he walks. w

"But I feel that his conversation doesn't look like a cleaner, maybe some confidential person, and he can't disclose any information to the public〃||。"

"I also think that after all, not only a few of us are watching this live broadcast of the New Era Military Exhibition, but the whole world is watching. If you say your name casually and be remembered and used by interested people, then Isn't it a danger?"

"What the upstairs said makes sense, he may be a secret worker!"

"If it's a confidential person, then everything can be said, but he is really too arrogant.

"Yeah, I've never seen him so arrogant!"

While those bullet screens were swiping past.

There were also comments on the World Forum about the battle between Longguo Tiger and Yingjiang's individual armor, which one will win and which will lose.

"I think Longguo is a bit hypocritical."

"Yeah, looking at Zhao Tiegu's appearance, you know that he probably won't be able to hold on to the situation.

"It's not that Zhao Tiegu can't hold it, but the individual armor that Yingjiang displayed is already strong. Just the invisible aura and aura can make Zhao Tiegu stand!"

"By the way, are Longguo and the others using such a thing to fool people this time?"

"This is a military exhibition in the new era. Are they treating it perfunctorily like this?"

"Who knows? Anyway, there is a reason why Dragon Kingdom's status on the international stage is not high. They asked for it themselves!"

But these remarks are far less than the fuel of the people with good intentions.

When the black hands behind the scenes tried their best to create some public opinion and create opposing topics, two gangs appeared under the obvious dividing line.

Of these two gangs, one is on the side of Ying Jiang, and the other is on the side of Long Guo.

However, these two so-called gangs appeared completely under the control of the black hands behind the scenes. Those people who didn't know it would only lose themselves a little bit when they broke into the discussions of these two gangs, and were finally led by them. Go nose to nose.

"I think the individual armor that Yingjiang researched this time is very cool. Just by looking at the appearance, you can guess his ability and the general battle picture!"

"The tiger in the Dragon Kingdom actually uses exoskeleton armor, isn't that just nonsense?"

"I also think, aren't they joking this time?"

"This time the tiger of the Dragon Kingdom will definitely lose."

"That's right, if they don't lose, it will be too much for heaven!"

Under the traction of these remarks, some people also spontaneously believed that Longguo Tiger is an individual armor that must lose to Yingjiang.

But in another gang, even if there is someone who supports Long Guo, but with the absolute support, once there are voices of doubt, even the person who absolutely supports it will be shaken.

Then, the next so-called absolute support will naturally not exist.

Looking at the public opinion on the Internet, the old man Deng was very happy. He reached out and touched the back of his head, and then looked at the screen next to him, which was the live broadcast of the New Era Military Exhibition for the whole world.

In this new era military exhibition, all he saw was the armed technology of his own country.

The display of armed technology in other countries is not bad, but how can they be qualified to compete with him?!

Because of the manipulation by the black hands behind the scenes, there were more and more rumors on the Internet. Gradually, there were more one-sided comments in Wang Bingbing's live broadcast room.

"..." If I'm not mistaken, a tiger must not be able to do it.

"Let's give up as soon as possible. Tomorrow is sure to lose."

Looking at those bullet screens, Wang Bingbing was confused.

"What give up as soon as possible, what are you talking about?"

However, as soon as Wang Bingbing finished speaking, those enthusiastic netizens launched a fierce explanation, which was nothing more than about Dick's invitation, including Zhao Tiegu's casual response.

Whether it's Zhao Tiegu's attitude or Dick's enthusiasm.

In short, what brought a strong sense of crisis to those netizens, reason told them, who wins and who loses in this discussion, even if it depends on strength, but the strength of Longguo (Qian Zhao) is not strong enough.

After reading those explanations, Wang Bingbing was also stunned. She didn't expect those netizens to belittle Long Guo in this way.

Wouldn't it be too stupid to generalize one-sidedly just because of some gossip?

The thinking of these people is completely led by the nose.

Wang Bingbing, who recognized this, wanted to explain it to the public.

Unexpectedly, before Wang Bingbing could say anything, the voice of the superior came from the headset.

"If the person next to you hasn't left yet, just ask him a few more questions. Ask him if the electromagnetic rifle is a weapon used on the exoskeleton armor?"

When the voice sounded, Wang Bingbing's eyes lit up.

Since everyone thinks that tigers are not strong, let them see how strong they will be after owning an electromagnetic rifle? Hall!

Definitely an explosion!

These netizens must be severely deterred!.

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