"Since you know a little about him, can you tell me whether this electromagnetic rifle can be installed on the exoskeleton armor?"

When asking this question, Wang Bingbing was extraordinarily rigorous, fearing that there might be a slight mistake, after all, what he had to face was audiences from all over the world.

But as soon as these words came out, Lin Yuan laughed.

"The one in the showroom is used by the infantry."

"The weapons on the exoskeleton are better and more powerful."

He answered very seriously.

Wang Bingbing also listened very carefully, but after listening, Wang Bingbing was stunned, but anyway, it is a live broadcast for the whole world, so there must be no mistakes.

With the idea of ​​making no mistakes, Wang Bingbing asked again.

"You seem to know a lot about this.


Lin Yuan nodded slightly.

Seeing Lin Yuan like this, Wang Bingbing said quickly again.

"Then is it convenient for you to introduce the parameters of these weapons?"

After saying this, Wang Bingbing added another sentence.

"It would be best if they could reveal their data in detail."

From beginning to end, Wang Bingbing kept smiling.

When Lin Yuan heard these inquiries about 600, although his face was calm and calm, the barrage in the live broadcast room was a bit unsightly.

But Lin Yuan didn't look at it, but thought carefully before answering Wang Bingbing's question.

"This kid is too good at pretending, right? Look at the way his two eyebrows are wrinkled."

"Also, the way he nodded just now, like an expert, is he really a secret agent?"

"But he is so young, how could he be a confidential person?"

"Me too! Talking about classified personnel is like bullshit."

"If you really want to be a secret officer, you have to be old first, otherwise you are younger than my professor, why do you do secret research?"

"Upstairs is dead laughing."

"Haha, you people are too sour, right? Is it so difficult to admit that others are good?"

"This little brother looks young, but his appearance is absolutely one-on-one. This will kill the inner fish casually!"

"I also think, but if you can make a living in the industry, why do you want to be a bald researcher?"

"Maybe he's not a researcher? He's just a cleaner!"

"As a cleaner, it's normal to know a little about the parameters of weapons, isn't there something wrong?!"

"Of course there's nothing wrong with it, but how can the cleaning staff know so much?"

"It's probably a secret person, but I don't accept it!"

"I'm not convinced either!"

The bullet screens were sent out one by one.

And Lin Yuan just looked at the electromagnetic rifle behind him, and said very calmly.

"During the last test, the rate of fire of this electromagnetic rifle was about 5,000 meters per second, and the material tested was a 10MM thickness homogeneous steel plate target."

"Among them, the gun barrel fired 200 rounds in ten seconds, and after five minutes of continuous firing, the heat of the guide rail had reached 300 degrees, and such a result was only when I tested it last time."

After saying these words, Lin Yuan added another sentence.

"The current parameters should be much better than last time. There must be some improvements. Also, I don't know the specific lifespan of this electromagnetic rifle yet.

His statement is so, it brings a sense of seriousness and responsibility.

But what he said left countless netizens silent.

"He can't be talking nonsense, how can there be such an electromagnetic rifle."

"As far as I know, as far as the electromagnetic rifles in the advanced weapons that have been released so far, even if they are powerful, their disadvantages cannot be ignored, and the rate of fire cannot reach five kilometers per second!"

"This is not a game, how could it be five kilometers per second?"

"I think this cleaning staff is trying to mess things up."

"If it wasn't for messing around, how could he say such things?"

Those netizens sighed with emotion, and at the same time decided that Lin Yuan was joking.

"This kid looks like Zhou Zheng, why is (ciba) talking nonsense?"

"My God, won't his conscience hurt when he talks like this?"

"He must have no conscience!"

"I've never seen anyone like him."

"Me too. Originally, I was quite confident about this electromagnetic rifle. After all, being able to see an electromagnetic rifle belonging to our Dragon Kingdom at the New Era Military Exhibition is something to be proud of."

"But after this brat came out to introduce him, I felt that I had nothing to be proud of. Instead, I felt ashamed. How could he be so good at talking? These reference data must be nonsense!"

"If he didn't talk nonsense, how could there be such terrible and exaggerated statistics in this world?"

"It's probably because of his popularity. You can tell from his appearance that apart from having a slightly better-looking face and being able to eat, his other abilities are really embroidered pillow straw bags!"

"I think this electromagnetic rifle is probably the same as the exoskeleton armor. It's unreliable, absolutely unreliable!"

"I'm so disappointed. This time I watched the New Era Military Exhibition, and I came here for the weapons of our Dragon Kingdom, but this guy made me so sad!"

"I've never seen one as nasty as him."

"Quickly tell him to shut up and stop talking."

"Stay quietly if you can't speak, don't make up those pretentious and fancy things.

"Where's the security guard? Hurry up and get this guy out, don't bring in such dubious people."

Those bullet screens floated out in all kinds of ways.

Lin Yuan didn't look at those bullet screens, but Wang Bingbing did.

Because Lin Yuan had finished answering the data, he simply turned around and left. After all, he was still needed to work elsewhere.

After Lin Yuan left for a long time, Wang Bingbing looked at those bullet screens, and after a while, finally came back to his senses.

Looking at the bullet screen and camera in the live broadcast room, Wang Bingbing opened his mouth, and it took several seconds to suppress the thoughts in his heart.

In order not to bring sensitive topics.

Wang Bingbing ran to introduce other weapons.

The wind direction of the barrage in the live broadcast room has changed.

Everyone started to belittle Longguo.

Even though they were steadfast at the beginning, at this moment, they were all shaken and even dissatisfied because of Lin Yuan's remarks.

"My God, even if the weapons and technological equipment are not good, there is no need to brag, how can this guy be so bragging?"

"From what he knows, he should be a confidential person, but who allowed him to brag like this?"

"He doesn't know that this live broadcast will be broadcast to the whole world."

"He's trying to kill us!"

"It's not just about harming us, it's about pushing all of us into the fire pit."

"I really hate him!"

"This guy is full of nonsense when he opens his mouth."

Those bullet screens were accusing Lin Yuan at the same time. .

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