This time, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't believe that there is such a top-notch weapon in this world.

While Wang Bingbing was shocked, the chariot also drove past slowly.

Not long after, the tiger from the Dragon Kingdom appeared in front of him, and it was the one who made an oolong in the live broadcast yesterday.

Although the oolong was caused by the electromagnetic rifle, Lin Yuan's introduction at the time mentioned the tiger.

So the moment the tiger appears, it also means that the topic will definitely appear.

While Wang Bingbing was thinking, she also gritted her teeth, and decided to use her extraordinary eloquence to quickly bring up what happened last night, and perfectly introduce the tiger's data to all audiences, trying to calm most of the voices as much as possible.

However, these thoughts are limited to before the data is obtained.

After getting the data, Wang Bingbing was completely dumbfounded.

Looking at the content on the data, Wang Bingbing's eyes widened involuntarily, and her hands were shaking slightly.

Because it was a live broadcast, the partner saw that there was something wrong with Wang Bingbing's condition, so he quickly pushed Wang Bingbing's arm to make people recover and continue the live broadcast.

Soon, Wang Bingbing regained consciousness, but her face was full of complexities.

Looking at the live broadcast camera, Wang Bingbing smiled slightly, and directly picked up the brochure in his hand.

At this moment, Wang Bingbing, like the hosts from other countries, had a feeling of incoherence, his eyes were blank, as if he hadn't reacted yet, in short, this appearance of just waking up gave people a feeling of incoherence. Reliable.

At this time, Wang Bingbing was not aware of the problem.

After introducing the tiger's data.

Wang Bingbing's face also gradually became solemn.

Tiger's name is Black Tiger, and Tiger is just a code name.

This is a silent stealth war machine.

He has a series of anti-reconnaissance capabilities such as being absolutely silent, isolating electromagnetic interference, and isolating infrared monitoring. Under the driving of the operator, he can definitely become a ghost in the dark.

Invisibly, take away the head of the enemy general in an instant!

Definitely a perfect weapon!

Among them, energy consumption, armor strength, claw durability and other data are beyond the cognition of most audiences.

After the old man Deng's press conference yesterday, many people have lost confidence in this tiger, and even believe that today must be a shameful meeting. Unexpectedly, today's tiger has refreshed everyone's perception.

Besides, even most of the populace don't believe what they see.

"Is this real or fake W||?"

"Where is such data?"

"I'm not joking, this should be a joke!"

"The special score is as high as 99 points, that is to say, it is only one point away from perfection, but those who develop the tiger "do you really know what is perfection?"

"Upstairs, although I don't know if they understand or not, anyway, I have a lot of requirements for the word perfection, but what is certain is that, in terms of appearance alone, this tiger has reached the level of perfection."

"In addition to the specific points, their overall composite score has reached 100. Is this too exaggerated? Why do I feel that those researchers deliberately exaggerated?"

"In case it's not that powerful, the sparring will start at that time, and it's not a leak?"

"Yes, we will be the ones who will lose face then."

"Forget it, I beg you people, you are not that powerful, so don't write such exaggerated data. y

"Come on, now that I read what you said, I understand it. I was so happy for nothing. I thought this tiger was really capable, but it turned out to be a vain!"

"Forget it, it's nothing to look at, let's introduce other military weapons, I don't want to see the tiger again!"

"Me too, this data is too fake."

Wang Bingbing was in a state of shock, before he recovered, he saw a barrage of black smoke healing Qi.

The spurning and dismissal of those people is always the most hurtful.

Because the initial starting point for the research on these strategic military weapons was originally for the people of the country.

These people sitting on top know better than anyone else that if the weapons in their hands are not strong enough, they are destined to be unable to protect the weak behind them.

But now, they finally developed a batch of powerful military weapons.

But before they had time to show their abilities, those people began to belittle and complain. This behavior is extremely wrong in the final analysis.

Although Wang Bingbing has opinions on this, it is still live broadcast anyway, and it is impossible to directly quarrel with those bullet screens.

It is too irrational to do so, and it will affect the experience of other viewers, and some people's ideas cannot represent everyone.

With this thought in mind, Wang Bingbing began to introduce the next weapon to appear.

Tiger has already passed slowly, except for Zhu Bingbing calmly introducing the next ten weapons.

The other hosts were in a state of shock, and even spoke full of praise to the camera one by one.

"..." Oh my god, isn't this tiger too powerful?"

"If this data is not really in my hands, I will feel like I am dreaming.

"Me too, how can there be such a capable military weapon?!"

"Aren't they kidding? Or is it because I'm not awake?"

Those hosts are hilarious and humorous.

Soon, the atmosphere was turned up by them.

The people of their country are watching with relish.

But there is something wrong with Longguo.

Although most of the people support the tiger, there are still a small number of people who belittle it. They do not recognize or believe it everywhere, and they do not even accept the data this time.

Soon, fierce quarrels among the people began to appear on major social platforms.

"Now we have only introduced tigers. Eagle-chan's individual armor hasn't started yet. What are you arguing about? Tigers are powerful, but are they better than Eagle-chan's individual armor?"

"Don't you guys all forget the press conference of Mr. (No's) head yesterday?"

"If you don't have full confidence, would old man Deng dare to speak such wild words?"

"I'm sure that once Yingjiang's individual armor is taken out, it will definitely shock the audience. You people will have to be refreshed by the wolf wolf!"

"To be honest, don't look at the tigers are very strong now, but after the individual armor comes out for comparison, these so-called strong are just clouds and dogs."

"I also think so."

"Can you stop being so discouraged? After all, it's a weapon of your own country. What's wrong with supporting it? Besides, the fact that the special points can be given so high shows that it must be true. Before the fight started, you just retreated. You people are a bunch of people." coward!"

"The people above are not fools. The special score is so high, it must be because of their ability, otherwise it will be blocked for no reason, so what are the reviewers doing?

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