Let You Do Scientific Research, Why Are They All Invented By The Underworld?

Chapter 131 Absolutely Controversial And Absolutely Bright

"I agree with the statement above, I think tigers are definitely not too bad, but some people's mentality seems to be unable to stand any stimulation, a little bit of shock, the whole person is in a state of being invincible and defeated! "

Most of the people's debates are in the eyes of those people.

But most people choose to face it quietly.

But a small number of people couldn't bear it, so they got up with these guys directly.

But when Eagle Sauce's individual armor came out.

All voices are quiet at this moment.

Those people who were scolding the netizens actually put down their hands and watched the live broadcast quietly, waiting patiently for Yingjiang's individual armor data this time.

If the data really exceeds that of tigers, I am afraid that those people will go crazy.

But if there is no more than a tiger, there are definitely a lot of people who are happy.

But there will still be a small number of people who will sing against it.

No way, this is the trend brought by the crowd.

Most people think that they are the most capable, and what they can see in their eyes is their own speech and thoughts. The persuasion of other people is like floating clouds, and this group of people doesn't take it seriously at all.

387 "What we are seeing now is Yingjiang's super individual exoskeleton armor. Through the shooting of the camera, we can find that the shell of this super individual exoskeleton armor is made of standard steel!"

While saying these words, Wang Bingbing was also looking at the barrage display.

I didn't expect that I had just finished a sentence.

The people in the live broadcast room began to urge Wang Bingbing to introduce the data.

Keep brushing the barrage, asking Wang Bingbing to move faster.

For a while, Wang Bingbing was a little helpless and could only appease the emotions of the people first.

"I will introduce other comprehensive data and special sub-evaluations one by one, so don't worry.

After being appeased and stabilized, Wang Bingbing began to introduce the data of this super individual exoskeleton armor.

The material used for the super individual exoskeleton armor this time is indeed standard steel.

In terms of structure and stability, the principle of not using a single screw or fixer is adopted to achieve the fastening of each joint and each link, so as to ensure that the operator can be more silky when manipulating. Slippery and smooth.

Such a design concept is shocking.

Wang Bingbing was a little sluggish, but still introduced with a calm face.

Apart from these, the energy consumption data of such a super individual exoskeleton armor is actually the same as those of medium-sized trucks!

It saves energy and can fight smoothly!

It is indeed a good weapon!

While Wang Bingbing was thinking, he glanced at the evaluation of special points and comprehensive points.

Unexpectedly, the special score of this super individual exoskeleton armor is as high as 97 points on the average, that is to say, he is not inferior to the tiger at all.

Looking at this average score, Wang Bingbing couldn't help but marvel.

The comprehensive score is even more outrageous, reaching 98 points. Although it is one or two points behind the tiger, it is certain that this super individual exoskeleton armor is really expensive. hard work.

Everyone thinks that Tiger's data is fake.

But now, when Eagle Sauce's super individual exoskeleton armor display begins.

At this moment, those so-called false rumors are also broken.

But there are still some people who don't trust tigers.

They feel that it is impossible for the Dragon Kingdom behind them to develop such a powerful military weapon. It seems normal for those people to lose trust who made yesterday's live broadcast event have such an oolong situation.

At this time, Wang Bingbing looked at the bullet screen, although many bullets were amazed at the tiger's ability.

But there is still a small part of the barrage, which expressed doubts about the tiger's ability, but did not forget to step down on the tiger to praise Gao Yingjiang's individual armor.

This behavior of holding and stepping on is extremely sad.

To some extent, it shows their longing for Ying Jiang, but they can't go to Ying Jiang's place, and they can't be a part of Ying Jiang, they can only step down on the tiger, that is, eat from the bowl, Don't forget to scold your mother.

The sadness of these people also made Wang Bingbing even more indifferent.

At this time, Wang Bingbing was used to the stupidity of those bullet screens, so she simply chose to ignore them, instead of holding her breath and feeling uncomfortable and irritable because of the speeches of these guys.

But when introducing Lao Mao's self-propelled tank.

Wang Bingbing was smiling again, as were the other hosts.

When the hosts saw Lao Mao's self-propelled tank, almost without exception, they all exclaimed.

"Isn't this the Transformers I played with when I was a kid?"

"They actually made something out of the movie."

"My God, this self-propelled tank is so cool, I don't know if the picture I saw is real or fake."

"To be honest, this self-propelled tank has exceeded my imagination in terms of strength and other aspects."

While the hosts were feeling emotional, they all chose to skip, without exception, the comparison between the individual armor of the tiger and the eagle sauce.

They dare not speak, and they dare not judge indiscriminately.

It was mainly the tiger's data that really slapped them in the face.

What I am most afraid of is opening my mouth, failing to speak clearly, and being directly pushed to the top of public opinion. At that time, not only will I lose my job, but I will also become the target of accusations by everyone.

Once they appear on the field, they will be attacked by groups.

This is not a good thing.

Therefore, those hosts chose to be quiet.

Wang Bingbing listened to their words, but smiled faintly, and then, looking at the self-propelled tank beside him, said calmly.

"This self-propelled tank was researched by Lao Mao and the others. I have the specific data. I heard that the height of this self-propelled tank can reach three meters. Although most of the materials consumed in it are standard steel.

"But there are also a small number of materials that are special and rare and expensive. These materials can ensure that self-propelled tanks can run unimpeded, silky as water, and not disturbed by any terrain in rough terrain such as plateaus."

When saying these words, the smile on Wang Bingbing's face was gentle.

And the most amazing thing about this self-propelled tank lies in its own ability, which is naturally his transformation.

It can really turn into a car at once, but each transformation will consume a certain amount of energy.

On the score of energy consumption, Lao Mao and the others gave a very low score.

Just passed the passing line, which is 65.

Looking at the data of 65, Wang Bingbing couldn't help shaking her head slightly, and said bluntly and teasingly.

"If I'm not mistaken, Lao Mao and the others have actually seen the biggest problem of this self-propelled tank. If this huge energy consumption problem can be solved, after all, such a self-propelled tank will not be able to defend or attack. Ability, can definitely become the most shining existence in the audience!".

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