This day is already the fifth day after Lin Yuan was awarded the title.

Zero Research Institute completed the last meeting and finally decided to set up three project teams to deal with the assessment after three months.

The first project, the exoskeleton R&D team and the UAV R&D team, based on high-density hydrogen-ion battery and superalloy technology, developed a silent stealth war machine.

The second project is led by Chu Dingyuan himself, and the individual armor R&D team will jointly develop individual portable artillery.

The third project is that He Kangguo personally led the team, leading Wang Liang and others to develop a new generation of combat uniforms with the decentralized technology of [Ghost Clothes].

During this period, many proposals were proposed, but they were all rejected because they were not novel enough, or the results were not sensational enough.

Only these three projects have high hopes.

However, Lin Yuan, who was highly expected by everyone and might make a move, did not participate in any project development.

This puzzled everyone, and even made some people resentful. Lin Yuan used the best resources, but did not make any effort at the most critical moment of the institute.

However, due to Chu Dingyuan's majesty and status, no one dared to attack.

After the plan was finalized, three teams were established immediately, resource allocation was carried out at the fastest speed, and then intensive preparations began.

The three-month period is either long or short, and they must race against time.


Chu Dingyuan let out a long sigh of relief, walked out of the laboratory, wiped the sweat from his glasses, and was about to go back to the office to rest, but made a detour and came outside Lin Yuan's laboratory.

He didn't open the door, but approached slightly, and heard Lin Yuan's complaints.

"I can't come back during the Chinese New Year. The institute has an urgent task with a three-month project time."

"Okay, I'll go ask."

The phone seemed to be hung up, and Chu Dingyuan was about to open the door, when Lin Yuan opened the door and saw Chu Dingyuan.

"Professor, you heard it all."

Lin Yuan greeted him. In fact, Chu Dingyuan knew it before he even got to the door. Since he used [Candle Dragon's Blood], his five senses have reached the level of the movie "Spiderman".

Not to mention ten meters close to the laboratory, even fifty meters away, he can sense it.

Chu Dingyuan smiled awkwardly: "I was going to check on your study progress, but you happened to be...why, do you want to go back?"

Lin Yuan said bluntly: "I have been here for three years and have not returned. They don't even know what I am doing."

When Chu Dingyuan heard the words, he swallowed the words of persuasion from his throat.

He participated in the nuclear bomb program at that time, and it was exactly three years. When he returned home, his parents almost didn't recognize him as a son.

Chu Dingyuan patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said, "If you want to go back, go back, let them rest assured."

Lin Yuan nodded: "After I come back, I will definitely do serious research!"

Chu Dingyuan smiled and said, "Just don't mess with those underworld things."

Lin Yuan: "That's not necessarily guaranteed."

Chu Dingyuan:...

He sighed: "It's good that you are happy. If you want to go back, you can go with Lao Lin. He will leave No. 0 today. Their research institute and your hometown will stop by. I will approve the note for you."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Lin Yaoguang's team has already conquered some technologies, and they plan to participate in this military industry assessment this time.

In order to keep it secret, they plan to return to their research institute.

Lin Yuan simply packed his luggage and found Lin Yaoguang and his party.

"You should go home?"

Lin Yaoguang asked curiously.

Lin Yuan nodded.

Lin Yaoguang was just surprised, and didn't ask the reason. He smiled and said, "Let's go together. It's only natural that students can help the teacher."

Soon, Lin Yuan followed Lin Yaoguang and his party and left the research institute.

This news was also known by the researchers of the institute.

Immediately, those who had some resentment before immediately stopped in Bengbu.

"Damn it! My five-year period has come, and I can go home this year during the Spring Festival. Now that I'm in the assessment, I can't go back, so why should he go back!"

"That's right! Even if you have excellent abilities, you can't give them such preferential treatment, right?"

"No, I'm going to protest!"

The people on the side stopped him and advised him: "Don't go, Lin Yuan now wants military merits, military ranks, and works. Even if he leaves No. , let's do research and development!"

"Hey, is this a genius?"

"It's okay, if you think about it this way, Wang Liang, who swore at the beginning that Lin Yuan would make a move, isn't the same as us. Do you think it's a bit more balanced?"

"That's right, I feel much more comfortable!"


at the same time.

In the original optical camouflage research and development laboratory, Wang Liang received the news that Lin Yuan had returned home.

"Old Wang, these days, you, Zhang He, Li Guoqiang and the others should not go to the cafeteria. You will probably be ridiculed. We will bring meals for the three of you."

Zheng Rong spoke.

For Lin Yuan's return home, the people in their project team have no complaints. Lin Yuan's ability is completely unnecessary to participate in this assessment, and he has a bigger stage.

Just go home, it's nothing to complain about.

"When Lao Lin was at the top, he didn't go home for three years. I thought it was okay to go back once. These people are just eating carrots and worrying about nothing!"

Wang Liang complained that he was just a little regretful that Lao Lin did not participate in the assessment, otherwise those people would have to shut up honestly.

When Zheng Rong and the others heard the words, they suddenly understood Lin Yuan completely.

The researchers above can actually go home for three days every year. Lin Yuan devoted himself to scientific research and didn't go home for three years.

Now that achievements have been made, if Yi Jin does not return to his hometown, isn’t it just a night walk in Jin Yi?

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