"Hey, Mom! The leader and I have taken leave, and we can come back for three days! We are on our way now!"

"Don't worry, you will definitely come back! Just wait."

"All right, all right, I'll listen to your arrangements!"

"Well, I'm on a plane and it's about to take off, you and Dad just wait."

"That's right! Let Uncle Nine next door come over for dinner, and see if he still says that I won't give you old age."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuan also had a smile on his face. Although he was time-traveling, the feelings of his predecessor were still in his heart.

What's more, Lin Yuan was an orphan in his previous life. During this period of time, his parents' nagging on the phone made him feel the affection he longed for countless days and nights.

He cherishes this hard-won relationship very much.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought you wouldn't smile like that."

Lin Yaoguang, who was sitting opposite Lin Yuan, sighed.

In daily contact, although Lin Yuan can smile, but it is a very official smile, rarely such a smile from the heart.

He even always thinks that Lin Yuan's character may be a little different, otherwise how could he find inspiration from the underworld.

Now it seems that it's not that there is no such thing, it's just that it hasn't been revealed.

"Professor Lin, can't you call your family?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Lin Yaoguang shook his head: "What the hell, old man, my children and daughter-in-law are all gone to Yingjiang, and I'm just a widowed old man. What kind of home do I have? The country is my home!"

Lin Yuan touched his nose: "I'm sorry."

Lin Yaoguang waved his hand: "It's okay, it's all the past, so it's fine, I can see everything."

Lin Yuan didn't pick up on it, and only Lin Yaoguang knew it in his heart.

According to the memory of his predecessor, in the 1990s, after Lin Yaoguang returned to China, he was ready to play for the country.

However, his son was fascinated by the spies sent by Yingjiang, and the FBI spent 5 million dollars to lure Lin Yaoguang's son to settle in Yingjiang, hoping to blackmail Lin Yaoguang to go to Yingjiang.

But Lin Yaoguang refused, and even severed ties with his son.

"Have you not been in touch all these years?"

Lin Yuan asked curiously.

Lin Yaoguang shook his head: "It's good for him and me if you don't contact me, why bother?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Yes, we are no longer in the same position."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the gray-haired old man in front of him, with a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, and somehow said: "Why don't you come to my house? Your surname is also Lin, maybe you can count up, you are really my distant Where is grandpa?"

Lin Yaoguang wanted to refuse, but when he saw Lin Yuan's sincere eyes, he nodded in a mysterious way: "Okay, just go to your kid's house and have a look, really counting your age, you are really my grandson!"

Lin Yuan smiled.

Lin Yaoguang said: "Come on, tell your grandpa about your parents."

Lin Yuan recalled: "My parents are both teachers of Wuli Polytechnic, and they treated me very well..."


"Lin Aiguo! Your son is coming back! Stop reading! Hurry up! Go shopping for me!"

In the staff dormitory of Wugong University, a middle-aged female teacher wearing glasses and dressed intellectually yelled.

Lin Aiguo, who was reading with presbyopic glasses, was taken aback for a moment, put down his glasses, took a sip of tea slowly, then looked at his lover in front of him and said, "You said Xiao Yuan is coming back? Is it true?"

Mu Lianxiu nodded: "Really! Your son said it himself! He just called and is already on the plane."

Lin Aiguole: "The boy is promising, and he still takes the plane? But it's fine to buy vegetables, don't you still have vegetables at home? Just heat it up and it will be fine."

Mu Lianxiu frowned: "Why are you not excited? My son hasn't come back for three years! Why don't you give him a good meal?"

Lin Aiguo waved his hand: "Put it down, I haven't been home for three years, and I haven't eaten any delicacies outside. It's not bad for our family."

Mu Lianxiu put her hands on her hips when she heard the words: "Hey! You are right, this bastard has been away from home for three years, and my mother has class tomorrow, so I can eat leftovers when I go back."

"Oh! By the way, Xiaoyuan also said to call Professor Ge next door to join him. If he came back, Professor Ge wouldn't say that we have no one to take care of us!"

Lin Aiguo said: "Well, I'm afraid that after I tell brother Jiu, other people will know. Our son is very famous."

For Lin Yuan's high school entrance examination, he didn't come to Wugong University to study, and he went to Heigong University. Many colleagues said that he was "naturally rebellious".

After graduating from the black university, they said that they went to work in some research institute, and they didn’t go home for three years. If the government hadn’t been paying wages to go home, they would have thought that the child had been abducted.

But every year when the Lin family celebrates the New Year alone, Lin Yuan's joke about being rebellious is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The single old man with the best relationship next door, Professor Ge Jiu, majoring in Information Technology of Wuli University, is the one who likes to make this joke the most.

Because in the past, Lin Aiguo and his wife often had no one to take care of them, so they angered him to get married, and then "Liang Zi".

Mu Lianxiu looked indifferent: "Just say it, let's scold Xiaoyuan together, and see if he dares not go home in the future."

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