"Oh! I forgot!"

As he said that, Lin Yuan "hastily" turned off the invisibility effect of the ghost clothes, and at the same time dissipated all the ammonia-3 fusion energy he had just collected.

Bursts of green light like will-o'-the-wisps surrounded Lin Yuan.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"This shit is too hell!"

"What research and development, as for this!"

"No, I can't stand it, I'm leaving first!"

"Is this a person? I'll eat it directly!"


All the researchers didn't have time to think about why Lin Yuan was invisible, why he appeared, and what was the cold green around him.

They didn't even react, Lin Yuan only removed the external invisibility of the ghost clothes, and he was still invisible while wearing the ghost clothes.

It just felt tense all over, and the cold sweat flowed out. Some people with low psychological tolerance for ghosts even took three steps and two steps, and left as if fleeing.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Chu Dingyuan asked with a puzzled expression.

"I'm a ghost!"

Lin Yuan tilted his head and said.


This is, a falling sound sounded from the side, and everyone saw that it was Chu Yurong who was sitting on the ground.

I saw that Chu Yurong's face was pale, and she looked at Lin Yuan in horror.

She was so frightened that she just came back from the construction site and was about to take a break when she saw a ghost cloak with nothing inside, tilted her head and said, "I'm a ghost!"

In the past few days, because of Lin Yuan's Heiwuchang underworld incident, she often had nightmares, and even dreamed of the Heiwuchang nuclear bomb, which killed her.

He had some neurasthenia, but now he was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"Miss Chu, are you okay?"

Lin Yuan asked with concern, and even walked forward. The energy wave beside him, followed by potential energy and wind, drifted towards Chu Yurong.



"Don't come here!!!!!!"

Chu Yurong exclaimed, sat on the ground and quickly backed away. The rest of the researchers also looked terrified. At this moment, they realized that there was nothing in the cloak in front of them.

"Why are you afraid of me?"

Lin Yuan spoke again, walking forward while talking.

boom! ! !

In an instant, everyone's heads seemed to explode, and all their sanity was gone, leaving only one word.


In less than ten seconds, only Li Guangrong, who had regained his senses, and Chu Dingyuan, who looked displeased, were left in front of Lin Yuan's dormitory.

"Lin Yuan, please explain!"

Chu Dingyuan asked displeased.

Li Guangrong glanced at Lin Yuan's room, which was full of paintings of all kinds of ghosts, and said seriously: "Don't say it, these are the reasons for you to find inspiration!!!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuan released the internal invisibility, and said seriously: "You two, I'm really looking for inspiration!"

Before Chu Dingyuan could ask, Li Guangrong rubbed his eyes and said, "Why do you feel that your eyes are itchy?"

Lin Yuan hurried forward and said, "Deputy office, Professor Chu, put on this gas mask first, as the surrounding area is surrounded by the fusion gas of the third type of ammonia."

Li Guangrong hastily put on his glasses. He knew ammonia, the warehouse manager had said it was a harmful gas when he came.

Chu Dingyuan also put on his glasses, and he discovered his blind spots as soon as he put them on. He took Lin Yuan's hand and said, "What did you just say? Ammonia? Fusion! Did you create nuclear fusion?"

Lin Yuan shook his head: "How is it possible? The temperature and pressure of ammonia trimerization has exceeded 100 million degrees. I am a quasi-fusion fusion, uncontrollable and uncontrollable."

Chu Dingyuan doubted: "Have you learned all the knowledge I gave you?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "It's not bad, I have some conclusions, so I did a little experiment in the dormitory."

Chu Dingyuan was puzzled: "Then you said you were looking for inspiration, so what's the matter?"

Lin Yuan explained: "Actually, when I was at the top, I always had a dream, that is to create a technological black impermanence!"

"This dream, until I came down, I still haven't forgotten it, whether it's the ecstasy lock or the ghost clothes, they are all my footprints on the way to realize my dream!"

Li Guangrong's mouth was slightly deflated, what kind of dream is this.

Old man, I am most afraid of ghosts, aren't you kicking back at me?

Chu Dingyuan is also a bit big-headed. A genius came to Longguo, but this genius's research and development are all inventions of the underworld!

However, Naihe Hooking Lock and Ghost Clothes were too fragrant, and he couldn't refuse.

He could only ask: "And then?"

Lin Yuan said: "Spiritual events such as ghosts, according to scientific explanations, are electromagnetic phenomena. Ghosts get on the body, the soul leaves the body, and these phenomena can be realized by relying on consciousness transcoding."

"Actually, I have high hopes for the Ecstasy Lock, but the energy provided by the solid-state hydrogen battery is still not enough. I am thinking that if it is nuclear energy, it may be able to solve this problem."

"As the eighth master, Hei Wuchang is a servant with status in the underworld. He must have a lot of ghost skills. Naturally, he also needs huge energy support."

Chu Dingyuan realized: "So, you want to engage in nuclear fusion?"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Yes, if you give me nuclear fusion, I can really create a black impermanence."

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